Tapper, on Oct 21 2008, 12:47 PM, said:
What is weird is the speed of both. Baudin left his vote on Morgoth to lynch. The whole, I'm out, see you tomorrow business was already starting, and then a second train starts up and finishes 40 min before deadline. Only when it became of equal size as Morgoth's train would it have been a target for the bandwagoners who wanted a lynch, and only with them on board would it become obvious that Morgoth wouldn't be lynched, hence DiBs switching his vote.
The real effort is the first 5 votes. They gathered FAST.
OK so this is who your talking about (see how liong it took me to get here!! am i that dumb?)
Gavin (vote)...this guys is non existent...i would vote him purely for this
J_slr (vote)....dead....no?
Lisheo (vote)....this one talks too much...and doesnt actually say anything...i could vote for him purely on his lack of actual content.
The Dude (vote)...Has not been discussed much, below the radar. Needs to be looked at again.
JA (vote)...Always a threat, but like dibs he isnt ringing any alarm bells as of yet. Although he aslo is playing it very safe, or so it seems. Maybe he needs to get looked at more closely aswell.
Fair enough...there are a few guys that have not really been looked at or discussed in depth. Also, i would add yourself(Tapper) and mocker into this list. As you two haven't really been scrutinized too much.
I of course am innocent so dont bother putting me in there you're just wasting your time