Tapper, on Oct 22 2008, 09:32 AM, said:
Hmm. What a dull night vote-wise. I had expected to see 3 or more against me. More on that later.
To counter Morgoth's quoteless case, I'll provide quoteless case against him, myself, based on how a killer-Morgoth (and his partner, who I think is Gavin) would think. Usually, this is an end-game analysis, and not done with 14 people still alive, so Morgy's the sole one I made this for.
It's day 1, and there's a train of L-5 against you. You're a killer, and you've got DiBs against you, with a lot of people around who know him by reputation only and are willing to agree with him, time is running out. You need a diversion or you're going down 'cause this is day 1 and every attack is feeble, every defense also, so the one who creates momentum is the one who gains the lynch. Luckily, Yellow makes a meta-based case that can be used as a diversion to start a second train.
Gavin reacts on that by targeting alt146 instead of Yellow. Alt146 was influenced by the meta-case, probably scaring off others who intended to do the same, sensible people agree that voting for this kind of meta sucks, and maybe a few agreed because they're ashamed of themselves.
Surprisingly starts a train that goes to lynch.
It is now night, and Morgoth and his partner have a problem. Morgoth lives, but there's this huge train that came to his rescue. They have to make sure that the innocence of one of the trainstarters is revealed to take the heat of, so they NK the guy who was the first known innocent on that train: J_slr, the second poster. This is done either because Gavin is Morgoth's partner or because they suspect him to be (one of their) symp to them.
It is day 2, and DiBs renews his assault on Morgoth, adding tiny tidbits to his case to flesh it out.
The killers have a problem; one of them is handicapped, is attacked on his every post and this has got to stop soon.
We all know that one of the traditional formations (but certainly not the only one) for killers to employ is a silent one and a vocal one.
Morgoth's pretty persuasive, so I guess he's to be the vocal one in the partnership. Except that he can't, for there's an even more vocal DiBs picking him up and throwing him around, asking his opinions without being swayed by them.
Morgoth ends at 4 votes and DiBs shows no signs of quiting, as he is willing to change to a compromise-candidate if that gets a lynch.
Then, there's a leftover train from the weekend break on Lace.
There is a train on Gem for being unconstructive based on another case by Gavin, on which Morgoth ends up. JA later says he thinks that this train was scum-heavy and that they didn't dare to go all in. If Gavin is a symp, it makes sense as a diversion, if he and Morgoth are partners, less so for them both to be on that train. All in all, there is no lynch.
It is night 2.
DiBs has to go. Luckily, he has been attacking other people as well, has an extensive suspect list that changes, so his kill, as Venge pointed out, is completely WIFOM and cannot be constructed as a kill just to free Morgoth. Actually, during the night, Morgoth remarks that he doesn't expect that DiBs can drive a train against him for three days in a row. Conveniently downplaying the effects of the impending death of DiBs? Maybe, maybe not. DiBs dies.
Gem dies. Morgoth has his hands free now to be the vocal player.
It is day 3.
Time for Morgoth to flex his muscles and start establishing a measure of control over the game. The most ideal situation would be if the lynch train would drive itself on inno-votes to its destination after only a nudge, not requiring interference from the second killer or, preferably, the symps. Because, what is going to happen is this: your target is going to turn up inno, so you can expect the train being picked apart and fingers pointing at you.
What you want is a player that's appearing on several suspicionmeters already, who has few friends willing to aid in defense, and who didn't leave a very strong impression so far. (That's me; and I'll make no secret of the fact that I'm well disgusted with the quality of my play so far).
Encourage the existing suspicion, and people will jump on, and if the target is weak, his defense will be feeble, which will encourage the enthusiasm for the lynch, and will make everyone feel less of a fool if the deceased comes up inno, and less willing to go after the OP, for you too thought he was scum, didn't you? And his defense sucked... besides, the OP wasn't exactly saying something new; hints were all over the topic already.
It was a reasonably good play towards establishing a flock of Morgoth-led sheep and get a killer-driven lynch that would not arouse too much suspicion. I think the sole mistake Morgoth made, was attacking Yellow while I was writing my reply to Morgoth's case, probably because he thought I was going to bed without replying. It netted him three votes and made him lose focus.
A second side-effect that he couldn't be aware of, was that I had decided during my conversation with Dkt to play sitting duck. Bait.
I've sucked pretty badly so far in this game, and I decided to use that as my redeeming feature in a gambit over my own corpse.
A freed Morgoth would seek a way to push his stamp on play and the best way to do so, was push a lynch on an easy target, doubly so if he was a killer, counting on the lack of a rallying point against him that is DiBs. I decided I was the best there was available, and had no problems playing the part. More, I knew I'd come up inno and I thought that it would primarily be inno's who would jump on my train, see the reasoning above; I could then make a version of this post and direct everyone back to the day 1 trains, which for me, are still an attack on a killer and a succeeding diversion by either his symp, or a partner.
Now, a great lot of this is WIFOM and speculation. I don't think that in and by itself it is enough to see him lynched, but Morgoth is the lynchpin around which play revolves. I want to see him gone. If he's inno, I'm accepting I could be next. But I don't think he is, to be honest. The above is all reasonable, collected play, doing what is necessary. None of it stands out as extremely odd.
Remove vote.
Vote Morgoth
There's limits to how much I can indeed defend myself, seeing that all this is if I am a killer arguments. If I was a killer I could wear my underwear on my head and dance naked through the street singing I am a ninny.
There's a couple of pointers I'd like to mention.
1) Why would I want to kill DiBs? If I was a killer, DiBs being alive still would've been good for me. Pushing my case for the third time would be difficult. Experience says few people would flock to him just because it would be the same over again. With him dead, a case on me would be argued by new people, which would make it seem fresher and thus more likely to succeed. Also, DiBs and I captilazied the discussion at times, and for periods the whole game revolved around us. If I was a killer with a silent partner, this would've been perfect and not something I would want to stop.
2) If I were to make case to pull along all the sheep to get a lynch and thus control, I would've picked someone I'd know to be less capable of defending themselves, right? We all know you are able to respond quite well to cases, so it doesn't really make sense then that i'd pick you over Baudin, Silencer, Lisheo, Lace, Mocker, and the Dude.
3) Yes, a lot has been revovling around me, but that seems to be mainly DiBs and Lace's fault for pushing the same case on me since day one. As the days have been progressing they've theorized about new connections to me as they've adapted what little case they have, thus implicating more than half the players of the game in the great conspiracy that is my masterplan. In the end, killing me will indeed show you whether some cases on me are correct (which they aren't) but it will not help as much as some people claim purely because there's so many people tied to me now.
4) just to repeat. If I wanted an easy target to help me gain control of the game. I would not have chosen you. IT doesn't make sense. Your argument is persuasive in that it offers something for people to latch onto. Yes I would also do that as a killer. Thankfully it is massively WIFOM and I expect people to see that