Garak, on 01 February 2017 - 07:49 AM, said:
So after numerous protests against the amnesty law (which my government claims would ease the crowding in prisons but which would also - actually mostly - wipe away the accusations of corruption of a ton of politicians) our corrupt as hell government passed the law. In the middle of the night, hoping no one would notice. They even published it officially in the middle of the night like the bunch of crooks they are. People went into the street again, asking for the government to resign but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. Now the leader of the PSD (Socialist Democrat Party originally formed out of members of the Communist Party after the revolution, a bunch of thieves and the main source of corruption in this country), is going to be able to run for the job of Prime Minister since this new law will wipe away the accusations of corruption he's facing. Fucking hell!
Ad they keep getting people to vote for them by promising (and sometimes actually doing it) of raising salaries and pensions while dropping taxes - and then of course not giving enough money to the health and education sectors because they ran out of money (after voting for more benefits for themselves of course). It's shit like this that sees people like Trump get elected (who then prove to be no better or worse because we can't have nice things on this planet).
It's quite sad, as I know they do a lot of good (and in fact that's why this affects me so much), but I can't remember the last time I saw something achieved by government that really reinforced my faith in how they work. It seems most stories everywhere are of regressions in tolerance, respect for people and institutions, making decisions based on evidence and not ideology, putting others first...
I mean, for the last ten years, my government has imprisoned thousands of men, women and children indefinitely, in quite literally torturous conditions, despite public and international outcry and tens of billions of wasted money. I mean, China actually criticised our human rights record, and with good reason! Most of our opposition politicians are too terrified of looking 'weak' to voters that they mostly choose to ignore it (in fact, our left-wing opposition leader actually uttered the phrase 'Australia First' yesterday), and our Treasurer was telling people on radio the other day that the rest of the world was finally 'catching up' to us on refugee policy, like it's a fucking good thing! Meanwhile, I just bet however few refugees America does decide to take from our detention centres, our Prime Minister will go on television saying the whole fucking system works, take credit from Islamophobes and we'll condemn thousands more people to awful torment just so we can feel safe in our callous bubble. All because we're too selfish to do the Christian thing and extend our hands out to people suffering from problems that we can't admit we're responsible for. Meanwhile we have the gall to claim we're an example to the rest of the world. It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to think that kind of activity is perpetrated in my name.
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.