Ye Big Movie thread
Posted 13 May 2005 - 01:10 AM
Yes, and there is going to be a new He-Man movie too.
#703 Guest_Fool_*
Posted 10 May 2005 - 03:31 AM
Its way worse than south park.
At least in south park the vulgarities were poking fun at something. In team america they were just vulgar.
At least in south park the vulgarities were poking fun at something. In team america they were just vulgar.
Posted 24 June 2005 - 11:50 AM
I just like that they've finally got Batman walking that thin line. His final line to Ra's..
"I'm not going to kill you...but I don't have to save you." That was perfect.
And where did they film this, Alaska? Katie Holmes was just visibly cold in those last scenes.
"I'm not going to kill you...but I don't have to save you." That was perfect.
And where did they film this, Alaska? Katie Holmes was just visibly cold in those last scenes.
"I can see my days of not taking you seriously are coming to a middle." - Mal Reynolds
Posted 09 June 2005 - 03:22 PM
Anyone know who the bad guy will be in Batman Begins?
Victory is mine!
#707 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 18 April 2005 - 11:22 AM
Riki Oh Ricky is another gory great (outside of horror, of course.)
How many kung fu prison movies have guys removing their glass eye so that they can eat candy hidden inside their head? How many live action movies have kung fu fighter punching a guy till his head explodes?
James Cameron is going to adapt the Battle Angel magna into a live action movie. The anime was pretty cool.
How many kung fu prison movies have guys removing their glass eye so that they can eat candy hidden inside their head? How many live action movies have kung fu fighter punching a guy till his head explodes?
James Cameron is going to adapt the Battle Angel magna into a live action movie. The anime was pretty cool.
Posted 09 July 2005 - 06:30 PM
Saw Sin City over here and enjoyed it. Not your run of the mill fare. I haven't read the comics, so I can't vouch for their adherence to the material. However, I found the cinematograghy to be very good. It's a bloody, gory type of flick, with love story, and a bad guy. If that's your thing I think you'll like it too. Oh, yeah Landlady rules! LIONS ROAR!
#709 Guest_Duiker_*
Posted 22 July 2005 - 02:52 PM
Just saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Was fun, especially the very quirky Depp-as-Wonka. The visuals were stunning and the kids uber-annoying (which they're supposed to be, so good acting by them).
Was fun, especially the very quirky Depp-as-Wonka. The visuals were stunning and the kids uber-annoying (which they're supposed to be, so good acting by them).
Posted 18 June 2005 - 03:30 AM
but.. she didn;t act taht well and her lines are so limited that we could just cut her out and no one would notice... well except fro teh slapping part and the nipple show in the last shots.....
Posted 09 July 2005 - 01:03 AM
I've just bought Equilibrium at a sale and i gotta say I really liked the movie. Good balance between the development of the character and cool action sequences. Definitely worth watching.

I need your help here guys... twould be great if someone could tell me the title of the following movie or direct me somwhere where I might find with some research (just spent half about an hour searching the web, grrr). A couple of years ago I saw a french cloak and dagger movie. I don't remember toomuch of the plot. There was something about rivalling epee schools, a daughter and so no. Sorry, I know that's pretty vague
Anyhow, the main reason why I remember this movie are the fencing scenes, which blew me away. I've never seen any fencing in a cloak and dagger movie that was so realistic and aslo pretty bloody. The main characters' signature move - he was a master of the blade btw - was to stab his opponents directly into the brain via a spot between the eyebrows.
It would be great if you could help me find it, it's bugging me for a while that I don't remember the title, and I'd like to watch that movie again. Thanks in advance

I need your help here guys... twould be great if someone could tell me the title of the following movie or direct me somwhere where I might find with some research (just spent half about an hour searching the web, grrr). A couple of years ago I saw a french cloak and dagger movie. I don't remember toomuch of the plot. There was something about rivalling epee schools, a daughter and so no. Sorry, I know that's pretty vague

It would be great if you could help me find it, it's bugging me for a while that I don't remember the title, and I'd like to watch that movie again. Thanks in advance

Posted 22 July 2005 - 01:20 PM
God, F4 was dire. Like, really, really bad. The direction was bad, with weird, brutal cuts that served no purpose, and the Invisible Girl and Mr. Fantastic Characters were just so boring.
*possible spoilers*
The whole bit with the Thing's wife was lame. One moment she says how they'd be together forever, the next she's throwing away her wedding ring because he's not pretty any more.
And what the hell were they ALL doing on that bridge? How convenient was that? The bridge closes down cos the Thing causes an accident, and it JUST SO HAPPENS that the other three, plus the Thing's wife, are all on the bridge AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME. Please.
The guy from Nip/Tuck was good until he got into the costume, and then he was just rubbish and had no presence, just a smooth voice. And how convenient that his corporate icon was an iron mask (one that fit his face perfectly). Can you really see Microsoft or Virgin having an iron mask as their slogon? What if he'd owned McDonald's? Would he have had to make do with a cap?
And there wasn't even any fight scenes until the end!
Maybe the sequel will be better, but it'd have to be REALLY f*cking good to wipe that travesty from my memory.
*possible spoilers*
The whole bit with the Thing's wife was lame. One moment she says how they'd be together forever, the next she's throwing away her wedding ring because he's not pretty any more.
And what the hell were they ALL doing on that bridge? How convenient was that? The bridge closes down cos the Thing causes an accident, and it JUST SO HAPPENS that the other three, plus the Thing's wife, are all on the bridge AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME. Please.
The guy from Nip/Tuck was good until he got into the costume, and then he was just rubbish and had no presence, just a smooth voice. And how convenient that his corporate icon was an iron mask (one that fit his face perfectly). Can you really see Microsoft or Virgin having an iron mask as their slogon? What if he'd owned McDonald's? Would he have had to make do with a cap?
And there wasn't even any fight scenes until the end!
Maybe the sequel will be better, but it'd have to be REALLY f*cking good to wipe that travesty from my memory.
Don't fuck with the Culture.
Posted 16 April 2005 - 03:41 AM
Yes, Paul Verhoeven's films tend to be quite gory, like Robocop and Starship Troopers. In Troopers there is the great scene of war propaganda against the 'bugs', where 'even the children are doing their share' = trampling on small beetles!
Just bought Verhoeven's first Hollywood-film Flesh and Blood, that tells the tale of a mercenary company in the 'Dark Ages' of Europe. Read a some comments of it at IMDB, and the film was praised to be quite realistic. Starring Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Just bought Verhoeven's first Hollywood-film Flesh and Blood, that tells the tale of a mercenary company in the 'Dark Ages' of Europe. Read a some comments of it at IMDB, and the film was praised to be quite realistic. Starring Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Posted 18 June 2005 - 07:38 AM
You need Katie Holmes because if it had been Natalie Portman as originaly intended she would have stolen the film away from Christian Bale like she does to everyone else.
I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.
#715 Guest_Dark Daze_*
Posted 21 April 2005 - 09:22 PM
Recent Movies
Asian Epics:
Musa the Warrior - "Korean Braveheart" Most expensive film in Korean history. (60 mil?) Kinda cool. Better than Troy.
Legend of Suriyothai - "Thai Braveheart" Most expensive film in Thai history. (20 mil?) The region 2 version has 40 more minutes than the version released by Francis Ford Coppola in the US. A 16th century Thai civil war and Thai/Cambodian war. Kind of dry, but still, much better than Troy. (The fights are gory and brutal, but not as cool as in Saving Private Ryan.)
Warriors of Heaven and Earth - Chinese epic. Don't remember what it was about it because I hated it. Got some good reviews though.
Violent Japanese youth movies (but not violence for the sake of violence):
Madness in Bloom - Remniscent of Clockwork Orange because of the gangs of street kids but completely different. These kids have a nationalistic ideology and a sense of morality. They are still violent as hell. Very cool despite the poor subtitles.
Blue Spring: Movie where power structure of a school is based on a unique chicken game. The kids hang on a rooftop fence and whoever can clap his hands the highest number of times without plummeting to his death is the head of the school. Another very cool movie. Like Madness in Bloom, the violence is contrasted with the beautiful backgrounds of cherry trees.
Asian Epics:
Musa the Warrior - "Korean Braveheart" Most expensive film in Korean history. (60 mil?) Kinda cool. Better than Troy.
Legend of Suriyothai - "Thai Braveheart" Most expensive film in Thai history. (20 mil?) The region 2 version has 40 more minutes than the version released by Francis Ford Coppola in the US. A 16th century Thai civil war and Thai/Cambodian war. Kind of dry, but still, much better than Troy. (The fights are gory and brutal, but not as cool as in Saving Private Ryan.)
Warriors of Heaven and Earth - Chinese epic. Don't remember what it was about it because I hated it. Got some good reviews though.
Violent Japanese youth movies (but not violence for the sake of violence):
Madness in Bloom - Remniscent of Clockwork Orange because of the gangs of street kids but completely different. These kids have a nationalistic ideology and a sense of morality. They are still violent as hell. Very cool despite the poor subtitles.
Blue Spring: Movie where power structure of a school is based on a unique chicken game. The kids hang on a rooftop fence and whoever can clap his hands the highest number of times without plummeting to his death is the head of the school. Another very cool movie. Like Madness in Bloom, the violence is contrasted with the beautiful backgrounds of cherry trees.
Posted 07 April 2005 - 01:24 AM
quote:Originally posted by Morgoth:
@Yellow - You have to tell what possible made you find any enjoyment in sky captain.. It's in my list of movies i'll never ever watch again.
It's hard to say. I think it was more the absence of things I hated rather than the abundance of things I liked

I remember while watching it thinking, "Oh, no - now this is the point in the movie where this annoying thing is going to happen" or "he's gonna come out with a horrible cliche now" etc. But it never did turn into the train wreck I was expecting, which kind of left me pleasantly surprised. So because it wasn't as bad as I'd feared, it sort of left a good impression on me. Normally, I can spot the cheesy line/cliched plot twist coming a mile off, but not here.
So that was quite wierd. Having said all that, I've only watched it once and have no plans to watch it again in the near future - I didn't think it was that good

Can't wait for Sin City - not read the comics, so shouldn't be disappointed with the conversion. Still months till its out over here though (I'm waiting for the cinema release).
Gonna give Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy the benefit of the doubt (out soon). Loved the books but thought the tv series failed to land the majority of the jokes or nail the humour particularly effectively at all. Fingers crossed...
Don't fuck with the Culture.
#718 Guest_subtlekid_*
Posted 30 May 2005 - 12:55 PM
I liked The Hitchhiker's guild to the Galaxy
But I haven't read the book, so that might influence my opinion. I love Marvin the robot

Posted 07 April 2005 - 06:31 AM
Dark City was brilliant and thoroughly underrated.
Sky Captain was crap, but did have its visual moments of grandeur.
A Very Long Engagement was clever, as someone mentioned, for managing to combine WWI hell with a fairly believable love story.
Finally saw The Incredibles. Genius.
- Abyss, all of the above imnsho, natch.
Sky Captain was crap, but did have its visual moments of grandeur.
A Very Long Engagement was clever, as someone mentioned, for managing to combine WWI hell with a fairly believable love story.
Finally saw The Incredibles. Genius.
- Abyss, all of the above imnsho, natch.
Posted 25 April 2005 - 05:20 AM
This weekend watched The Interpreter and Kung Fu Hustle. Both seemed over-long, though each had its moments...
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.