Obdigore, on Oct 20 2008, 01:28 PM, said:
Lisheo, on Oct 20 2008, 03:26 PM, said:
Hmmm have we stumbled onto something unusual here? I did say the killers would want to get rid of the more experienced members while they lay low... Have we got someone trying to start a train for reasons that aren't very nice?
Now Now Lisheo, the next poster having less than 2/3rds of your total posts can be seen as suspicious too.
This is interesting Lisheo thinks they are taking out the experienced ppl while laying low, obdi immediately rejects it and throws it back at Lish. Lish turned out to be very very correct.
Obdigore, on Oct 20 2008, 01:37 PM, said:
From Gavin:
Well looks to me the case on Morgoth is because he has sent a message to spoilers? If thats the case and it apparently, then thats gayer than a night out with Dibs.
Whats worse people are jumping on it. Come on people seriously we're voting people for sending messages to Spoilers? While Morgy has come across as a bit dodge still don't think its a case for voting on.
Since night is upon us soon and I need to go...
Vote Alt146
For being a little suspicious before and now just jumping on any bandwagon that looks like it might be the lynch.
Then he goes to bed. And he shows up the next day with this
Ok I'm here. So J_slr was the kill and people actually lynched Alt. Interesting, I find it rather strange, I put a vote on Alt for jumping on a weak Morgoth case and
then suddenly everyone else jumped on Alt as well with hardly any reasoning at all, seemed they wanted to start a train.
Lisheo has been very lynch happy, I know he's a noob and all, but I'm wondering about letting people get away with the noob card and all on us. I'm pretty sure I need to reread Gem as well, something about her struck me yesterday, will go back and do that.
Gavin then made a case against Gem, which I am not going to re-post because it is long and empty.
Gavin then did some brown-nosing with JA, and pointed out that that JA isn't playing as he normally does.
And his vote post from 3.5 hours ago
Well I am done for the day. Not sure what to make off Venges defence there but he's created some doubt for me.
Since i'm not around for the lynch and I was tossing up between Gem and Venge I guess I'll have to vote Gem. She didn't really seem to try or care about defending herself.
Vote Gem
I don't really see much there, either for him being innocent or guilty. I do see him saying JA isn't being his normal self, then later he brown-noses up. If this was a cult game I would think we had found a recruit.
More Crap thrown JA's way... Hoping it will stick... its not day 1 anymore. its not a joke anymore.
Obdigore, on Oct 20 2008, 02:08 PM, said:
At this point I would be willing to vote for, in order:
It appears the only one in there that is going to get any kind of votes is Lace, so that is where I am going to place my vote.
BTW - Gem the case against you is that you post, but don't "contribute". If you do keep that up I would be willing to vote for you tomorrow.
Obdigore, on Oct 20 2008, 02:55 PM, said:
Vote Lacedaemon
Yes I did mean to vote up there, but I'm not going to change it.
Im leaving work and won't be back for a couple hours I don't think, and so will mis the day time-out.
I don't really like the case against Lace either, but he has the most out of hte people I am willing to vote for and that is why my vote is there.
Who do we know that has a Vendetta against Lace?
Obdigore, on Oct 21 2008, 11:15 AM, said:
Old Yeller is about, look out!
La La La - Tell me JA, from 1-10, 1 being inno, 10 being scummiest of the scummy, where am I on the weasal scum-detectormatic?
Thought this was interesting. Gauging where you stand against the one you have been subtly trying to vote off?
Obdigore, on Oct 22 2008, 07:05 AM, said:
Or we can just lynch JA so he can join his boytoy Morgy in spoiler heaven.
And Back to the JA attempts. Thats every day that he has suggested a JA lynch.
Obdigore, on Oct 22 2008, 09:37 AM, said:
Jump Around, on Oct 22 2008, 11:35 AM, said:
Vengeance, on Oct 22 2008, 07:31 PM, said:
If you turn up scum then I won't have been screwing my team. Plus JA is still alive and that is his job.
Oh you mofo...
For the record I am called "Weasel" because I tend to screw the team I'm
not with.
So you are going to screw team inno, and you screw the team you are not with?
Only one conlcusion:
Just more kill JA fodder. Obdi why don't you make a case and try to take him out if he is evil?
Obdigore, on Oct 22 2008, 12:09 PM, said:
This way I have mentioned everyone in the game as being on the list.
Fear me, mortals, for you cannot escape the all-knowing Discogore.
Bah... at this point I will vote for nearly anyone, but I think it would tickle my fancy to lynch Lacy today.
This quote just creeps me out

like the puppet master
So i know this sounds like I am symping JA... whatever. I think Obdi is a killer, not a symp. Thats why I am voting him. I think that all the kills thus far have shown a veteran touch. The subtle joke by killing Gem, Getting rid of Dibs when he was just getting going. No more yellow because he wasn't going to make a case on Lace. There is some masterful work going on here. I am going to
vote obdigore
for these reasons. If he isn't the killer I don't know what to do as I don't think Venge is a killer. But whatever. we are getting down to the nitty gritty and I think a Veteran is playing with the field.