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Ye Big Movie thread

#421 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 01:50 AM

I have been accused of having a dry or English sense of humor. I took offense to the English part. Posted Image

I don't remember why I hated Red Dwarf. I think it was the low production value, annoying wackiness, boring stories, and the painful themes of loneliness and isolation. It may have been funny but for some reason I remember the acting to be hammy and the Odd Couple bits not quite up to par.

Anyway, I laughed my ass off at episodes of Mr. Bean, Absolutely Fabulous, The Office, and certain bits from Monty Python (like every sketch comedy show, there's a ton of filler or in the case of The Ben Stiller Show and the first 2 seasons of Mr. Show all filler.)

The main show that I am curious about is The Young Ones.

#422 Guest_Molly Bloom_*

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:00 AM

I just finished watching Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Gene Wilder was so funny in that movie. It amazes me how he can keep a straight face while saying/doing the things that he does. And it never fails...I always tear up at the end when Charlie gives Mr. Wonka back the everlasting Gobstopper. /sniff

#423 Guest_Falco_*

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Posted 10 September 2004 - 11:28 PM

Yeah, I've just finished watching the first season of WWing on DVD, and am most sad to hear (from others as well) that it goes downhill in the future. And that Aaron Sorkin, who joins Joss Whedon in my TV-writers pantheon, will has left with personal problems. Damn why it can't it just go on forever? Posted Image

Yeah, I'm thinking of going to see this documentary called 'Corporation' thats just been releeased here. Its supposed to be really good, but also almost 2 hours long Posted Image ...

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Posted 18 July 2004 - 01:30 PM

I just saw "The Clearing" starring Robert Redford, Willem Dafoe, and Helen Mirren. Excellent movie. Quite the suspense thriller. I give it two Canuck thumbs up! Posted Image

#425 Guest_fortrip_*

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 03:59 PM

Ive seen a few fims recently

Team America- had some funny buts in it, but not enough. I found it a little slow.

The punisher- Makes Commando look like shakespeare, buy this for someone you really hate.

Bourne Supremacy- good but i had ppl walking around and talking when i was watching so i couldnt get in to it.

Ginger snaps unleashed- a very good movie (im a sucker for a good horror flick) well acted and written, could have down with a little more wolf but i would reccomend it.

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Posted 23 July 2004 - 04:58 PM

errrr dark...hate to burst your bubble but I watched hero last year and it stinks.... bad.....not enough action for an action flick and too little story for a serious piece....

#427 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 13 September 2004 - 10:10 AM

Something like that, but they keep ghostwriting books by him with other authors, with his name still huge on the cover, so it's easy to have missed his passing.

- Abyss, The Canadian Brewmeisterist.

#428 Guest__*

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 01:17 PM

AvP+Posted Image=Good times!!!

Hey dark daze how about you quote me next time Posted Image, bah plagerizer's (sp?) Posted Image.

#429 Guest__*

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Posted 05 July 2004 - 05:11 PM

(Kick's Nom's ass, AGAIN Posted Image)

I just think it needed a bigger budget. Only thing I was really dissapointed in was the fight Raze had with the vampire with the whips. That could have TOTALLY ruled! Unfortunatley it was just an amusing interlude Posted Image. And yeah Bill Nighy was cool as Victor Posted Image.


You beat me too it Posted Image. . . Thou I didn't wanna repost that pic. . .

#430 Guest_LooseCannon_*

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Posted 06 July 2004 - 05:19 PM

I find it ironic how their main selling point about King Arthur is that it is supposed to be the "real version" without all the fantasy elements. So what do they do? They attach Jerry "Armageddon" Bruckheimer to the project and throw Guinevere in a leather bikini (not that there is anything wrong with that!). I am truly surprised that Orlando Bloom isn't in this. Arrghh, I can just imagine the gruesome one-liners that will be said in this movie. Hopefully they prove me wrong but Bruckheimer has yet to do that.

#431 User is offline   Iron Bars 

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Posted 06 July 2004 - 07:12 AM

The first 10 episodes of Trigun are good than the story gets on the way and it sinks in a bit. Its like Cyandor said without the brother bit I think or I havent gotten that far yet.

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Posted 03 October 2004 - 09:37 AM

Looks pretty cool. I'm still leery of Colin Farell as Alexander but Val Kilmer looked wicked as Philip. Posted Image

#433 Guest_fortrip_*

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 04:44 AM

I have a soft spot for dodgy horror movies so i quite enjoyed ghost ship, i also watched Gothika over the weekend which is just a bad film, instead of going for the cheesy story lines and gorey effects theyve tried to make a kind of suspense thriller thing and it just fails miserably (ghost ship, 13 ghosts and gothika are all made by black castle)

Also watched I, robot which was OK only for the robot fighting scenes which looked cool.

I agree about the scary movie films, the first had some laughs the second was appallingly bad and i didnt bother with the third.

Waiting (not quite) patiently for my copy of Dawn of the Dead on DVd (it was supposed to be out at the beginning of last month) Now thats how to make a zombie film!!!

#434 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 08:16 AM

Right i watched:

The Manchurian Candidate

Solid directing/acting, weak script. The manchrian company hardly featured at all. They shoulda called it "The Power-Hungry Motgher's Candidate".

After the sunset

Decent comedy-action flick with a plothole you could fly an airplane through. Still, its got salma hayek in it. *drools*

The Incredibles

INCREDIBLE! Together with Shrek, the best CGI movie i have ever seen.

Tale of Two Sisters

Great, but i didnt understand the ending.

#435 Guest_Sha'ik Reborn_*

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Posted 15 January 2005 - 06:36 AM

watched the others and i almost shat myself!!
Hellboy was good aswell, but i have a feeling that everyone is gonna poo-poo it
saw a clip of alexander, and my theory is that they shouldnt have bothered with the accent, i thought that angelina jolie was doing a dracula accent. it was wrong, soo wrong

#436 User is offline   RodeoRanch 

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Posted 17 July 2004 - 01:46 PM

I watched "Timeline" and "Pitch Black" as of late. I enjoyed both.

I understand Timeline was savaged by the critics but I liked it.

Pitch Black was pretty damn cool and miles better than "Chronicles of Riddick."

#437 Guest_Rallick Nom_*

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Posted 21 July 2004 - 07:53 AM

Once Upon a Time in America is a superb film, but it really does run a little long.

Also, Affleck is much better than he's given credit for. I feel that he was absolutely brilliant in Chasing Amy, and despite the fact that he did a few popcorn flicks, he should be given a little more respect.

Also, Williams is a fine actor. Check out The Fisher King.

#438 Guest_fortrip_*

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 04:38 AM

You hated red dwarf but liked mr bean????? i dont know how thats possible but OK. Rowan atkinson who played mr bean is the lead in black adder, however it is a completly different character.

Personally i hated the young ones, but if your interested in that you should probably also see if you can find bottom, which has three of the guys from the young ones but is far superior.

#439 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 01:08 AM

After seeing A Bridge over The River Qwai, I didn't think war movies could get any better. Then I saw MASH...

FLCL aka Fully Cool and aka Furi Kuri is about to join Serial Experiment Lain as one of my favorite anime series of all time. A review on the internet described it as a cross between NieA_7 and SoulTaker. I have no idea what means, except I have two new anime series to rent.

House of Sand and Fog is a great film. A lot of you won't like it though because it is an intelligent film and not a mindless action flick like Hellboy (haven't seen it yet.)
Speaking of mindless action flicks, I too really like the Blade sequel.

And as long as I'm speaking of sequels, I heard there was a sequel to Battle Royale...must get.

Finally I saw Rio Bravo for the first time. The Good the Bad and the Ugly is still my favorite western, but I can see why Tarantino likes this movie so much.

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Posted 03 April 2005 - 01:18 PM

Drinking for the sake of drinking however Posted Image

@Yellow - You have to tell what possible made you find any enjoyment in sky captain.. It's in my list of movies i'll never ever watch again.
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