3 PMs, right before I go to bed.. yawn
j_Korlat FINALLY gets it right... but he'll never believe it
Well I got my alt guess wrong then
Now why the fuck have we not won????
unless of course D'riss is not Winston and is the marshmellow man.......
DiBs, a message for you:
Aw, dibs, you morons
If you had guarded Korlat, we would have won right now
Now I have to bring it down to 2 players?
Consolation: dibs died inno, so it motivates me to make him LOSE
and again:
Dibs blocked me TWICE???
I fucking knew it. Well, at least he's dead now.
But now I still have to worry about the potential BPs, so I guess I'll
kill Kessobahn
well, still need somethign form Emu, I believe...
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.