QuickTidal, on 07 June 2012 - 03:36 PM, said:
SUPERGIRL went a BIT off the rails in the last few issues with a side story of Black Banshee and Silver Banshee...but it's not awful...just not as good as the Worldkiller's Arc when she first arrived on earth...that said, we are ramping up to a new arc where she will face off against a new villain and then challenge Superman in the Fortress of Solitude about the bottled city of Kandor...What I find is best about this revamped Supergirl is the notion that she really was simply ripped from her home, everyone she knew died, and her baby cousin is now older than her and understands things she doesn't. She's still an angry, broken teenager who has been displaced...and that makes her really compelling actually.
The same goes for Manpul's FLASH...the first arc was excellent, but the second arc has been a TAD less impressive (storywise, the art is still gorgeous), but seems to be shaping up to a bigger future arc.
It's nice to see DC actually paying attention to continuity across the board...something I wasn't expecting them to do actually.
yah, only a couple more, then i'll have had read all issues of Supergirl, only just read #9 of Flash, so i can't yet say i'm into it, its ok i guess,
only a few left, but i already know much of those titles i'll continue to read, which i really like - Birds of Prey, World's Finest, Supergirl, Batgirl, Batman, Red Hood, Suicide Squad, Demon Knights, Ravagers, Teen Titans and Voodoo,
out of curiosity, why do the rest of them characters change looks and costumes when they're in a cross-over? for ex - Legion Lost/Teen Titans - Ravagers/The Culling cross-over?
Just read this titles:
Suicide Squad #7-8 - pretty lazy on the harley quinn origin, i get why people hate that,
Red Hood #8 - kinda nice actually, him interacting w/ tim, which is red robin now,
Animal Man, Swamp Thing - not my type of stories really, but they are interesting, still undecided if i'll continue,
Ultimates #9 - i'm looking forward to reading this entire series, and all the ultimate ones - thor, spiderman, x-men,
Astonishing X-men #49 - if there wasn't Wolverine and Gambit and Iceman in here, i won't be reading this, and still not used w/ that gay stuff,
Witchblade #146, 155-156 - i'm really enjoying this one right now,
It's not who I am underneath.. but what i do that defines me - Batman, Batman Begins; 'Without our deaths, sir, there would be no crime. Thus, no punishment to match,' 'Mortal Sword - '
'We are done, my friend. Now, in this manner, we choose the meaning of our deaths' - Mortal Sword Brukhalian to Veteran Nilbanas, siege of Capustan
'Ippen shinde miru (want to try dying this once) ?' - Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)