mot, on Dec 7 2008, 07:10 AM, said:
Actually, the above discussion about Laseen and her possible re-emergence is not too far-fetched. Early on in the book, when Possum is speaking with the dead at Unta delivering the message, the skull says, "I have a message for you...they are returning...the death-cheaters, the defiers, all the withholders and arrogators...Ah--here comes one now." And at that point, Laseen shows up. She is clearly not CG, but the Old Guard are mentioned throughout this book to have had rituals associated with Denul enacted on their behalf and giving them longer life at the very least. Moreover, in HoC, there is the implication that Surly, as part of the family, spent some time in the Deadhouse, which,"rewarded us with--as is now clearly evident--certain gifts. Longevity, immunity to most diseases, and...other things." As for her death itself, earlier in RoTCG, Mallick talks of his two great talents. Now at least one of them has been sent who knows where, Laseen having taken her out. Moreover, she has cut loose her most important army (in my opinion) the same way she did Dujek, has established a Malazan and a Bridgeburner as the Master of the Deck who leads her other great army (I assume she knows through the Claw), and done a pretty good job saving as many of the Old Guard as she could. It was their inability to change that led to this civil war (see Moss' comments to Toc). As it is, Dassem's two bodyguards remain, as does Cartharon, Urko, and Braven Tooth. Anyway, my point is, Laseen seems to have a way of always having a backup plan, or as Cotillion once said, recognizing efficiency. Who knows? Now that there is vacancy for Death maybe Laseen picks it up somehow, and ultimately helping Shadow in their quest to control the assorted thrones. Her name does mean Thronemaster, I assume that's not for nothing.
Really interesting. I too wondered if she was really dead- I wonder if someone will somewhere discover an 'empty tomb' one day, or find another body occupying it. Though to be fair, we don't know if the sorcerous attack on Taya sent her where she went. It seemed she emerged from a warren and into one she returned, after the attack. It wasn't Lasseen who used sorcery- she can't (otataral). It came from those rushing to her defence.
Still, it seems odd that she was in the open like that- yes, to lure Cowl but why take that risk then and there? True, she could have been siezing the moment but maybe it would be better to carefully seek him out. Maybe she needed to rule from behind the scenes and so stage a public death....or rather, publicly stage her death.
Admirable arguments also Abyss: I see why you admire her (I'm in the camp of people who hate the bitch....but grudgingly admire her abilities). But how was she to count on the safety of the Wickans surviving the pogrom when by her actions, Nil and Nether would have been condemned to death? I doubt she knew of THEIR potential or for that matter, that they'd even have survived.
I do muse on this notion of Empire though...the barbarity in establishing it and maintaining it- does that make it WORTH it? Not much different to the slaughter of the alleged discord that existed before.....