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Reputation: 1017 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
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6,428 (0.82 per day)
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The Phoenix Inn (1838 posts)
01-January 03
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User is offline May 11 2024 10:03 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Map painting expert
38 years old
December 13, 1985

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  1. Photo


    16 May 2011 - 14:46
    Not just the rep, but thanks!
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    Grimjust Bearegular 

    16 May 2011 - 14:32
    wow, your rep is huge!
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    Grimjust Bearegular 

    16 May 2011 - 14:31
    Blame Illy...I do.
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    04 May 2011 - 11:46
    I have ME3 article! I require an address!
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    29 Apr 2011 - 04:18
    RE: Game informer - trying to organise access to a scanner. I intend to focus on ME3 article first and then i'll scan whatever else I have the time to do (most likely whatever Shiara has the time to do whilst at work). I'll let you know when it is done so you can PM me your email.
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    Coco with marshmallows 

    09 Jul 2010 - 19:37
    As for the video of the Argentina fan,
    I posted it earlier in the pics thread.
    Here's the link:
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    20 Jun 2010 - 13:45
    assyrians moar liek ASSyrians amirite lolololol
    Sorry, I had a stroke last night.
  8. Photo


    16 Jun 2010 - 21:39
    Hell yes, Hittite mythology is the best. They had the traditional 'get your enemies drunk at a feast then kill them' tactic move while the Scandinavians were still using bark as toilet paper.
  9. Photo


    15 Apr 2010 - 14:16
    Nah, you see, Texas is the angry, drunk parent HOLDING the Bible Belt and using it to beat the rest of the country.
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    07 Apr 2010 - 16:59
    blesseth be the ones born in paradise
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    07 Apr 2010 - 16:08
    Ah, well, that seems to be what people do here too to get by, but its not my idea of 'fine'. A roommate, sure, but having to share rooms or live with couples? not my idea of the fun.
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    07 Apr 2010 - 07:52
    well it's fine working near the minimum here if you don't insist on living alone. I can only pay my rent and food b/c I live with 4 other people in a 3 room flat
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    06 Apr 2010 - 20:30
    hah. minimum wage in most of our states is less than starvation level already, so you do seem to win this round.
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    06 Apr 2010 - 09:53
    I just meant that waiters, hotel boys etc don't depend on tips to survive. I assume the wages they get in the states are less than starvation level, how you guys put it.
    Also you have to remember, different european countries can vary tremendously in wages. My sister makes ten times more than me working in Switzerland
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    03 Apr 2010 - 22:01
    your post about how europeans get paid better than americans... I remember you complaining about how you made shit not too long ago. Or was that someone else?
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