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Malazan Mafia 32 Its a Disco Inferno...

#921 User is offline   mocker 

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 11:42 PM


why, if you survived today, would youo go back after Morgy? thats what got you into trouble in the first place lol.

it seems to me that its Gem and Tapper that your annoyed with

but it keeps on comin back to Morgy

#922 User is offline   Lacedaemonian 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:15 AM

The reasons people have given for voting are laughable at best and I find it hillarious that I am being asked to break down my reasons time and time again. The whim voters seem to be getting away with just some glib remark ie he abused my wife, or seems a little unhinged, or I do not understand him..... :p

We can not ignore the fact that Tapper and Gem voted in tandem against Alt (an innocent) and then against me. It may well just be coincidence but this is still more weighty evidence than anything else available.

So you ask.... why is that new geezer Lace still voting Morg???

Let's go back to day one: Alt and Me vote Morg along with two other people. There was an outside chance she would be lynched. I give you my word I would have removed my vote before night - because at this point in time it was just a throw away vote. Plenty of people were making similar throw away votes.

Suddenly Alt becomes a target for voters (not any of the other three voters). This felt wrong to me and after a re-read it looked like Tapper and Gem swung the vote against him - and created some momentum that 40 minutes later saw him lynched. He was not online - he said eh wouldnt be - so he was the softest target of the Morg voters.

Next day he turns up innocent.

The obvious thing to do is to investigate the lynch mob for possible suspects. But this did not happen. Instead the focus switched to me. Yes I was being a bit daft on the forums - but this was very clearly the case. There was nothing to suggest I was untoward.

So Alt's lynch mob tried to lynch the other Morgoth voter. Apparently I was scummy etc etc lies and more bollocks. Venge accused me of being scummy because I removed my vote after the event. He posted after my removal with his removal. Basically his hypothesis was a joke and hypocritcal.

The lynch mob is the same. The only thing that ties me to Alt and our shared fates is that we both voted Morgoth.

Morgoth needs to go simply to satisfy this line of enquiry. Whether it is before or after my lynching is by the by.

This post has been edited by Lacedaemonian: 20 October 2008 - 12:18 AM


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Posted 20 October 2008 - 02:19 AM

Wow, dead board. Catching up. brb
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Yossarian was sorry to hear that they had a mutual friend. It seemed there was a basis to their conversation after all.

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 02:36 AM

Well, I don't think Lace is a Killer. Symp maybe. When he is voted off and he does come back inno I really think we need to take a look at what he is saying in regards to Morg. I am not really seeing his case on Tapper though. Understand the logic...but Tappers play is really not indicative of scum. I really would like us to take a look at Gem though, like I said in an earlier just seems a little to perfect that J_slr died after insulting her. Easy to place a WIFOM on the death and it makes for great spoiler heavan fodder. Anyway, off to bed for the night. I will be back on tomorrow in about 13 hours and on till night. Later kids.
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Yossarian was sorry to hear that they had a mutual friend. It seemed there was a basis to their conversation after all.

#925 User is offline   Gavin 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 03:40 AM

Ok back around after the weekend break. Naturally I am all alone here. Will catch up on what i've missed.

#926 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 05:23 AM

I still reckon we need to get rid of either Tapper or Gem. Either one, doesn't matter which (though my preference is obviously Tapper).

Lace doesn't strike me as evil, although apparently that is different for most of you. The weekend break didn't help things...

As for my lack of reasoning, I was lazy. I would have thought it was obvious that I was voting for the symping thing...although I can't see Tapper being the symp. Gem, perhaps. Tapper is more likely to be evil.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#927 User is offline   Gavin 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:06 AM

Right, managed a reread during the lunch break.

Three people come out as the most suspicious. And there are a few others that don't seem to be posting much in the way of content, unfortunatly one of them is myself since i've been a little busy so its pot kettle black.

Anyway my top 3 at this point are Gem, JA and Lace.

Lace seems to have the train on him but I haven't really seen anything to back it up, outside people disagreeing with his playing style. Harden up people The one thing no one mention is our dead departed disco brother J_Slr built a little case on Lace during the night after Alt was lynched, but like always its a WIFOM, there's the removal of the vote as well after the kill. Biut both of those I don't think justify our big train. I'd put him third on my list.

Second on my list is the Disco Weasel himself. He's not quite playing his usual game seems to have pulled his head in and isn't leading from the front like usual. Its Meta I know but its also altless. He's also been on the trains, switching to Alt and now onto Lace.

DiscoWeasel said:

Well, eventful week-end in the DiscoWeasel house, meaning I ended up participating less than I usually do in week-end breaks. Sorry about that.

OK, the Lace thing is out of control. We're getting nowhere with him around.

WTF? Is he revealing killer? Bad choice of words? Joke? I don't know and I don't really care. He's still on Morgoth's ass and I still don't get why. Most of his posts are about getting people to react to him. Jokes at Venge's wife, votes and attacks on Morgoth (calling him a girl), voting right after Silencer for the same target and for no reason...

I believe we need to vote Lace off. Everything I see is the work of an experienced symp, which makes no sense if it is indeed his first game, but how do we know that? Or he's an experienced killer knowing we normally look at the "under the radar" player (maybe learning quickly from the day 1 lynch, that's how we chose alt146).

vote Lacedaemonian.

I'm normally not too keen on lynching what I think is a symp, but in this case, he's doing too good a job, we keep reacting to him instead of looking properly for killers. Either we ignore him completely, which is hard, or we lynch him.

This is his vote post. What gets me here, is that he seems certain that Lace is in fact the symp, but whose Lace symping? No one is under pressure, Lace didn't jump onto the Alt train like a symp would, he was already on Morgoth on Day 1. Who the hell is he symping then?

It looks more like to me that DiscoAround knows Lace is going to come back Innocent if we lynch him and thus setting him up to be the symp for us to say, Ahh we got one.

I'm happy to put a vote on the Weasel.

Last up I have Gem whose has been playing it a little.. strange. I'm not sure if she's an inno wanting to be lynched and help Mod, or a killer just saying that in a blase way.

Anyway the Morgoth train on day 1, she doesn't vote, but she pokes away.

Gem said:

Well, who has so many thoughts on day 1? Seriously, that does make you look a suspect.

Edit: @ Morgy again.

Gem said:

Morgy, you have to admit Yellow has got a point.

I post saying the Morgy case wasn't all that and Vote Alt.

Gem comes along straight away with

Gem said:

Explain this please, alt146. As Gavin says, it looks like you're just jumping on movements in the grass...

I feel like I was being symped really with her sudden switch, Morgoth is never brought up again by her. Instead she puts the Hammer vote on Alt146.

This is Gem after the J_Slr kill. Its almost like she's taunting us that yeah she's having fun as the killer. Its WIFOM I know who would do that.. but well still.

Gem said:

Well that's a fine joke, killing off J_Slr, the killer(s) must be having fun. Ha. Ha. Now, if the killer(s) manages to have me lynched for it, that would just be peachy. <-- Look, now I've helped you on your way, I dare you to do it!

Not sure about Obdi's case on Morgy. Seems a bit wifom to me. Sure, if nothing else comes up on the whole day, but lets make some more cases. Haven't got a clue where to start, I need to reread.

Edit: spelling

And finally here's her vote on Lace. Like JA's its just a bit forced cos he's annoying? Please its Day 2, lets try and find the killlers eh rather than jump on a train.

Gem said:

vote Lace

For being annoying, and because he thinks he can't get lynched. You underestimate our viciousness, young padawan.

Edit: yes, he needs to answer our questions...

So for me, I'd be happy to vote any of the 3 above.

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:10 AM

I've already said I'd be fine to vote for Gem, and it seems like your case expands upon my suspicions.

Remove Vote
Vote Gem

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#929 User is offline   Jump Around 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:14 AM

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 09:06 AM, said:

This is his vote post. What gets me here, is that he seems certain that Lace is in fact the symp, but whose Lace symping? No one is under pressure, Lace didn't jump onto the Alt train like a symp would, he was already on Morgoth on Day 1. Who the hell is he symping then?

It looks more like to me that DiscoAround knows Lace is going to come back Innocent if we lynch him and thus setting him up to be the symp for us to say, Ahh we got one.

I don't know who he is symping, specially with the Morgoth thing, I just don't see it. I don't understand why he's playing the way he's playing.

Look at the last few pages. The few (game-related) posts that were not about Lace were my comments about Vengeance, some discussions about Gem, a few votes on Tapper, all of which vanished into oblivion thanks to a few bizarre and well-timed posts by Lace.

The fact that we don't know who he could be symping doesn't matter; if he's getting us nowhere, he's doing his job.

Lace is not my #1 lynch target, even though I don't see an inno play like him. My point was that we have to take a decision: either we lynch Lace or we ignore him.

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:15 AM

It is day two. There are 19hours, 45 minutes remaining.

16 dancers still getting down: Baudin,Dktorode, DrinksinBars, Gavin, Gem, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Morgoth, Obdigore Silencer, Tapper, The Dude,Vengeance, Yellow,

9 votes to lynch, 8 to go to night.

2 Votes Morgoth: DiBs, Lacedaemonian
6 Votes Lacedaemonian: Vengeance, Tapper, Gem Windcaster, Yellow, Jump around, Lisheo
1 Vote Gem: Silencer

Players yet to vote: Baudin,Dktorode, Gavin, Mocker, Morgoth, Obdigore, The Dude
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#931 User is offline   Gavin 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:24 AM

View PostJump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 02:14 PM, said:

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 09:06 AM, said:

This is his vote post. What gets me here, is that he seems certain that Lace is in fact the symp, but whose Lace symping? No one is under pressure, Lace didn't jump onto the Alt train like a symp would, he was already on Morgoth on Day 1. Who the hell is he symping then?

It looks more like to me that DiscoAround knows Lace is going to come back Innocent if we lynch him and thus setting him up to be the symp for us to say, Ahh we got one.

I don't know who he is symping, specially with the Morgoth thing, I just don't see it. I don't understand why he's playing the way he's playing.

Look at the last few pages. The few (game-related) posts that were not about Lace were my comments about Vengeance, some discussions about Gem, a few votes on Tapper, all of which vanished into oblivion thanks to a few bizarre and well-timed posts by Lace.

The fact that we don't know who he could be symping doesn't matter; if he's getting us nowhere, he's doing his job.

Lace is not my #1 lynch target, even though I don't see an inno play like him. My point was that we have to take a decision: either we lynch Lace or we ignore him.

Right so your confident he's a symp, but not sure who he is symping. See I don't see him being beneficial to his team when he's getting himself lynched. If there was pressure on a killer then sure he'd be doing a good job, but there's not, and Day 2 with no pressure is hardly time to be taking the hit for the team.
People are going for him and he's not taking it too well, but he's not coming across as an evil.

So who is your number 1 lynch target if not Lace? You are voting for him after all.

#932 User is offline   Yellow 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:24 AM

I think Lace's arguments have been pretty persuasive over the past page or so. I have never seen him as particularly scummy, and have said that it is his style of play that is getting to people, not his game agenda. I put a vote on him to see how he would react closer towards the lynch, and I think he's reacted pretty well.

remove vote

Gavin's case on Gem struck a massive chord with me. Gem's posts have been devoid of much content - she's adding in the odd comment, being friendly... But there's nothing in there that adds to the game. And we know what that usually means.

Definitely striking me as the friendly killer.

vote Gem

edit - And now I'm off to work for a good 12 hours or so. See you all tonight.

This post has been edited by Yellow: 20 October 2008 - 06:26 AM

Don't fuck with the Culture.

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:53 AM

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 09:24 AM, said:

So who is your number 1 lynch target if not Lace? You are voting for him after all.

It's Vengeance, like I said before. But no-one really agreed so I accept it.

You say I play different because don't take control. I think you remember the games where I had funky roles or reasons to mess up people's minds. I'm a team player, and this is a normal game, I note what I find suspicious and what others find suspicious. Why would I want to railroad anyone?

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:56 AM

Actually, Gavin has a point. It's almost 20 hours left, and the huge majority hasn't had their say in this day yet.

remove vote
vote Vengeance

At least my position is honest. I still don't think Lace is inno, it just doesn't compute, but I think Vengeance might be a killer.

#935 User is offline   Gavin 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:08 AM

View PostJump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 02:53 PM, said:

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 09:24 AM, said:

So who is your number 1 lynch target if not Lace? You are voting for him after all.

It's Vengeance, like I said before. But no-one really agreed so I accept it.

You say I play different because don't take control. I think you remember the games where I had funky roles or reasons to mess up people's minds. I'm a team player, and this is a normal game, I note what I find suspicious and what others find suspicious. Why would I want to railroad anyone?

I recall the case on Vengy from day 1 but I didn't think there was that much to it, he's keeping a fairly clean nose. Seemed pretty insistent on voting Lace right from Day 2 start. Was there anything else to it? I'd be interested in at least looking at a case on him. I didn't focus on him too much in the reread I confess.

As for your play, I guess I find the lack of weaseling disturbing :p

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:15 AM

I want to add that I still believe that Lace could be a killer, not a symp.

His obsession with Morgoth, out of the blue and without reason, is what gets me. But there has been so much talk in this game so far about "symps", if Lace is an unexperienced killer he might be thinking about this, and be afraid to lynch/NK him.

Now, if Morgoth said something that gave proof to Lace that he, for sure, wasn't a symp, then Lace might have seen him as a safe lynch and that's how it possibly got started. I don't remember who Morgoth attacked early in the game, but I don't think it was Lace himself, so maybe Morgy said something about Lace's partner that got him reeled.

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:20 AM

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 10:08 AM, said:

I recall the case on Vengy from day 1 but I didn't think there was that much to it, he's keeping a fairly clean nose. Seemed pretty insistent on voting Lace right from Day 2 start. Was there anything else to it? I'd be interested in at least looking at a case on him. I didn't focus on him too much in the reread I confess.

Look at Venge's posts during the lynch on Alt146. He knew Alt would come out inno before the CF was posted. Now who has this kind of info?

#938 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:27 AM

Nice case there Gavin.

Gem definately does what she can to aid in building up pressure with few reasons. I've been disregarding that so far because it suited me (seeing how I was pro-lynch anyone on day 1 and she voted on the same person as me in the weekend) but it's good to see it written out.
I'd jump over to Gem if it wasn't the feeling I have that Lacedaemonian will become as uncommunicative and one-linery as he was day 1 again when the pressure is lowered, but I'd be willing to vote for her when the case has a chance of seeing her lynched.

As for Yellow's post: I agree that Lace's posts on this page are more productive than anything he produced before. It was about time, too, in my humble opinion: we're on day 2 now.

@ JA about Lace being an unexperienced killer: unless he is out there on his own (in which case he has my sympathy), he still has a partner who may be less afraid of lynching a possible symp. It was DiBs who attacked Morgoth (who else? :p)
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#939 User is offline   Gavin 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:27 AM

View PostJump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 03:20 PM, said:

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 10:08 AM, said:

I recall the case on Vengy from day 1 but I didn't think there was that much to it, he's keeping a fairly clean nose. Seemed pretty insistent on voting Lace right from Day 2 start. Was there anything else to it? I'd be interested in at least looking at a case on him. I didn't focus on him too much in the reread I confess.

Look at Venge's posts during the lynch on Alt146. He knew Alt would come out inno before the CF was posted. Now who has this kind of info?

I do remember that, but it struck me as someone commenting on the fact that he thought Alt was innocent and not worth a vote (interestingly he did vote in the end) rather than knew he was innocent. Might go back and have a look.

And I agree Lace could be a killer, I just think some people are jumping on the train with him as its not the strongest, especially on the symp stuff. At the end of the day
and we needed a vote I would vote him for the lynch. However I'd much rather look at other people.
Which BTW what do you think on Gem?

#940 User is offline   Tapper 

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 07:29 AM

View PostJump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 09:20 AM, said:

View PostGavin, on Oct 20 2008, 10:08 AM, said:

I recall the case on Vengy from day 1 but I didn't think there was that much to it, he's keeping a fairly clean nose. Seemed pretty insistent on voting Lace right from Day 2 start. Was there anything else to it? I'd be interested in at least looking at a case on him. I didn't focus on him too much in the reread I confess.

Look at Venge's posts during the lynch on Alt146. He knew Alt would come out inno before the CF was posted. Now who has this kind of info?

Yeah. But, he then did, playwise, a rather weird thing by declaring his vote would never leave Lacedaemonian. It's definately unwanted attention you're calling down upon yourself when and if you are a killer.

EDIT: not to mention, if you're a symp, you want your hands/vote free instead of having them tied down like this.

This post has been edited by Tapper: 20 October 2008 - 07:35 AM

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