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Ye Big TV Thread

#521 User is offline   Beezulbubba 

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 10:38 AM

The Walking Dead "Opening Titles"
* as envisioned by a fan

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 04:52 PM

View PostBeezulbubba, on 26 September 2010 - 10:38 AM, said:

The Walking Dead "Opening Titles"
* as envisioned by a fan


I'm quite looking forward to this show...I just hope it's good, and that the characters are not idiots :)
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Posted 26 September 2010 - 05:27 PM

View PostGrimhilde, on 26 September 2010 - 04:52 PM, said:


I'm quite looking forward to this show...I just hope it's good, and that the characters are not idiots :)

Premieres on Halloween night. I will be setting my dvr to capture the first episode, hopefully it's good.

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 08:14 PM

Saw the new Hawaii Five-O. Meh...
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 12:49 AM

Saw the first episode of Human Target. The intro scene was humourous and fresh, but the momentum didn't keep up for the main part of the episode, and roomie who's seen more of it says the energy decreases through the first half a dozen episodes. Might get around to watching more of it when I'm bored sometime.

Also watched Read or Die: The TV (an anime TV show that follows up on the Read or Die mini-series and manga) in its entirety (only 1 season). Overall really liked it though. The first half of the show does well at slowly building up the stakes while introducing the main characters and slowly bringing in more of the overall plot and returning characters. Around the half-way point there are some absolutely stellar few episodes that put the scattered pieces of the mysterious main plot into a solid chunk while featuring some extremely gratifying paper duels. Then the 2nd half puts all the characters into a desperate gamble to stop the bad guy while resolving their complex emotional issues, like any good show featuring british people taking over the world.

I didn't like that the styles of the episodes jumped around a bit early on, with some episodes being entirely slapstick comedy and others being entirely sleuthing combat-heavy infiltrations (and one randomly featuring very prominent toplessness from a random tertiary female character), but they all worked towards developing the characters better or advancing the plot and I can't really see any better way they could have done it, I suppose. For anyone who watches and likes anime, this was a good watch, especially considering there's no giant mech-suits or laser-shooting-yellow-haired-dudes. That being said, the Read or Die OVA (/movie/mini-series, hard to classify) is required watching first or you won't understand a thing. The novels and mangas do not need to be read (as with my case).

8 bullet-deflecting giant paper robots out of 10.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 12:56 AM

Just watched the last few episodes of Breaking Bad Season 3. This show has got to be the best on TV right now. It has packed more gut-punches, more moments that make you sit back in shock, more electric scenes that make your skin tingle and your eyes open wide than anything else I've ever seen. And it has come at it all with incredible visual style, and managed to go through three seasons and come out the other side with a cast full of believable characters, and even add a slapdash of (very black) humour into the mix. Truly amazing show, and anyone who doesn't mind a little bleakness in their television should watch it, and watch it now.

On an unrelated note, I'm taking part in a very slow watch through of Buffy with some of my housemates. Today we got to an awesome episode in Season 3 called The Zeppo. It was a brilliant self parody in that it didn't tell you what it was doing - the joke slowly dawns on you as you watch it, until by the end I was laughing my ass off. Fantastic :).

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 01:05 AM

View PostD, on 27 September 2010 - 12:49 AM, said:

Saw the first episode of Human Target. The intro scene was humourous and fresh, but the momentum didn't keep up for the main part of the episode, and roomie who's seen more of it says the energy decreases through the first half a dozen episodes. Might get around to watching more of it when I'm bored sometime.

Also watched Read or Die: The TV (an anime TV show that follows up on the Read or Die mini-series and manga) in its entirety (only 1 season). Overall really liked it though. The first half of the show does well at slowly building up the stakes while introducing the main characters and slowly bringing in more of the overall plot and returning characters. Around the half-way point there are some absolutely stellar few episodes that put the scattered pieces of the mysterious main plot into a solid chunk while featuring some extremely gratifying paper duels. Then the 2nd half puts all the characters into a desperate gamble to stop the bad guy while resolving their complex emotional issues, like any good show featuring british people taking over the world.

I didn't like that the styles of the episodes jumped around a bit early on, with some episodes being entirely slapstick comedy and others being entirely sleuthing combat-heavy infiltrations (and one randomly featuring very prominent toplessness from a random tertiary female character), but they all worked towards developing the characters better or advancing the plot and I can't really see any better way they could have done it, I suppose. For anyone who watches and likes anime, this was a good watch, especially considering there's no giant mech-suits or laser-shooting-yellow-haired-dudes. That being said, the Read or Die OVA (/movie/mini-series, hard to classify) is required watching first or you won't understand a thing. The novels and mangas do not need to be read (as with my case).

8 bullet-deflecting giant paper robots out of 10.

The fight scene in the pilot was pretty awesome though, was it not? You definitely don't see such good choreography on a TV show very often. Human Target has two things to offer - fight scenes and car chases, and quite often both of them the same time. Mark Valley isn't all that charasmatic in the lead role, but it does have Chi McBride, who was great in Pushing Daisies and is an actor I could watch all day. I remember thinking that where they were going in the last episode might be kind of interesting (though that was a while ago now). But your roommate is probably right in that it doesn't sustain the tone and energy present in the pilot as well as it perhaps could have (and be warned that every now and then they stray into the realms of the ridiculous (I'm looking at you, Mr. Plane Episode).

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#528 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 08:42 AM

View PostH.D., on 14 September 2010 - 07:24 AM, said:

Understandable. I find Tara the most annoying because her story lines are just Debbie Downer. She has a right to be miserable, but it isn't fun to watch.

Sookie's role is to get naked, have all the men want her, and do dumb shit, definitely. But how does that make her a bitch?

I think the best example is from the first season when Bill kills the vampire bartender to save Sookie. He explains to her how much shit he's in for that and that he needs to go to the vampire council thing to plead for both of their lives.

While he's gone (for three days or so), some shit happens back in the Town and Sookie is angry at him because it was obviously more important to him to do "his vampire thing" instead of taking care of her.

This post has been edited by Morgoth: 27 September 2010 - 08:42 AM

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#529 User is offline   Binder of Demons 

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 01:15 PM

Just watched episode 10 of RUBICON, and it's gradually building up the story, and (slowly) bringing some threads together. Still a fairly glacial pace compared to most shows these days, but I don't mind that when it's pretty well put together. I'm curious to see if they will ever let it break in to a frantic pace though.

I see that DEXTER restarted today. I wonder how long til it airs down here in NZ.

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#530 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 03:07 PM

UNDERCOVERS? Anyone? Anyone? I want this new JJ Abrams show to be awesome - i still think his ALIAS season 2 is one of the best spy show seasons ever on tv - but i fear it's another lame Mr and Mrs Smith rip-off.

NIKITA - yes, yes, Maggie Q in lingerie... but i'm wavering on this show real quick. Decent acton but the performences are weak. Maggie isn't Peta Wilson, Shane isn't Roy Dupuis and if i go on comparing this show to LA FEMME NIKITA it just pales so far.

THE EVENT - ...nonplussed so far. Not the next LOST. May be the next FLASHFORWARD - gets a full season but thatssall.

NO ORDINARY FAMILY - starts this week. i want it to be awesome but i'm so burnt after the mess that HEROES became that the pessimism, it runs high.

FRINGE - is back and it's all good.

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Posted 30 September 2010 - 02:46 PM

View PostAbyss, on 27 September 2010 - 03:07 PM, said:

UNDERCOVERS? Anyone? Anyone? I want this new JJ Abrams show to be awesome - i still think his ALIAS season 2 is one of the best spy show seasons ever on tv - but i fear it's another lame Mr and Mrs Smith rip-off...

Saw it. Lasted about 30min. Sorry JJ, i'll take a pass on this one. Cutesy couple spies in by-the-numbers predictable storylines with perky supporting cast don't do it for me.

ALIAS was all about the spy kicky sploddy first and the Felicity-moments second (and eventually not at all). FRINGE barely even gave the cast personalities for the first season with the significant exception of John Nobel as Walter. LOST hit the viewer with all kinds of wtf from the word go. This... this... this was just tedious. One bad chase scene at the start that doesn't even involve the leads and then 30min of nonsense masqquerading and plot and character development. No go.

I give it a season on the strength of the network not wanting to piss JJ off by killing his new show out of the gate.

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Posted 01 October 2010 - 02:53 PM

Watched the entire first season of Community with the ole lady this weekend. The shows great in itself, but i gotta say, Abed is one of the best new characters i've seen in a long time. Everything he does and says is awesome. I almost busted a kidney when he dressed up as Batman.
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#533 User is offline   Chance 

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Posted 01 October 2010 - 05:23 PM

View PostAbyss, on 27 September 2010 - 03:07 PM, said:

FRINGE - is back and it's all good.

With the last episode I'd say its back and its better !

/Chance...likes what Bell left the madman.

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 03:46 PM

Caught up w new HAWAII 5-0.

Fun! Way better than i was expecting. Brainless to an extent, with plot device contrivance beyond suspension of disbelief at times (hey, look at the unmarked plane that just flew overhead! follow that plane! in a car!!!!), but the cast pulls it off and they do a solid action scene at least 2x per ep. Am liking the dialogue esp between McGarret and Danno and i'm still giggling to myself every time they use The Line.

Has anyone seen a UK paranormal vamps and werewolves limitted series called BEING HUMAN?
If so, does it improve beyond the first ep?

#535 User is offline   masan's saddle 

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 04:43 PM

View PostAbyss, on 04 October 2010 - 03:46 PM, said:

Has anyone seen a UK paranormal vamps and werewolves limitted series called BEING HUMAN?
If so, does it improve beyond the first ep?

Yes....and no.

It's not bad and the storyline does develop in interesting directions. The humour and references are distinctly British and this has been a problem for some across the pond. I watched the first series and enjoyed it in a distracting sort of way, but not enough to give a shit about watching the follow up.

Shock of shocks I believe one of the American networks were toying with the idea of a "remake" (read fuck up) for the American market, have'nt paid much attention to this though. I'm more horrified by the news that some fucker wants to "remake" Spooks for the American market. It won't work. They're already struggling with the title as apparently it's offensive to some sections. Also, somehow I can't see a primetime network going with an episode where a female MI5 officer gets her face dipped in a deep fat fryer........
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#536 User is offline   Raymond Luxury Yacht 

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Posted 10 October 2010 - 07:29 PM

View Postmasan, on 04 October 2010 - 04:43 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 04 October 2010 - 03:46 PM, said:

Has anyone seen a UK paranormal vamps and werewolves limitted series called BEING HUMAN?
If so, does it improve beyond the first ep?

Yes....and no.

It's not bad and the storyline does develop in interesting directions. The humour and references are distinctly British and this has been a problem for some across the pond. I watched the first series and enjoyed it in a distracting sort of way, but not enough to give a shit about watching the follow up.

Shock of shocks I believe one of the American networks were toying with the idea of a "remake" (read fuck up) for the American market, have'nt paid much attention to this though. I'm more horrified by the news that some fucker wants to "remake" Spooks for the American market. It won't work. They're already struggling with the title as apparently it's offensive to some sections. Also, somehow I can't see a primetime network going with an episode where a female MI5 officer gets her face dipped in a deep fat fryer........

American remakes aren't ALWAYS fuckups. For example, the american Office is better than the British. yeah, I said it, and if you want I'll back it up. It's true.
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Posted 12 October 2010 - 02:29 PM

View PostRaymond Luxury Yacht, on 10 October 2010 - 07:29 PM, said:

...American remakes aren't ALWAYS fuckups. For example, the american Office is better than the British. yeah, I said it, and if you want I'll back it up. It's true.

More successful yes, but not necessarily 'better'.

And then there's ABFAB, COUPLING and MEN BEHAVING BADLY, the US remakes of which couldn't add up to a single season collectively.

In other news...

THE EVENT - i'm really wavering on this show. It has moments of awesome and moments of insulting the viewer.

HAWAII 5-0 - fun, but Grace Park is utterly wasted.

NO ORDINARY FAMILY - No. Just no. HEROES as done by Disney but worse. No.

NIKITA - I am entertained enough but sceptical this will get a second season.

HOUSE - is hitting all marks this season. The level of humour is at a new high.

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 04:15 PM

View PostAbyss, on 12 October 2010 - 02:29 PM, said:

View PostRaymond Luxury Yacht, on 10 October 2010 - 07:29 PM, said:

...American remakes aren't ALWAYS fuckups. For example, the american Office is better than the British. yeah, I said it, and if you want I'll back it up. It's true.

More successful yes, but not necessarily 'better'.

No its just better.
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#539 User is offline   Beezulbubba 

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 05:05 PM

If you get the IFC channel, I highly recommend The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

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Posted 12 October 2010 - 10:25 PM

The American Office is definitely very funny. I really enjoy it but it has ceased to be a cleverly written mockumentary and has just become a well written sitcom based in the Office. The genius of the British was how much you just kept believing it was all actually happening and that it could be happening in offices across the country. It was subtle and very irritatingly funny. The American one is still hilarious but it's a lot goofier and more obvious. Sure, the laugh out loud moments are more frequent but there is something lost in translation I feel. Plus the first season was almost entirely made up of rehashed scripts from the British one.
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