Posted 26 August 2015 - 09:51 PM
Seems the season for feeling unsatisfied, which is what I came to moan about, but now my problems kind of feel misplayed..
Right. I'm going to go ahead anyway, because I'm not sure where else I could go.. So yeah, I took a couple of weeks off from the forum without being aware of that, but I think I'm reaching or have already reached some kind of low.. And I think I might be skirting depression. Though, admittedly, if that's skirting, I'm at it for at least the past year. I really don't know. Eh, it's not like I'm thinking of doing something stupid (that was last year), and I'm not particularly unhappy, but I chuck that up due to not remembering when I last was happy, so I'm kind of meh on the whole issue. Not striving for some kind of happiness, and I'm generally meh on most things people tell me are important. Family, relationships.. Meh. I've generally resigned myself to spending my life alone.
But what REALLY gets to me at the moment is how I feel deeply stuck where I am, like my life isn't moving anywhere. Not just not anywhere important, but simply not anywhere at all. I'm stuck job-wise and simply the thought of continuing like that DOES make me want to do stupid things. What I REALLY want to do isn't going anywhere, which only re-inforces my fear that I'm just deluding myself. And the fear just feeds upon itself and I spend days just wondering what's the point.
The problem is, of course, that I have to earn money somehow, so I'm kind of stuck with what I'm doing now, which is small-business advertising, flyers, posters, 'n shit. And every day, I try to push away the thought that I really, really, hate it. That's there's absolutely nothing in the world I hate more than doing that stuff. I have to really push myself just to open the programs, or get out of bed on days I know I have to send my client something. So I push it to tomorrow, and tomorrow again, and then do a shoddy job (which seems to be good enough, from what I can tell, but shoddy is shoddy - because I know it's shoddy and half-assed). I just can't motivate myself to do it. And my mother and her acquaintances keep telling other people I do that kind of stuff and finding clients for me, and I can't just say stop, please, in the name of everything, just stop. 'Cause money. And I can't pretend I cannot do graphics because I do the exact same stuff at my part-time job, where they tell me that there's a noticeable rise in sales since I've started doing the online banners 'n shit. At the same time, they refuse to let me work more hours - 'cause money. It's the same basic work, but at least the product's interesting and after a few years I know the company and product. They're currently hiring new people, but no, I can't work more hours - but please, we need ALL of that stuff done in the hours alloted to you.
It's just really frustrating. I can't leave this job, 'cause I'd then be wholly reliant on the commissions I'd rather puke than think about, but I feel like there's nothing to be gained at the job I can actually motivate myself for. Maybe it's because I started working there while I was still at uni, so I can't shake the image that I'm just a student. I can't tell. And all the while I feel so drained I have trouble mativating myself/finding the courage to persue what I really want.
The other half of my days I'm just too unmotivated/tired/listless to do anything, but that may have medical reasons and I hope it's going to get better sometime soon-ish. Studying and working two jobs made me neglect such niceties as health, so the last couple of months were filled with doc appointments and tests. Still, I wonder whether I should ask my doc for a referral to a psychotherapist. I need to break the cycle somehow, but without wreaking havoc with my halfway-mended relationship with my mother, which for now only works because I take on the commissions she keeps referring my way. I have this crazy idea that if I can prove that this work is not good for me.. but then again I may just be deluding myself and I need to get my shit together.
Or I'm just too deep in this to think clearly. I always thought that as long as I can draw stuff, anything, I can deal with everything else. Right now, I have no energy and no confidence to even pick up a pencil. I know it's not just me, a few of the people I studied with have trouble finding work, but among them, I'm the only one who can't rely on parents to help out with more than a place to live (and I have until May next year before I have to get out). So I can't just give up this whole advertising shit and put all my energy into finding other work.
Holy hell, this sounds so whiny.
Tl;dr: My life sucks job-wise and I think I should get some counselling but wonder if I'm over-reacting.
Oh, right, I also wanted to say sorry if I harked at anyone a bit too harshly lately. I have moment when I'm trying to kick myself into doing something and all I have for fuel right now is anger. Which is a bad counselor.
Puck was not birthed, she was cleaved from a lava flow and shaped by a fierce god's hands. - [worry]
Ninja Puck, Ninja Puck, really doesn't give a fuck..? - [King Lear]