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Trull vs. Brys

Poll: Trull vs. Brys (183 member(s) have cast votes)

Trull vs. Brys

  1. Trull (91 votes [49.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 49.46%

  2. Brys (93 votes [50.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 50.54%

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#61 User is offline   Blueiron 

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 07:37 PM

One thing to keep in mind about Brys's quick dispatching of Rhulad is that Rhulad gains skill from each death, and this was quite early on. By the time Karsa came along, he was a MUCH better fighter. As to the duel, it depends on when in each character's storyline we place them. By the end, both held magical positions and, if I understand rightly, quite close to ascendancy. I'm voting for Trull, based on his ability to stalemate Iccarium, who's faster with a sword by a long shot than Brys, if not as precise, for a good minute.

Who'd wins: a guilty pleasure among fantasy nerds :p

Incidentally, regarding how far into rage Iccy was, I'd say he was as far as he goes without his attacks becoming magical. The way I understand, based on info in tCG,

This post has been edited by Blueiron: 19 September 2011 - 07:46 PM


#62 User is offline   Luzburg 

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Posted 22 September 2011 - 09:02 AM

I believe it was Fear who said that Brys would eventually defeat him in a sword fight.

Also... What about Trull and the Eres'al's child? Future ruler of shadow > Knight of shadow ?

#63 User is offline   Toc Beddict 

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 04:28 PM

I voted Brys just based on what I thought he could do IF death was the immediate goal. Its ultimately a Heart vs Skill debate. If SE was a romantic, it'd be Trull. But as seen numerous times, romanticism has little to do with events in SE's novels. (Romanticism in the literal meaning, not the "Aww he's so romantic" meaning) I'll admit, I like Brys, but mainly because he's related to Tehol who is hands down my favorite character and as deadly with his intelligence as Brys is with his sword. There isn't really enough evidence for either side to "win" because, yes, Trull held his own against Silchas and Icarium, but defending is an entirely different game than an out right fight.

#64 User is offline   Phaedrus 

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 02:49 PM

So in midnight tides Trull thinks to himself that he'd be bested by Brys... But in Reapers gale Trull goes toe to toe with Silchas Ruin, AND Clip the herald of high house dark... So it seems to me Trull would have to be INSANELY powerful considering Menandore and her sisters were only somewhat confident confronting Silchas together. Hell Trull even took on a full raged out Icarium and didnt die immediately... Im sure Brys is pretty awesome but how do you compare him to somebody who can fight some of the most powerful beings in the world and live?!

#65 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 02:53 PM


Brys is potentially the worlds greatest swordsman. He has the talent. The question becomes one of "want" or "need".

Of course, one thing Erikson never really seems to take into account is the supernatural strength of ascendants...

#66 User is offline   Sinisdar Toste 

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 05:32 PM

View PostPhaedrus, on 30 January 2012 - 02:49 PM, said:

So in midnight tides Trull thinks to himself that he'd be bested by Brys... But in Reapers gale Trull goes toe to toe with Silchas Ruin, AND Clip the herald of high house dark... So it seems to me Trull would have to be INSANELY powerful considering Menandore and her sisters were only somewhat confident confronting Silchas together. Hell Trull even took on a full raged out Icarium and didnt die immediately... Im sure Brys is pretty awesome but how do you compare him to somebody who can fight some of the most powerful beings in the world and live?!

trull, as we know, is extremely modest, and this skews his perception of his own skills. a fight between him and brys would be very close, and would probably come down to some extraneous factor (likely a spear-butt). to say, however, that trull is insanely powerful is just not true. sure, trull fought silchas ruin basically to a standstill, but this is in an arena where silchas is not about to unleash pure galain, or starvald demelain, because it would mess up his deal with the azath by killing kettle before he could feed her bloodeye's soul. plus, the cave is to small for him to veer. silchas was forced to duel trull, and trulls goal was to get past him, and kill clip. he gives a good account of himself, but to silchas, he's really just a distraction.
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#67 User is offline   Zenstrive 

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 06:58 AM

Trull would win. Give him unbreakable spear and he would stop Icarium, and probably Karsa too.

He even killed a full blown ceda (the most powerful mage) who was harnessing the full power of The Tiles of Holds (older, more powerful parents of the warrens) with a spear.

Then again, Trull Sengar and Brys Beddict won't fight. They are too much alike to fight each other. Probably they would ask Oponn to toss a knuckle and decide who wins :up:

#68 User is offline   Toc Anaster 

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 01:45 AM

Trull took on Icarium and Silchas Ruin and lived to tell the tale. If his spear hadn't kept breaking or getting chopped up he would really have been tough to beat. Maybe the real question here is Letherii Steel Vs. Blackwood Spear. or Letherii Steel Vs. that T'lan Spear. Trull just has the ability to match anyone based seemingly on nothing more than stubborn determination.
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#69 User is offline   Slaythe 

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:19 AM

Two of my favorite characters, though I had to vote for Brys.

Rhulad was far more than a mediocre swordsman at the time he fought Brys. IIRC, Rhulad defeated the finad who was considered by a humble Brys to be the best swordsman in Letheras, before being surgically incapacitated by Brys. Brys also easily defeated Guardian.

Trull was very impressive in his confrontations with Icarium and Silchas.

I really think the difference is that Brys has trained as a swordsman with little else to distract him, while Trull had other responsibilities and likely spent much less time training. Brys would surely have had extensive training against every weapon including spears.

#70 User is offline   HoosierDaddy 

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:34 AM

Finadd Moroch Nevath killed Rhulad while sacrificing his guard, thinking he had won the war. So, not quite.
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#71 User is offline   Slaythe 

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 03:49 AM

IMO, Moroch wasn't trying to be a sacrifice, he was actually surprised by Rhulad.

Anyways, here it is straight from the book. (I think this supports the argument that Rhulad was a formidable opponent at that time.)

By: Steven Erikson


Moroch Nevath smiled. Rhulad Sengar, who had died, only to return. If the rumours were true, he had died again in Trate. But this time, I will make him stay dead. I will cut him to pieces. He waited, watching the emperor's approach.

Favouring the right side, the right foot edging ahead of the other, a detail telling Moroch that Rhulad had been trained to use a single-handed sword, rather than this two-handed monstrosity now wavering about before him like an oversized club.

The sudden charge was not unexpected, only the speed of that weapon as the blade whirled towards Moroch's head. He barely managed to avoid getting his skull sliced in half, ducking and pitching to his right. A deafening clang, the shock ripping through him as the sword bit into his helmet, caught, then tore it from his head.

Moroch sprang back, staying as low as possible, then straightened once more. The top third of his own sword was slick with blood. He had met the charge with a stop-hit.

Opposite him, Rhulad staggered back, blood pulsing from his right thigh.

The lead leg was always vulnerable.

Let's see you dance now, Emperor.

Moroch shook off the numbing effects of the blow to his head. Muscles and tendons in his neck and back were screaming silent pain, and he knew that he had taken damage. For the moment, however, neither arm had seized in answer to the trauma.

A shriek, as Rhulad attacked once more.

Two-handed thrust, broken timing – a moment's hesitation, sufficient to avoid Moroch's all-too-quick parry – then finishing in a full lunge.

The Finadd twisted his body in an effort to avoid the sword-point. Searing fire above his right hip as the mottled blade's edge sawed deep. A wet, red rush, spraying out to the side. Now inside the weapon's reach, Moroch drove his own sword in from a sharp angle, stabbing the tip into the emperor's left armpit. The bite of gold coin, the grating resistance of ribs, then inward, gouging along the inside of Rhulad's shoulder blade, striving for the spine.

The mottled sword seemed to leap with a will of its own, reversing grip, hands lifting high, point down. A diagonal thrust, entering above Moroch's right hip bone, down through his groin.

Rhulad pushed down from the grip end, the point chewing through the Finadd's lower intestines, until the pommel clunked on the paving stones beneath them, then the emperor straightened, pushing the weapon back up, through Moroch's torso, alongside his heart, through his left lung, the point bursting free just behind his clavicle on that side.

Dying, Moroch threw the last of his strength against his own weapon, seeing Rhulad bow around its embedded point. Then a snap, as the emperor's spine broke.

Crimson smile broadening, Moroch Nevath sagged to the slick stones, even as Rhulad pitched down.

Another figure loomed over him, then. One of Rhulad's brothers.

Who spoke as if from a long distance away. 'Tell me your name, Finadd.'

Moroch sought to answer, but he was drowning in blood. I am Moroch Nevath. And I have killed your damned emperor.

'Are you the King's Champion in truth? Your soldiers on the bridge seem to be yelling that – King's Champion… is that who you are, Finadd?'


You bastards have not met him yet.

With that pleasing thought, Moroch Nevath died.

This post has been edited by Slaythe: 08 April 2012 - 02:52 PM


#72 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 06:54 AM

Copyright infringement!
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#73 User is offline   Slaythe 

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 02:54 PM

View Postworrywort, on 08 April 2012 - 06:54 AM, said:

Copyright infringement!

Fixed. Posted Image

#74 User is offline   Sinisdar Toste 

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 03:44 PM

View PostZenstrive, on 06 March 2012 - 06:58 AM, said:

Then again, Trull Sengar and Brys Beddict won't fight. They are too much alike to fight each other. Probably they would ask Oponn to toss a knuckle and decide who wins ;)

most boring Suvudu cage match ever!
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#75 User is offline   Kremson 

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 01:15 AM

So late but beys hands down. When he fights rhulad rhulad had already been killed by and absorbed power from iron bars and the queens champion dude on the bridge where the soldiers where saying kings champion as he died. And trull and fear were scared of him. Trill super humble but also the iccy fight was all defense and scared shirtless and he lost. Beys dismantled rhulad and not to mention the the underwater god protector armor suit guy. Anyway no one will see this but brys without question and maybe brys vs traveller brys may win that too

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