lastname, on 09 October 2013 - 05:05 AM, said:
I have minor qualms about both. The former will be my first Pratchett novel and I'm hoping I've picked a decent intro to Discworld. I got the latter mostly on a whim. I didn't know what to make of the Shadows of the Apt thread. Very little in the way of consensus there (except for praise for The Air War) but enough to intrigue me.
GUARDS GUARDS! Is easily my second fave Discworld book, only trumped by MEN AT ARMS (the 2nd Watch-based Discworld books) and that's because of Detritus. You should not be disappointed by it. Getting to know Ankh-Morpork from the POV of Sergeant Vimes and Co. is probably the best way to bust into the Dicworld books. You're in for a treat.
EMPIRE IN BLACK AND GOLD is solid, and unique. This is one of those series that very slowly grabs its own bootstraps and pulls itself up into quality stratosphere. Thus book 1 is good, Book 2 is also good (if slightly better), Book 3 is REALLY good, and so far book 4 is yeah, if you are down to continue with it, you'll be impressed.