Whats making you happy right now
Posted 23 April 2014 - 07:46 PM
That's a good question, with the rising costs of hiring Frogwatch elites for the delivery room I don't know how anyone manages. That's why I'm starting ToadCorp Industries, the more affordable multinational option for your froglodyte repulsion needs.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.
Posted 24 April 2014 - 08:53 AM
He was a son of a bitch!
Error: Signature not valid
Posted 27 April 2014 - 02:02 AM
Briar King, on 26 April 2014 - 11:25 PM, said:
I bought my 7 yr old son 2 Call of Dutys for my PS3. That little shithead is better then me I swear.
D: I'm telling! Those games are R16! XD
Shinrei said:
<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.
Posted 27 April 2014 - 04:50 PM
My audit presentation at work on Thursday was head and shoulders above everyone else on sites. That's just guaranteed me continuing to pick my own work hours for the next 4 months. In that time we're going to be picking up a new ISO standard to work towards which'll keep me doing the same for a year minimum.
I'm really not a speaking-to-crowds person so big personal success
Congrats to RLY and Mrs RLY too
I'm really not a speaking-to-crowds person so big personal success

Congrats to RLY and Mrs RLY too

"see that stranger's arm crushing the life from him - do you understand? Not an eternal prison for Messremb"
Posted 27 April 2014 - 05:18 PM
This... It's a dark and malty beer with a salty aftertaste... I like it!

A Haunting Poem
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 06:43 AM
I'm glad that this is something someone made
You never have the same problem twice when you set it on fire
Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:24 PM
My dog isn't sick anymore. Poo-poo is looking strong and health. Good boy

Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:06 PM
This Article is making me happy! I love Brew Dog!
A Haunting Poem
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:41 PM
Three years married.
Considering how close we got to divorce, papers and everything. Im absolutely stunned we saw this one. Things are looking good we acting like teenagers again. Just really surprised im where i am. Super happy about it.
Was a craaaaaazy year.
Considering how close we got to divorce, papers and everything. Im absolutely stunned we saw this one. Things are looking good we acting like teenagers again. Just really surprised im where i am. Super happy about it.
Was a craaaaaazy year.
“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof Gas-Fireproof.”
Posted 01 May 2014 - 06:51 AM
I'm back at the Malazan Forums!
Also, heading over to Europe to do some traveling by myself and then look for work in England. Should be an interesting little adventure!
Also, heading over to Europe to do some traveling by myself and then look for work in England. Should be an interesting little adventure!
*WARNING* May melt when added to water.
Posted 02 May 2014 - 05:40 PM
I got the splint off of my left arm. Carpal & cubital tunnel surgery. Amazed at the immediate difference.
I haven't been able to pick up a small screw and hold it steady while using a screwdriver for 4+ years. I might be able to start working on 'puters again.
I haven't been able to pick up a small screw and hold it steady while using a screwdriver for 4+ years. I might be able to start working on 'puters again.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl
Posted 02 May 2014 - 07:11 PM
Awesome, Gnaw, congrats!
Right now I love this: http://thehairpin.co...wrence-responds
Great read to brighten the day.
Right now I love this: http://thehairpin.co...wrence-responds
Great read to brighten the day.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 02:56 AM
It's always nice when, despite the looming specter of lost jobs under restructuring, one of the managers actually asks you if you'd consider putting a job on their reporting line as your preference. >.>
Shinrei said:
<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 06:13 AM
I got gifted an I-pad air out the blue.
loaded on it? All the ICE Novels and an amazon coupon big enough to buy the first 6 books of the main series! Perhaps the best gift I've ever recieved. I'm nearing the end of Soldiers live by Glen Cook as we speak so really keen to get back into the Malazan. Will start a long anticipated read of stonewielder by days end!
loaded on it? All the ICE Novels and an amazon coupon big enough to buy the first 6 books of the main series! Perhaps the best gift I've ever recieved. I'm nearing the end of Soldiers live by Glen Cook as we speak so really keen to get back into the Malazan. Will start a long anticipated read of stonewielder by days end!
“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof Gas-Fireproof.”
Posted 04 May 2014 - 02:43 AM
Don't know if this belongs in the other thread but oh well ...
I'm back from field well over a week early. To be more accurate, I was out of field before 3 days was up. To do this all I had to do was completely lose my appetite leading myself and other to think I was having some sort of anxiety attack (days 2 and 3 were very stressful for my particular section, even if it only was admin), but this was revised when I saw the medic, asking for stuff for a sore throat and he gave me some strepsils and told me to come back if i felt worse. A few hours later I had a temp of over 39C, my blood pressure had crashed from around 115-120 / 70 to about 42 / 20, I had the shakes something fierce, no energy etc and these funny pimple/pustule things coming up on my tongue and back of throat. Medic sends me back to the military hospital in Brisbane. This is Tuesday night, after heading out on Sunday morning.
The military hospital keeps me only overnight. In an isolation section. The pain relief they have can't help me sleep as my throat feels like it's on fire and every time I swallow I'm almost in tears. This is not very manly at all. I haven't eaten in nearly 2 days by now. Next thing I know it's Wed morning and there are these civvy paramedics in my room putting me on to one of those stretchers that look like they're out of Star Trek. Then they cannulate both arms. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate needles? My temp is still about 38C or so, BP still around 45 / 25, or so they tell me. All I want is to be able to eat something. If I had any appetite, that is.
After a ride where the trainee ambulance driver manages to find every pothole between Enoggera and the Royal Brisbane Hospital (turns out there's quite a few), I'm in Emergency at the RBH. I stay there a while as various smart people come and go and quiz me about when I was last overseas and my sexual history. My standard answer becomes "2009, and I have a toddler so I don't get any". Eventually after much yadda yadda yadda they send me to the infectious diseases unit. The room is very nice, and as I'm a military patient, I'm treated like a private patient. Score! It's also funny as I'm a Private. Ha freaking ha.
By the time I get discharged I have had about 12-14 saline and maybe 8 bags of 2 types of broad-spectrum antibiotics in me in cannula points on the inside of both elbows (MOST uncomfortable). I've had blood taken about 7-8 times and they think it's cute I insist on the emla cream when they can't use the cannula to draw blood. "That's for kids" they tell me. "I don't give a shit" I smile back. I have 12 pustules on my tongue and noone can count the ones on my throat but they feel like they're the size of golf balls. I discover Endone. Sweet, sweet Endone. I start to recover - BP goes up, temp starts to come down a bit more from "Mt Doom toasty" to "Mordor ambient". I actually try to eat some of the stuff they bring me. Anything that is not bland and pureed just hurts. But I manage to get some of it down, in larger and larger amounts each time. By the time my unit brings the Mrs and toddler (they put our kids seat in the beack of the duty vehicle) to see me, the flying wedge of infectious diseases doctors have given me the happy news that it's definitely not the HIV or the Hep or anything nasty like that. No, it's most likely (pending final results next week) to be some shit called cocksackie virus http://en.wikipedia..../Coxsackievirus
I think it just sounds like cocksucker virus, especially with the whole tongue-and-throat-pustules thing. They frown when I start laughing and explain why. They tell me I have had a "Serious Viral Episode" (I shit you not, you could even hear the capitals in the lead doc's voice).
"Is that like the Red Wedding?" I ask. One of them laughs, the youngest dude. The rest don't get it.
Apparently the fact my kid started at daycare this year could have something to do with it. No wonder I've been ill so much this year, those places are like goddamn petri dishes.
They tell me as my vitals have gone back to almost normal I can get discharged if I want. Otherwise it's stay in over the weekend. I'm dressed before they finish the sentence. I'm going to miss all the ice cream, jelly (NOT jell-o you illiterates) and yoghurt the food ladies kept adding to my tray when I couldn't eat much else. See, even in a near-death experience my body still prefers the good stuff.
I get brought home in the duty vehicle on Friday afternoon. We drop the Mrs and Mini-Sombra off and I continue to base so I can fill in a sick leave form. Everyone stays well away from me - if only it could always be like this. I freak them out by poking my tongue out at them with all the cool pustules on it. Then I take my car home. Very, very slowly because of the MASSIVE FUCKING DOWNPOUR as well as my slightly-diminished skills. I get home safely and go to bed for a bajillion hours.
Feeling much better now. Still can't have anything scratchy on the throat, but I have been destroying the custard/yoghurt/ice cream/etc. The Mrs tells me I've lost weight so I take a look at myself in the mirror. It appears I have. All that hard work at PT now gone, back to Mr Skinny Muppet Arms. Oh well. At least I'm getting better and don't go back to work until Wednesday.
I'm back from field well over a week early. To be more accurate, I was out of field before 3 days was up. To do this all I had to do was completely lose my appetite leading myself and other to think I was having some sort of anxiety attack (days 2 and 3 were very stressful for my particular section, even if it only was admin), but this was revised when I saw the medic, asking for stuff for a sore throat and he gave me some strepsils and told me to come back if i felt worse. A few hours later I had a temp of over 39C, my blood pressure had crashed from around 115-120 / 70 to about 42 / 20, I had the shakes something fierce, no energy etc and these funny pimple/pustule things coming up on my tongue and back of throat. Medic sends me back to the military hospital in Brisbane. This is Tuesday night, after heading out on Sunday morning.
The military hospital keeps me only overnight. In an isolation section. The pain relief they have can't help me sleep as my throat feels like it's on fire and every time I swallow I'm almost in tears. This is not very manly at all. I haven't eaten in nearly 2 days by now. Next thing I know it's Wed morning and there are these civvy paramedics in my room putting me on to one of those stretchers that look like they're out of Star Trek. Then they cannulate both arms. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate needles? My temp is still about 38C or so, BP still around 45 / 25, or so they tell me. All I want is to be able to eat something. If I had any appetite, that is.
After a ride where the trainee ambulance driver manages to find every pothole between Enoggera and the Royal Brisbane Hospital (turns out there's quite a few), I'm in Emergency at the RBH. I stay there a while as various smart people come and go and quiz me about when I was last overseas and my sexual history. My standard answer becomes "2009, and I have a toddler so I don't get any". Eventually after much yadda yadda yadda they send me to the infectious diseases unit. The room is very nice, and as I'm a military patient, I'm treated like a private patient. Score! It's also funny as I'm a Private. Ha freaking ha.
By the time I get discharged I have had about 12-14 saline and maybe 8 bags of 2 types of broad-spectrum antibiotics in me in cannula points on the inside of both elbows (MOST uncomfortable). I've had blood taken about 7-8 times and they think it's cute I insist on the emla cream when they can't use the cannula to draw blood. "That's for kids" they tell me. "I don't give a shit" I smile back. I have 12 pustules on my tongue and noone can count the ones on my throat but they feel like they're the size of golf balls. I discover Endone. Sweet, sweet Endone. I start to recover - BP goes up, temp starts to come down a bit more from "Mt Doom toasty" to "Mordor ambient". I actually try to eat some of the stuff they bring me. Anything that is not bland and pureed just hurts. But I manage to get some of it down, in larger and larger amounts each time. By the time my unit brings the Mrs and toddler (they put our kids seat in the beack of the duty vehicle) to see me, the flying wedge of infectious diseases doctors have given me the happy news that it's definitely not the HIV or the Hep or anything nasty like that. No, it's most likely (pending final results next week) to be some shit called cocksackie virus http://en.wikipedia..../Coxsackievirus
I think it just sounds like cocksucker virus, especially with the whole tongue-and-throat-pustules thing. They frown when I start laughing and explain why. They tell me I have had a "Serious Viral Episode" (I shit you not, you could even hear the capitals in the lead doc's voice).
"Is that like the Red Wedding?" I ask. One of them laughs, the youngest dude. The rest don't get it.
Apparently the fact my kid started at daycare this year could have something to do with it. No wonder I've been ill so much this year, those places are like goddamn petri dishes.
They tell me as my vitals have gone back to almost normal I can get discharged if I want. Otherwise it's stay in over the weekend. I'm dressed before they finish the sentence. I'm going to miss all the ice cream, jelly (NOT jell-o you illiterates) and yoghurt the food ladies kept adding to my tray when I couldn't eat much else. See, even in a near-death experience my body still prefers the good stuff.
I get brought home in the duty vehicle on Friday afternoon. We drop the Mrs and Mini-Sombra off and I continue to base so I can fill in a sick leave form. Everyone stays well away from me - if only it could always be like this. I freak them out by poking my tongue out at them with all the cool pustules on it. Then I take my car home. Very, very slowly because of the MASSIVE FUCKING DOWNPOUR as well as my slightly-diminished skills. I get home safely and go to bed for a bajillion hours.
Feeling much better now. Still can't have anything scratchy on the throat, but I have been destroying the custard/yoghurt/ice cream/etc. The Mrs tells me I've lost weight so I take a look at myself in the mirror. It appears I have. All that hard work at PT now gone, back to Mr Skinny Muppet Arms. Oh well. At least I'm getting better and don't go back to work until Wednesday.
This post has been edited by Sombra: 04 May 2014 - 03:08 AM
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:26 AM
For those who cant be bothered to read Sombras post, I did a TL;DR - got man flu, skived off work for a few days.

A Haunting Poem
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
I Scream
You Scream
We all Scream
For I Scream.
Posted 04 May 2014 - 11:16 AM
GoT season 2 with the GF. she bit the bait!
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
Posted 04 May 2014 - 05:11 PM
Gothos, on 04 May 2014 - 11:16 AM, said:
GoT season 2 with the GF. she bit the bait!
Me too!!
Though not technically tonight. But all week we've been binge watching. I've even postponed my watching of season 4 so can watch together when she catches up.
We done the exact same thing for TWD, she binged and we watched season 4 together (from the break that is).
I'd better be careful, she's just turning into me. The implications.....
"If you seek the crumpled bones of the T'lan Imass,
gather into one hand the sands of Raraku"
The Holy Desert
- Anonymous.
gather into one hand the sands of Raraku"
The Holy Desert
- Anonymous.