Vengeance, on Oct 20 2008, 03:45 PM, said:
Vengeance, on Oct 17 2008, 12:58 PM, said:
So all that this lynch will give us is a train to look at. Since it is going to be a speed train here at the end. Those of you who have pushed this along are going to be under a lot of suspicion. I am not changing my vote just pointing out what tomorrow will bring.
Vengeance, on Oct 17 2008, 01:03 PM, said:
Lacedaemonian, on Oct 17 2008, 12:58 PM, said:
Seems to me if he is innocent, those integral people planting their seeds will be getting themselves dragged through the mire tomorrow. Exciting.
The swing in votes is mainly based on the amount of time that is remaining in the day. Also the fact that Alt hasn't been on to knock the train off of himself. In all likely hood he is an innocent, just because of the amount of people playing and the fact that killers are next to impossible to get on the first day.
Edit: Day one lynches are 99% of the time totally baseless. They usually boil down to the fact that someone has to go and someone was a little to edgy early on in the day or like Alt was looking to jump on to a train a little to much.
drinksinbars, on Oct 17 2008, 01:05 PM, said:
The Dude, on Oct 17 2008, 07:00 PM, said:
i call WIFOM, and you may have just been unfortunate enough to be caught up in morgoths play, which can be sympish intentionally as there are times when appearing to symp people is a viable strategy in a game, but i dont think it works in altless.
@veng - you should remove your vote then, if you dont agree with the vote then dont vote. It aint the end of the world not getting a lynch, but with a possible four evils in play and sides obviously drawing up between morgo and alt its actually quite useful in my eyes to see where it goes. if we dont get a lynch we will probably debate the same two players tomorrow.
Vengeance, on Oct 17 2008, 01:07 PM, said:
drinksinbars, on Oct 17 2008, 01:05 PM, said:
The Dude, on Oct 17 2008, 07:00 PM, said:
i call WIFOM, and you may have just been unfortunate enough to be caught up in morgoths play, which can be sympish intentionally as there are times when appearing to symp people is a viable strategy in a game, but i dont think it works in altless.
@veng - you should remove your vote then, if you dont agree with the vote then dont vote. It aint the end of the world not getting a lynch, but with a possible four evils in play and sides obviously drawing up between morgo and alt its actually quite useful in my eyes to see where it goes. if we dont get a lynch we will probably debate the same two players tomorrow.
I believe that it is to late but you are right. So if it isn't to late I will
Remove vote
Tapper, on Oct 20 2008, 02:29 AM, said:
Jump Around, on Oct 20 2008, 09:20 AM, said:
Gavin, on Oct 20 2008, 10:08 AM, said:
Look at Venge's posts during the lynch on Alt146. He knew Alt would come out inno before the CF was posted. Now who has this kind of info?
Yeah. But, he then did, playwise, a rather weird thing by declaring his vote would never leave Lacedaemonian. It's definately unwanted attention you're calling down upon yourself when and if you are a killer.
EDIT: not to mention, if you're a symp, you want your hands/vote free instead of having them tied down like this.
dktorode, on Oct 20 2008, 03:55 AM, said:
Vengeance, on Oct 17 2008, 10:02 PM, said:

It doesn't have to be someone who voted for Morgy it could be anyone who was putting pressure on him. What got me suspicious was the fact that he waited till after the lynch to remove his vote. Then Dibs got confused about who lace was voting for.
Hmmm...venge. You also removed your vote after the lynch, it seemed to me a feeble attempt at pretending you didnt actually want to lynch alt146, but "oops i think its too late what a pity"
What i also noticed is that you seemed to say that you dont agree with lynching alt, yet you still placed your vote, i think you knew full well that alt was innocent, and you were laying the groundwork to say later on "i told you he was inno" in order to soften the blow later on. I think dibs spotted this and asked you why you were still voting for alt if you felt this way, then you removed your vote, but it was too late. Conveniently too late if you ask me.
Classic killer moves
dktorode, on Oct 20 2008, 05:52 AM, said:
It is very interesting how the cases and votes against morgoth have seemed to have been blocked and people have been pushing/pushed to look elsewhere.
Lace has, to me at least, not been showing any signs of being a killer. But could very well be a symp stirring the pot.
He is i dont know, i just dont see a new player purposefully stepping on peoples toes if he were a killer, his partner would have told him off thread to shut up long time ago. So i wont be voting for him today i dont think.
Now we have vengeance, seeming to know that alt146 will turn up inno, yet still voting for him and taking part in getting the lynch. If he didnt like the lynch then why the hell vote? Oh and lets not forget the "removal" of his vote which was oh ever so slightly too late. And yet he has the gall to call someone else out on doing what he himself has also done? He also has ignored the case on morgoth and attacks the person voting morgoth.
I wouldn't discount Venge and morgy both being scum to be honest.
I can see gem and tapper and lisheo all as potential symps. cut a long story short, i would like to lynch either vengeance or morgoth today.
I'll start my hungover monday with
Vote Venge
Well i am forseeing some strange day 3 talk where i am accused of symping lace by tryign to derail his train, but it isnt that at all. I am simply voting for and discussing my case on morgoth as i have since my supicion for him grew. As far as lace is concerned, i would prefer something more concrete that a gut feeling veng. I said before i dont find the removal of votes scummy, more like a simple mistake. There is no reason to take off a vote after the fact anywya as people are just drawn toward the fact you have done so, so instead of saving suspicion later you are generating it.
If you can give me a solid case on lace i would vote for him.
My reasoning is two fold. As you say we need a lynch everyday to have a chance of winning (though not lynching is not the end of the world). It provides information on the way people voted for or against lace. If he is guilty it shows us those who were unwilling to vote for him, who he interacted with and who he avoided, and where his attnetion lay. If he is inno, we can see if people are deliberatly redirecting attention toward an inno.
I will not vote for him if the only reasoning is style, as i have said before if people are feeling nagry due to a persons online persona and they feel insulted unneccessarily or to an unreasonable degree that goes beyond what can be good natured ribbing then they need to inform the mods and have them step in. We are trying to have fun, for many of us a game of mafia is a good way to distract from work (or school) and should be enjoyable.