Silencer, on 15 May 2013 - 12:52 AM, said:
Defiance, on 14 May 2013 - 02:28 PM, said:
3) No annoying new characters. It's probably inevitable, but I'd really like to see people actually place their faith in Jack for once. I always roll my eyes when people second guess him. Have they read this guy's résumé?
Haha, yeah, that does get a bit jarring after he's been: head of/lead field agent of CTU, been doubted, cut loose, saved the entire United States and several Presidents, about EIGHT TIMES NOW. You would think, the moment a crisis comes up, people would just sit down, shut up, and wait for Jack Bauer to solve it for them. XD
Then again, I'm still waiting for Jack to do something dramatic and heroic, and when someone else says "Good job, Jack, the threat has been averted!" (or whatever), he turns around, emotionless gaze fixed, and says: "It's not over."
"What, but we defeated the-"
"It's only been six hours. There are at least 18 hours before this is over. Trust me."
Because you know, by now, you'd think he would know the drill.
If he would just check into a hotel, unplug the phone and tv and sleep for 12 hours the problem would pretty much go away.