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Ye Big Movie thread

#801 Guest_Soulking_*

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Posted 19 July 2005 - 06:03 AM

Speaking of movies, I just saw the biggest piece of steaming dog crap that has ever graced film.

Without further adieu....CHEATS

This supposed comedy was highly recommended to me by a buddy who equivelated it too the instant classic Napolean Dynamite.

All I can say is stay away at all costs or your taking your intelligence and sanity into your own hands.

Consider it a warning

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Posted 15 April 2005 - 02:41 PM

His name was Radagast, iirc, but my reference was to the plotting in the films and not the book. Ah well, the bus would serve too
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#803 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 15 April 2005 - 08:33 AM

I'd have killed Isildur as well. Bloody moron.

I think the only reference to the brown wizard (Baragast the Brown, I think his name was), was that he was the guy who told Gandalf to go to Isengard, so Gandalf wasn't sure if he could trust him any more or not.

Not sure if there's a connection to the eagles - it was a while ago Posted Image

If it was me, I'd have just taken the number 23 bus to the crack of mount dhoom (or whatever). It goes virtually to the doorstep and it would have only taken about half an hour or so.
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Posted 25 April 2005 - 08:04 AM

I saw "The Notebook" this weekend in the company of females. A weepy, super sentimental tear jerker designed solely to tug at the heart strings and yet despite knowing it was designed exactly to do that, it got to me. I'm such a damned wuss when it comes to romance movies.

And Rachel McAdams is stunningly hot. Woof!

#805 User is offline   fan_83 

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Posted 22 July 2005 - 12:35 PM

watched fantastic four... good popcorn movie...

worth watchign for albe Posted Image

#806 User is offline   fan_83 

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 04:12 PM

saw abtman begins as well....great stuff

my one problem.. whats the point of katie holmes ??

eye candy.. theres better
actress.. theres better too
so what is she on for ??>?

#807 User is offline   Mezla PigDog 

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Posted 13 June 2005 - 08:30 AM

Haha, everyone I've spoken to that has seen Sin City said "It's sh1te, but it looks great". I still want to see it though *shrug*
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#808 User is offline   Tenaka Khan 

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Posted 22 July 2005 - 12:50 PM

Yep, she was also my highlight in Sin City Posted Image

#809 Guest_Slowkat_*

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Posted 28 June 2005 - 06:08 AM

this month has been a movie spree! Watched The Machinist last night and couldn't help but think...

...that I was watching Fight Club. I was disappointed. I had built the movie up in my mind to be original. Instead it makes me think if Momento (which i havent seen) and fight club got together this would be what came out. Oh well there were some quotables in it like, "there must be a hole in this glass!". Cheese I know, but it's a new one in my books :p

#810 Guest_cjd262e_*

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Posted 10 June 2005 - 06:56 PM

I saw a screening of Batman Begins last week. I wasn't too excited about it, (hangover from Ahhnold in the last Batman I saw) but it ended up being great. I would recommend checking it out. I am also a big Liam fan, and I thought the main character...can't remember his name, the guy from America Psycho, was pretty good as Batman.

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Posted 12 June 2005 - 04:05 AM

There is nothing wrong with the term "babe", it is meant as an endearment, not an insult. Sheesh, you young uns Posted Image

@Yellow - I can only advise you to save your money for I saw it last night and it really is a great big steaming pile of dinosaur poo. Lots of very luverly ladies, my, oh indeed, but beyond that...fairly poor, and the dialogue was inspired by George Lucas
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#812 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 09 May 2005 - 08:31 AM

Well, the way it looks in the movie it seems like he thought he could help more people by going into politics.

And he was rather good at guerilla warfare i'd say. He did conquer/free cuba after all.

#813 Guest_Slowkat_*

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Posted 30 June 2005 - 08:40 PM

Since it's been a pretty lame week, I've seen a bunch of movies. War of the worlds. Little kids are ANNOYING. Especially when they're screaming in high pitched little girl screetches. Ah well, other than that, since i haven't read the book I enjoyed the movie. I knew water had to be involved somehow but when i saw the vines dying on the statue and the birds above the machine, all i could think was, "their weakness is bird****?"

Then I watched a Series of Unfortunate Events. LAME. Oh so bad. Maybe good for kids... isnt it a book? I thought it would be funnier, too bad. It's always a toss up with Carrie.

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 04:38 AM

Also the Lone Wolf and Cub = blood, gore, more blood etc.

SPOILERS! coming about the movie Flesh + Blood.

Watched Flesh and Blood. It seems that Verhoeven wants to show the worst sides of men in his films. Cruelty, betrayal, torture, rape and so on.
Flesh and Blood is said to be realistic. Yes, there is no LotR-like romantic scenes of bravery, leadership, good wins bad...No, in this movie there are no good guys.

A brief summary of the plot: Western Europe, Middle Ages. A mercenary company, which has been fooled by its former employer, seeks for revenge. And the key to revenge just might be a princess who is supposed to be married to the son of the Lord that betrayed the mercenaries. So, upon being kidnapped the princess must learn how to survive in the company of violent and bloodthirsty barbarians, who take what they want. Woman is man's doom...

There are certainly some scenes in the movie, in which Verhoeven creates a disturbing conflict between beautiful and ugly, good and bad (what is the word in english? Disgusting realism?). For example:
- a young couple fall in love, they are sitting under two hanged, rotting corpses
- an army has occupied a city, and in the chaos, a soldier is raping a townswoman, while a mercenary's little boy steals the woman's earring and takes it to his mother, who says: "Get the other one too!"
- the outcast mercenary company believe they are being lead by a wooden statue of Saint Martin, and while following, commit awful crimes in the name of the saint. At some point one of the mercenaries' women says: "God is with us, not them!"
- in the end of the movie, the priest of the mercenaries is impaled by the falling statue of his patron, Saint Martin.

Yes, I recommend this movie, the plot is nice, the acting too, and the movie's artistic qualities are refreshing.

Verhoeven + Rutger Hauer + Jennifer Jason Leigh = Enjoyable!

#815 Guest_Dark Daze_*

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Posted 25 May 2005 - 04:57 PM

I already saw Kingdom of Heaven. It was watchable.

Hitchhikers was watchable too I guess, but without the humor of the book all you have left is a poorly plotted sci fi story.

As for Star Wars what can I say? I am no longer amused by the spectacle (I'd rather watch candy kids play with glow sticks) and Lucas lacks the gifts of depth, insight, and the ability to write entertaining dialogue.

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Posted 22 July 2005 - 02:08 PM

I just thought the ending was so quick. One fight and bam its over. when the movie kept going after I expected their had to be more but no the credits rolled

#817 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 11 April 2005 - 04:17 AM

saw sahara, actually enjoyed it despite the mediocre source material. best change from the book- didnt let clive cussler have his treasure hunter part. what is it with that guy and appearing in every novel.

overall nice way to waste a few hours, harmless enjoyable and funny. penelope was damn easy on the eye and my girlfriend looked dreamy everytime matthew had his top off so i guess its fair that way, except penelope should of had her top off to even it out, that would of made it a great moviePosted Image

#818 User is offline   drinksinbars 

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 06:41 AM

saw casshern last night.

thats all i can say about it. worth watching if you want to feel your brain melt at random intervals. ithink when i was younger i might have understood it, but im to old and bitter to grasp the finer points of lunacyPosted Image nice sound though, got a 5.1 system there and all my movies are being rewatched. well worth 30squidPosted Image

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Posted 08 April 2005 - 10:24 AM

Saw Battle Royale yesterday. That's one strange movie, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Going to see if I can find the book somewhere, heard it's better.

#820 User is offline   Tenaka Khan 

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Posted 22 July 2005 - 05:44 AM

@Dagger: I've just watched 'On Guard' again. I guess my memory played a trick on me, the fight scenes are good, but not as realistc and not as bloody as I remembered them. Must be getting old Posted Image It still is a really entertaining movie though, charming actors, funny dialogues and some nice swordplay. If you are not looking for a deadly serious cloak&dagger film, I can recommend it.

My favourite line/scene: "Who are you?! Fight for your lif.., aargh!" Posted Image

About Sin City: It was an experience, that's for sure. Kind of hypnotic, you just sit there and could watch it for hours. Kudos for the visual style. But when I started to watch it for a second time, I couldn't really finish it. If it is entertainement, it is sick entertainement (but I kinda liked it... Posted Image).

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