Posted 03 June 2006 - 04:44 PM
I just saw X3, and I wanted to light my eyeballs on fire and stomp them out for betraying me so much.
**Spoiler alert**
1. All mutants must either go to school, or live in a hobo camp in the woods. No mutants are responsible enough to own their own homes, or even to rent.
2. The Angel story piece was unnecessary. If you cut him out of the movie, it wouldn't have mattered. Same thing with Multiple Man.
3. The mutants on the team, Kitty Pride and Colossus, had like 5 lines between them in the whole movie. Why put them on the team if they're not going to interact?
4. What happened to Nightcrawler? They could have written in one script line like "Oh, he's at church camp" or "He's dead now". Watching a fight scene with him in it would have been awesome.
5. All evil mutants must look like extras from the Blade movies (i.e. goth kid + homeless), and have crappy powers. Half of the evil mutants had superb jumping abilities and running-at-the-X-men abilities, and that was it. Not to mention the porcupine guy whose only power was hugging somebody and then impaling them.
6. If I were Magneto, I probably would have just lifted a large boat instead of the whole frickin Gateway bridge.
7. Why did Magneto have to say "Use your sonic blasts to destroy their weapons!" to the androgenous chick? It reminded me of Pokemon or something, and made it seem like no one could have figured out what was happening.
8. Two of my female friends pointed out that while Jean Grey disintegrated a bunch of Army dudes, and managed to rip some of Wolverine's skin off, her psychic disintegration powers never once touched his pants. Magical pants?
9. Why would they bring Rogue back to the school if she had no powers? Same thing with Leech (um, he sucks away other people's powers, so lets put him in with all the other mutant kids?)
There are several other terrible things about this movie (including the hackneyed ending, for Magneto and Xavier), and I am going to pretend it didn't happen.