Bleh. (Not sure if they're going for French or US. Stars imply US? If it's US, IMO they should have leaned harder into an explicit clownshow theme. Though in the past the parodic costumes have tended to be politically reactionary (Democratic politicians on chains), more or less overtly racist, etc.) Or (a little better) this:

(The colors and feathers symbolize the local football team. I do like the crowns and the feathers, but I'd like them a lot more without the silly sportsball reference. The umbrella with the green feather is a nice touch too. And the look of joy on that guy's face---bit less so on the child's, though they also seem to be enjoying themselves---is almost infectious (like probiotics that change your brain functioning by playing around with your guts).)
But I chanced upon this photo from a past year (forum won't let me post it, but the link should work):
Mummer's costume
... and I do kind of love that one. Especially to usher in the New Year. Even more appropriate now, on the cusp of the dawn of the Trumpire...
This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 31 December 2024 - 06:21 PM