QuickTidal, on 19 July 2016 - 10:23 AM, said:
Finished Season 1 of STRANGER THINGS last night! Absolutely amazing start to finish. The tension and excitement never lets up.
spoilers to the end.
Netflix needs to greenlight S2 now! Also, apparently Guillermo Del Toro and Stephen King are both raving about the show. That's a solid endorsement.
I managed to get it finished up too - it was awesome wasn't it, the pacing was brilliant all the way through.
I found this interview from the directors - take a read if you've watched the series:
Pretty much covers anything I could say or speculate on haha.
But one thing:
I need more!
Apt, on 20 July 2016 - 08:12 AM, said:
When that is said there is a deep feeling of nostalgia I get from watching this show. It feels like coming home. A calmer, more safe time, when cops were trustworthy, kids played outside until the sun went down and the government were running experiments on children for the sake of the Free World.
That is why it was great for me, it hit all the perfect notes giving you the nostalgia feeling for some of the great films of my youth. It has been a while since we had something like this came out, Super 8 was probably the most recent and whilst I enjoyed that, I didn't think it was great and it didn't have that spark, this does.
Just roll with it and enjoy, aye parts feel similar but that is a good thing for me.
Just to add that my earlier post, I watched up to episode 4 and speculated... pretty much everything I wondered was answered in the next episode ha, typical.
This post has been edited by champ: 20 July 2016 - 09:42 PM