If so; it is necessary (at least here in Norway anyway). Racism and sexism is a problem when it comes to hiring new people, because it's usually the older generation doing the hiring. And a lot of them are still racist to a certain extent because they've had very little interaction with minorities. If they see two aplications, one with a norwegian name and one with a name they have difficulties pronouncing, the latter often ends up in the garbage can without even being opened. Afirmative action is necessary to level out the playing field. You could say it will probably level itself out in a generation or two, but that is an unacceptable amount of time.
Racism is very much an issue in everyday life. Like Shinrei no Shintai pointed out, racial slurs should not be part of your vocabulary, for the simple reason that it is bad etiquette.
Fun fact:
In Norway, at least 40% of the boardmembers of any company (or political party) has to be female. Or else they will be shut down. The old white guys are slowly loosing their grip on all the power