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Malazan Mafia 32 Its a Disco Inferno...

#1501 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:04 PM

It is Day 3. There are 13 hours and 55 minutes remaining

14 dancing queens on the floor: Baudin, Dktorode ,Gavin, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Morgoth, Obdigore, Silencer, Tapper, The Dude, Vengence, Yellow

8 votes for lynch 7 votes for night

3 votes for Silencer (Jump Around, Lisheo, Tapper)
1 vote for Lisheo (Obdigore)
1 vote Mocker (dktorode)
1 vote Baudin(Yellow)
1 vote Morgoth (Lacedaemonian)

Not voted : Baudin, Gavin, Mocker, Morgoth,Silencer, The Dude, Vengeance,

Gods I hope I have gotten the time right this time ~ J_Slr
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#1502 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:06 PM

Right, I'm bored.

remove vote

vote Silencer

I'll be around for the next half an hour or so if people want to argue the toss.
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#1503 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:06 PM

sorry for the diplomacy spammage, by the way :) seems Grief is not online, so I'm out again to update that topic.
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#1504 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:07 PM

View PostYellow, on Oct 21 2008, 11:06 PM, said:

Right, I'm bored.

remove vote

vote Silencer

I'll be around for the next half an hour or so if people want to argue the toss.

I think the debate on Silencer will only start once he has replied, so I personally don't feel the need to discuss this. Also because the vote suits me fine.
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#1505 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:09 PM

Froget his reply (which won't come for a day and a half). Let's just speed lynch him. Me and thee.

We'll leave his body behind the plant in the corner of the room.

edit - yes, that's right. Froget.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 21 October 2008 - 09:09 PM

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#1506 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:11 PM

Froget... I like it. * updates dictionary *
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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:15 PM

View PostYellow, on Oct 21 2008, 10:03 PM, said:

Fuck knows. This day is so far turning into a soggy carpet of voting. Hmm, think I'll go make myself a drink. Fuck it, it's Tuesday.

There's too much pussy footing around going on here. This is why it's bad to kill of the most vocal players...

... Baudin's response to my vote on him has been much the same as the rest of his play: ineffective. I barely even have the energy to bother continuing to vote for him. Even if he is a killer, he's almost too boring to bother with. Team Evil win by apathy. A new technique.

edit - sigh. I'm not in the mood for cross posting today.

Tbh your vote for me just seemed like its because im not posting much, or specifically not much content. Now im not the lowest poster and im not the only one not posting a lot of content. Am going to try and contribute more, but most of my thoughts are already on the page so it will just look like me parroting people.
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#1508 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:20 PM

Some thoughts.

Yesterday, I thought that Gem and Morgoth were killers, with Venge plus one as a symp. Obviously, I was wrong about Gem. I have been wary of Lace ever since the beginning (i.e. the moment I met him), as he is a canny fucker who, despite what he may lay claim to, has already mastered this game and everyone in it. I notice that Morgoth yesterday did not jump to a Lace lynch train when he was diverting away from himself, but instead turned to Gem, who we now know was inno.

Morgoth also came to Lace's "defence" over the female remarks. That's in quotes because really there was not a lot going on except for people trying to make out that Lace had been making obusive comments towards Morgoth, when in fact they had been made towards Venge's wife (who we all know is fair game).

So, a Morgoth and Lace pairing? But what does that make of Venge, who has been Adam Ant that Lace is guilty? Does not say much for the Venge-as-symp-to-these-two idea. And yet, as JA has pointed out numerous times, Venge is playing a lame duck of a game. Strange insinuations from Venge throughout, but little in terms of attack.

Lish is very certain that Morgoth is not scum, which should ring alarms all on its own. Is Lish the symp, as DiBs was so certain? Possibly, but we won't know until we're dead. With 16 players, I would expect either three killers (in which case we're doing very, very bad so far), or two killers and two symps. But I cannot pin the symps down properly.

So what do I think? I think that Jim Beam is my favourite whiskey (or Bourbon, or Shitty Brown, or whatever), and I think that Fleet Foxes are a very good band.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 21 October 2008 - 09:22 PM

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#1509 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:20 PM

View Postbaudin, on Oct 21 2008, 10:15 PM, said:

Tbh your vote for me just seemed like its because im not posting much, or specifically not much content. Now im not the lowest poster and im not the only one not posting a lot of content. Am going to try and contribute more, but most of my thoughts are already on the page so it will just look like me parroting people.

Give the man a prize! Baudin, you have posted nothing of value the entire game. Grow a pair and get involved.
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#1510 User is offline   The Dude 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:31 PM

View PostYellow, on Oct 21 2008, 02:20 PM, said:

Some thoughts.

Yesterday, I thought that Gem and Morgoth were killers, with Venge plus one as a symp. Obviously, I was wrong about Gem. I have been wary of Lace ever since the beginning (i.e. the moment I met him), as he is a canny fucker who, despite what he may lay claim to, has already mastered this game and everyone in it. I notice that Morgoth yesterday did not jump to a Lace lynch train when he was diverting away from himself, but instead turned to Gem, who we now know was inno.

Morgoth also came to Lace's "defence" over the female remarks. That's in quotes because really there was not a lot going on except for people trying to make out that Lace had been making obusive comments towards Morgoth, when in fact they had been made towards Venge's wife (who we all know is fair game).

So, a Morgoth and Lace pairing? But what does that make of Venge, who has been Adam Ant that Lace is guilty? Does not say much for the Venge-as-symp-to-these-two idea. And yet, as JA has pointed out numerous times, Venge is playing a lame duck of a game. Strange insinuations from Venge throughout, but little in terms of attack.

Lish is very certain that Morgoth is not scum, which should ring alarms all on its own. Is Lish the symp, as DiBs was so certain? Possibly, but we won't know until we're dead. With 16 players, I would expect either three killers (in which case we're doing very, very bad so far), or two killers and two symps. But I cannot pin the symps down properly.

So what do I think? I think that Jim Beam is my favourite whiskey (or Bourbon, or Shitty Brown, or whatever), and I think that Fleet Foxes are a very good band.

@ yellow- But Lace has been on Morg's tip this entire game. Always a vote immediately after night. Though he does say he has reasons he never gives them. clever misdirection? I don't think so. One thing I am noticing is that Lace does have something in common with Dibs. A relentless attack against one player and one player only that they believe is guilty. In this case Morg. If Lace was a killer I think that at some point he would want to drop the whole "MORG MUST DIE MWHAHABLAHPLBBT!!!11!" philosophy. This would lead me away from Lace as a Killer. I am tempted to vote Morg just so we can stop wondering about him :)
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#1511 User is offline   Lacedaemonian 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:34 PM

Non Game Related:

Hey mate. Did I tell you today how much I am loving your book? I printed 100 pages of it out at work and am going to read through as much as possible tonight before I drift into the fantastical work you have created.

Slightly Game Related:

Have you seen the Lacedaemonian Hate thread that first drew me to this marvellous site game? Been honing my skills for this game on those unknown people. I enjoy the 'me versus the world' vibe there. They speak about other people like me who they have chased away in the past. They discount the fact that it was their hate for me that drew me to the site in the first place. I am not one for craving friendship.

Game Related: Is there any hope for a lynch on Silence? I am wary of losing another Inno (presuming the others were) but his lack of involvement might actually help us reduce the circle of distrust.

EDIT: The Dude - I have built a very sound case against Morgoth. A better case than anybody else has provided against anybody else. I am sticking with Morg until anything significantly changes my view of the game. The death of Dib only adds weight to my argument. Perhaps I am being played? Either way I want to find out.

This post has been edited by Lacedaemonian: 21 October 2008 - 09:37 PM


#1512 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:37 PM

View PostThe Dude, on Oct 21 2008, 10:31 PM, said:

@ yellow- But Lace has been on Morg's tip this entire game. Always a vote immediately after night. Though he does say he has reasons he never gives them. clever misdirection? I don't think so. One thing I am noticing is that Lace does have something in common with Dibs. A relentless attack against one player and one player only that they believe is guilty. In this case Morg. If Lace was a killer I think that at some point he would want to drop the whole "MORG MUST DIE MWHAHABLAHPLBBT!!!11!" philosophy. This would lead me away from Lace as a Killer. I am tempted to vote Morg just so we can stop wondering about him :)

I think you exaggerate his enthusiasm for the kill, but I take your point. But still, this means nothing to me as he is as sly as a fox with a shovel up its arse.

I have no idea what that means, but the point remains.

I am always tempted to vote Morgoth, for obvious reasons, but he is playing too clean a game. He has ignored pretty much every comment I've made about him, which shows only that he is experienced and knows when a case needs responding to and when to keep his Norwegian mouth shut. I think a lynch on Morgoth would be beneficial to us in terms of information, but realise this is not enough to cause others to vote for him. Especially since I have already layed out my gut feeling on him (which one person actually described as "disgraceful", flol). But like I say - he's kept his nose too clean for any meaningful case. Perhaps this is why my gut is so disgraced at his presence in this game.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 21 October 2008 - 09:37 PM

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#1513 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:38 PM

View PostLacedaemonian, on Oct 21 2008, 10:34 PM, said:

Non Game Related:

Hey mate. Did I tell you today how much I am loving your book? I printed 100 pages of it out at work and am going to read through as much as possible tonight before I drift into the fantastical work you have created.

Slightly Game Related:

Have you seen the Lacedaemonian Hate thread that first drew me to this marvellous site game? Been honing my skills for this game on those unknown people. I enjoy the 'me versus the world' vibe there. They speak about other people like me who they have chased away in the past. They discount the fact that it was their hate for me that drew me to the site in the first place. I am not one for craving friendship.

Game Related: Is there any hope for a lynch on Silence? I am wary of losing another Inno (presuming the others were) but his lack of involvement might actually help us reduce the circle of distrust.

Peter, I'm starting to feel like you're symping me.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 21 October 2008 - 09:39 PM

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#1514 User is offline   Lacedaemonian 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:39 PM

I Edited my post in response to The Dude.

#1515 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:39 PM

All right. I'm back from work. Dinner has been eaten. Whisky has been served (a 10 y.o. Yochi - a delicious Japanese single malt) and all is well.

So then, to posting.

Now, there's a problem here and I hope you forgive me for this. I am too used to being able to access all people's posts in thread it never occured to me to do as I do in westeros game and copy posts that catch my eye into word. As a result, I have no direct links to posts and no direct quotes in this case for the simple reason that it's 23 and something pm and I'm not about to search through the 51 pages of thread just to find the few posts I want. Soo, you'll have to make do with my impressions and second hand descriptions, and hopefully your recolections will be enough to make you judge whether you find that I am onto something, or way out in happypappy land.

Ever since DiBs (ironically enough) made me consider exactly why I thought Tapper to be innocent, my suspicion of Tapper has grown quite substansially. As I mentioned earlier, he seemed to have been caught up in DiBs the whirlwind for sticking out for me, which made me very sympathetic. He's the only player of yet I've named PI in one of my spoiler messages. An opinion I no longer hold as I'm sure you understand.

I thougt Tapper was innocent because he was snuggled quite comfortably in the shadow of the day one and parts of the day two case on me. If I was his symp, that would've been pretty much exactly where I would've wanted him to be. In a position that, if I died, would be strenghtened substansially. It seemed, even to me, that whatever case there was against Tapper rested solely on my alignment. I'm innocent so I assumed he was innocent too.

It's a big risk to take though. How could Tapper have known I was innocent? Only a couple of players so far have voiced strong convictions of just that. So why did he risk it? Perhaps he did indeed feel that the case on me was too weak, and so symped me unwittingly. I know I've done that on occasions. I even got poor Piper lynched for it at one time, but that's another story.

So, let's give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. But what about Gem then? And the other times he defended without taking a real stand? Did he unwittingly symp them too? It's quite possible. Again, I've never been a supporter of the theory that defence=symp so I didn't think much of it at the time. Yet, I did feel more suspicious of Tapper simply because I was earlier convinced for no good reason of his innocence.

what's interesting is what happened when people started calling Tapper out on his play. Several people bring up the possibility of Tapper doing this on purpose to seem innocent. There's no real pressure yet, no risk of Tapper being lynched. There are far too many candidates with lynch mobs waiting with torches in their hands and blood burning in their eyes. All of this is obvious yet Tapper does not calmly rebute this, or even ignore it. No, he panics. He panics like Bent discovering he's not in a NRA rally but at a conference for gay liberals and communists. You all know of which post I speak. The long post that in essence just summarizes the game before it finaly makes a few comments about the case. I imediatly noticed it as to my mind it oozed panic. And it doesn't stop there. For several pages Tapper hammers at the alegations against him. Alegations that were not alltogether organiced or threatening. He's overreacting badly and one has to question why that is.

View PostTapper, on Oct 21 2008, 09:27 PM, said:

I'd be really happy to vote for Gavin.
He's been influential through his actions but has offered very little of his own insight into the game. If we let him, he will always be a low poster this game. if we then all reason like JA (let's lynch someone with more content) then low posting and not offering insight into actions and motives is a) getting rewarded, :) your own go-out-of-jail-card for as long as you keep it up.

However, seeing that Silencer has received votes, has done drive-by-voting without explaining himself (which is a good ground for asking the why and how), and seems to be online every now and then without posting (it's an art, I can't do it), I'm perfectly happy with voting for him to pressure him into talking. Not sure I want to keep my vote on him until lynch, though.

Vote Silencer.

That all being said, I'm looking forward to see Morgoth post now that his main tormentor is dead.

This is a post that stands out in regards to Tapper because here he takes a stand. We've reached the point now where people have to make their opinions show or risk being lynched for being too carefull. But up until this point Tapper have been a very helpfull, polite and easy going player that have just not offended or truly argued against anyone in particular.

Now, all of these factors, individually, do not constitue a killer. Combined however, they paint a much darker picture.

Tapper snuggled up to a number of players early and tied his fate to my CF result in the begining even though he could by no means know of my allegiance.

His style of play has been one that makes it easy to like him, and thus trust him.

He's stayed away from conflcit

He paniced completly upon receiving the slightest of pressure.

This combined makes Tapper my favourite for killer. I think he's teamed up with Gavin, though that is mostly based on gut I do admitt. I don't know who their symps are, and really do not wish to speculate about that as of yet.

So, I vote Tapper
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#1516 User is offline   The Dude 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:40 PM

@Yellow So I take it you two have had run-ins before :)

What do I think? I think sipping my Jameson and listening to Kings of Leon is also a worthy endeavour. One which you have now inspired me to make. :)

Edit: spelling

This post has been edited by The Dude: 21 October 2008 - 09:45 PM

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Yossarian was sorry to hear that they had a mutual friend. It seemed there was a basis to their conversation after all.

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:40 PM

lace still aint a team player

which i still think is a bad thing

he's not adding to the game at all because he canny stop moonin over morgy. there's no debate, just accusations. no details, just a firm belief against morgy. firm beliefs at this point in the game worry me.

silencer i agree need to also start playing the game. i wana say that we shud wait till he's online then all talk n be friends, but he mite not even come on in the next 12 hours, so we shud kill and not be friends? i duno yet

gavin is dodgy only so far as he's been pretty good for the short time he's been on. no argument right now there.

i cant see the venge argument and i cant see the tapper agument. shits just too convenient around tapper for me to lynch.

urh i duno lol, im bored of listin ppl already. silencer's the only one i can think of to lynch right now.

This post has been edited by mocker: 21 October 2008 - 09:45 PM


#1518 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:42 PM

@ Lace: there could be enough of an audience for a Silencer lynch, but I doubt it will happen right now with 10+ hours in the day remaining.

It would be near suicidal for anyone to hammer him when he still has a chance to speak up. If there were just 6 of us left instead of 14 (it's 14, right?). then all/almost all arguments would be known except possible reveals, so a speedy lynch wouldn't stand out, but with 14 left... no way it's going to happen here and now.

So, wait and see I guess, but i think the prospects are good for almost everyone always loves to hear more from the lowposters but seldom bothers to vote for them, usually regretting that when end-game approaches 'cause they go to the finish with unknown quantities.

I'd say that if he speaks up, speaks well and makes sense, the train will likely disband. If he doesn't, it just depends on how impatient people are, how willing they are to vote him off and how many other cases there are.
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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:45 PM

Are Lace's insistence on referring to Morgoth as a woman and Morgoth's insistence on referring to Tapper as a man related somehow?


edit - Tapper is a woman, right? She eats stilton and drinks white wine. She must be a woman.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 21 October 2008 - 09:45 PM

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#1520 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:45 PM

View PostLacedaemonian, on Oct 21 2008, 11:34 PM, said:

EDIT: The Dude - I have built a very sound case against Morgoth. A better case than anybody else has provided against anybody else. I am sticking with Morg until anything significantly changes my view of the game. The death of Dib only adds weight to my argument. Perhaps I am being played? Either way I want to find out.

Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a link to your case, or a copy of it laying around? Seeing I've not been very much around today as a result of work, I've probably just browsed through it without really noticing. If you have it, I can try to respond
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