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The Comics Thread! SLAM! WHAM! KA-BOOM! KER-SPLODE!!!

#561 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 20 May 2011 - 08:18 PM

Bad dog. Bad dog. :D
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#562 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 31 May 2011 - 07:55 PM

DC Comics is (as reported two hours ago) Re-Numbering the ENTIRE DCU in September. EVERY TITLE setting their numbering back to #1...

Yeah and that means all what you think it means...about characters and story arcs ect...

See more at the link.


The good news on the page is that the Geoff John's Jim Lee secret project has been revealed and it's that they are re-launching Justice League with oriignal members Bats, Supes, WW GL ect...I like the idea of bringing the League back to it's roots.
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Posted 31 May 2011 - 08:25 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 20 May 2011 - 03:35 PM, said:

View PostPOOPOO MCBUMFACE, on 20 May 2011 - 02:57 PM, said:

Read Grant Morrison's We3 this morning.

Shit. Manly tears. Is gud dog. I love Morrison. And my dog.

We3 is arguyably the greatest original piece of work he ever produced. To this day it still causes me to be wracked with emotion every time I sit down and read it. That's a feat with a book that is only 3 issues long. Love it.

Thirded. Fucking brilliant, action heavy, utter tearjerker.

View PostQuickTidal, on 31 May 2011 - 07:55 PM, said:

DC Comics is (as reported two hours ago) Re-Numbering the ENTIRE DCU in September. EVERY TITLE setting their numbering back to #1... AGAIN.

Yeah and that means all what you think it means...about characters and story arcs ect... AGAIN.

See more at the link.

The good news on the page is that the Geoff John's Jim Lee secret project has been revealed and it's that they are re-launching Justice League AGAIN with oriignal members Bats, Supes, WW GL ect... AGAIN. I like the idea of bringing the League back to it's roots. AGAIN

Fixed to reflect reality.

#564 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 12:44 PM

View PostAbyss, on 31 May 2011 - 08:25 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 20 May 2011 - 03:35 PM, said:

View PostPOOPOO MCBUMFACE, on 20 May 2011 - 02:57 PM, said:

Read Grant Morrison's We3 this morning.

Shit. Manly tears. Is gud dog. I love Morrison. And my dog.

We3 is arguyably the greatest original piece of work he ever produced. To this day it still causes me to be wracked with emotion every time I sit down and read it. That's a feat with a book that is only 3 issues long. Love it.

Thirded. Fucking brilliant, action heavy, utter tearjerker.

View PostQuickTidal, on 31 May 2011 - 07:55 PM, said:

DC Comics is (as reported two hours ago) Re-Numbering the ENTIRE DCU in September. EVERY TITLE setting their numbering back to #1... AGAIN.

Yeah and that means all what you think it means...about characters and story arcs ect... AGAIN.

See more at the link.

The good news on the page is that the Geoff John's Jim Lee secret project has been revealed and it's that they are re-launching Justice League AGAIN with oriignal members Bats, Supes, WW GL ect... AGAIN. I like the idea of bringing the League back to it's roots. AGAIN

Fixed to reflect reality.

No no, this isn't just a few titles....this is the entire DCU (52 titles go back to #1 as of Aug31st 2011), back to square one. I know they've done individual titles before, but this is something new, and has the potential to RULE ass...or suck ballsacks.
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#565 User is offline   POOPOO MCBUMFACE 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 01:36 PM

I'm always going to hold any original roster Justice League run up to Morrison's amazing run back in 1997 or so, and I can't see much living up to that. Pretty burned out on superhero comics in general after how bad I found Brightest Day (really enjoyed the last few "events" like Sinestro Corps War, Blackest Night and Final Crisis), wondering what to pick up next.

#566 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 01:46 PM

View PostPOOPOO MCBUMFACE, on 01 June 2011 - 01:36 PM, said:

I'm always going to hold any original roster Justice League run up to Morrison's amazing run back in 1997 or so, and I can't see much living up to that. Pretty burned out on superhero comics in general after how bad I found Brightest Day (really enjoyed the last few "events" like Sinestro Corps War, Blackest Night and Final Crisis), wondering what to pick up next.

Well, Marvel is doing their best with FEAR ITSELF...but it really is just their version of BLACKEST NIGHT with Asgardian Weapons instead of Black Lantern Rings...but it's not too bad as there is a real world implication in the storytelling...still not blowing down any doors after two issues (3rd is out today).

I love John's writing, so at the very least I know I should enjoy the relaunched League, GL and Aquaman.

I just can't believe they are setting "Action Comics" and "Detective Comics" back to #1...that kind of boggles my mind. Those titles have been going since the 1930's on the same numbering! And they were getting close to #1000 which would have been huge. That just really melts my brain and is the ballsiest thing they are doing.
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#567 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 03:18 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 01 June 2011 - 12:44 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 31 May 2011 - 08:25 PM, said:

View PostQuickTidal, on 20 May 2011 - 03:35 PM, said:

View PostPOOPOO MCBUMFACE, on 20 May 2011 - 02:57 PM, said:

Read Grant Morrison's We3 this morning.

Shit. Manly tears. Is gud dog. I love Morrison. And my dog.

We3 is arguyably the greatest original piece of work he ever produced. To this day it still causes me to be wracked with emotion every time I sit down and read it. That's a feat with a book that is only 3 issues long. Love it.

Thirded. Fucking brilliant, action heavy, utter tearjerker.

View PostQuickTidal, on 31 May 2011 - 07:55 PM, said:

DC Comics is (as reported two hours ago) Re-Numbering the ENTIRE DCU in September. EVERY TITLE setting their numbering back to #1... AGAIN.

Yeah and that means all what you think it means...about characters and story arcs ect... AGAIN.

See more at the link.

The good news on the page is that the Geoff John's Jim Lee secret project has been revealed and it's that they are re-launching Justice League AGAIN with oriignal members Bats, Supes, WW GL ect... AGAIN. I like the idea of bringing the League back to it's roots. AGAIN

Fixed to reflect reality.

No no, this isn't just a few titles....this is the entire DCU (52 titles go back to #1 as of Aug31st 2011), AGAIN back to square one AGAIN. ...

See Crisis on Infinite Earths and to a lesser extent Zero Hour. This has been done before.

As well, the whole 'JLA IS BACK TO THE BIG NAMES!' thing has been done at least twice... once by Morrison and once earlier than that circa the later JLI/JLE days.

It's not that i begrudge DC hitting the reboot button, since, as a sales boost it obviously works. But the level of hype always serves to conceal that this is NOT an original idea

#568 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 04:21 PM


My friend pointed out what the point is in collecting any title this they are just going to relaunch these characters...

like Batgirl, who started as Barbara Gordon (who during the Killing Joke became paralyzed and The Oracle), then Cassandra Cain, the mute battle awesome Batgirl, to Stephanie Brown/Spoiler version that it currently is....will go back to being nothing as of Aug 31st, and Barabara Gordon is apparently becoming Batgirl again, sans leg injuries obviously.

It's stuff like this that really is setting things up for Crisis and Zero Hour were In-World attempts to reboot....this sounds like it's DC knocking the game on the floor Out-World and saying fuck it...we're restarting this shit from day one.
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#569 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 05:08 PM

See, somewhere around whenever Magneto made his upteenth attempt to conquer the world and Superman died but got better, i gave up on Big Two floppies entirely, on the basis that once the same storylines start recirculating, it's time to move on.

I've gone back periodically for trades of especially good runs like Brubaker on Cap and Iron Fist, All Star Superman, and few others, and i'll grab up non Big 2 stuff like Invincible and Walking Dead, tho still in trades.

The last time i bought floppies at all was Warren Ellis' Global Frequency run.

But the point is, the Big 2 have been systematically rerunning the same ground in more or less ten year cycles for ages. So if they get your dollars, sooner or later they decide your dollars are no longer worth working for because some younger putz will lay down cash for the same thing they sold you a few years ago. It's easier to recyle than work at coming up with something new.

I don't care how original the 'new' Superman books are going to be.... sooner or later he'll be butting heads with Lex Luthor. AGAIN.

#570 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 01 June 2011 - 06:52 PM

View PostAbyss, on 01 June 2011 - 05:08 PM, said:

See, somewhere around whenever Magneto made his upteenth attempt to conquer the world and Superman died but got better, i gave up on Big Two floppies entirely, on the basis that once the same storylines start recirculating, it's time to move on.

I've gone back periodically for trades of especially good runs like Brubaker on Cap and Iron Fist, All Star Superman, and few others, and i'll grab up non Big 2 stuff like Invincible and Walking Dead, tho still in trades.

The last time i bought floppies at all was Warren Ellis' Global Frequency run.

But the point is, the Big 2 have been systematically rerunning the same ground in more or less ten year cycles for ages. So if they get your dollars, sooner or later they decide your dollars are no longer worth working for because some younger putz will lay down cash for the same thing they sold you a few years ago. It's easier to recyle than work at coming up with something new.

I don't care how original the 'new' Superman books are going to be.... sooner or later he'll be butting heads with Lex Luthor. AGAIN.

Well put.

And I think an even bigger reason to be faithful for non Big2 entities.

Sadly, I am a sucker for superheroes...especially ones I grew up with.

But I was reading stuff like RUNAWAYS, and EXILES which was at least making things interesting...the latter especially. they need to do more NEW character titles. Give us new big superheroes to care about.

Remember how awesome Top Cow & Strazinski's RISING STARS was? That was NEW, fresh and is still pretty damn fine mini-series to this day. We need more stuff like that.
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Posted 02 June 2011 - 11:30 AM

Having been a Marvel fan for years and years, and an occasional reader of some big DC events, I'd take issue with the seemingly prevalent feeling that the Big2 don't do anything original, or exciting. Before he was subsumed into the Avengers (and thereby emasculated), the mini-series of the Sentry was a great concept, and really well executed. Some of the one-shots are great in conception. The big titles, your Xmen, Spider-man, Avengers et al, may tread territory that is tired, but now and again you get a run that revitalises the entire franchise. Grant Morrison's run on Xmen, Joss Whedon's storylines after the very odd Breakworld story, both of those were excellent, game-changing runs that set a very-high bar for the next creative talent. And often, when trying to follow a creative run like that, the temptation for an inferior talent is to ignore what's been done, and hit that big reset button.
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Posted 02 June 2011 - 12:46 PM

Well I picked up Marvel's FEAR ITSELF #3 (their big summer crossover event), and aside from making The Thing into another weapon of Fear for Skadi and the Serpent...not much happens till the end. Not a bad issue, but for a series that is only 7 issues long...Marvel better do something soon or they might lose the summer event award to...

...FLASHPOINT #2 (DC's big summer crossover event, leading into the big reset in the fall), which I grabbed yesterday too, and man it's shaping up to do some GREAT things...even one issue in. I'm more impressed by FLASHPOINT than I was with BRIGHTEST far.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 02 June 2011 - 12:47 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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#573 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 02 June 2011 - 02:52 PM

View Postjitsukerr, on 02 June 2011 - 11:30 AM, said:

...but now and again you get a run that revitalises the entire franchise. Grant Morrison's run on Xmen, Joss Whedon's ...And often, when trying to follow a creative run like that, the temptation for an inferior talent is to ignore what's been done, and hit that big reset button.

You hit a good point there. Part of the problem is that after a Morrison or a Whedon you get a Chuck Austen run that is just plain weak, or a perfectly decent writer's run that is subsumed into the latest Big Crossover and consequenly crapified.

The shift from title loyalty to writer loyalty has become pronounced in the last few years.

On the other hand, I suppose that at root Wolverine can only fight Sabretooth so many times before it gets old for someone.

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 04:23 PM

Surely the Whedon run is a bad example of 'following up with a poor or decent writer' given that Astonishing X-men was taken over by Warren Ellis? Admittedly, his run on Astonishing was not so mighty, but still.

Anyway, the DC thing worries me because when they tried that with Wildstorm, they killed it so badly they've since wound up the imprint. I do hope that they will be braver with the new status quo than they have been recently, though- Marvel reset things eventually, but big events in the 'verse will have an impact for some time in recent years, whereas DC hit the Big Reset Button very very quickly post-Events. For that reason I also hope that, unless it's really bad, they don't bottle the reboot and bring back the old characters.
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Posted 09 June 2011 - 05:21 PM

View Postpolishgenius, on 09 June 2011 - 04:23 PM, said:

Surely the Whedon run is a bad example of 'following up with a poor or decent writer' given that Astonishing X-men was taken over by Warren Ellis? Admittedly, his run on Astonishing was not so mighty, but still.

Anyway, the DC thing worries me because when they tried that with Wildstorm, they killed it so badly they've since wound up the imprint. I do hope that they will be braver with the new status quo than they have been recently, though- Marvel reset things eventually, but big events in the 'verse will have an impact for some time in recent years, whereas DC hit the Big Reset Button very very quickly post-Events. For that reason I also hope that, unless it's really bad, they don't bottle the reboot and bring back the old characters.

Wildstorm is being relaunched with the DCNu
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#576 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 09 June 2011 - 11:06 PM

Is it? Good. Any word on writers and shizzle? I've always had a soft spot for the Wildstorme universe, as The Authority (along with Kingdom Come) is what kickstarted my interest in comics.
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Posted 10 June 2011 - 03:36 AM

View Postpolishgenius, on 09 June 2011 - 11:06 PM, said:

Is it? Good. Any word on writers and shizzle? I've always had a soft spot for the Wildstorme universe, as The Authority (along with Kingdom Come) is what kickstarted my interest in comics.

Here's the info that was announced today.

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Posted 12 June 2011 - 11:34 PM

Cool. Cornell is decent, from what I know of his work. Those new costumes for Apollo and Midnighter look crap, but as long as they don't fuck with the relationship, I'm all for... and having Martian Manhunter involved? Sold. Looks like they'll be solidifying its place in the DC Multiverse. Interesting how they'll do the morality thing, since the Authority are really only marginally heroes, and not heroes at all by the standards of the DCU (or indeed Ellis' original intent) - they'd have considered Black Adam dangerously wishy-washy. Will they dial it back in the relaunch, make it a plot thing, or just ignore the issues?
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Posted 13 June 2011 - 12:23 AM

Well, after realizing that all .cbr sources are dead, I went to Marvel and begin to study their Marvel Digital subscription... Do you have any experience with it? Is it complete set of story arcs or rather classic titles but with gaps?

Its pretty bad for me... ordering comic (paper) to Czech republic is insanely expensive... I dont mind paying year subscription, but I do not want to end with gaps in story. I dont even mind some delay (year, no problem), but continuity is key for me.

Thanks for any response:)
Adept Ulrik - Highest Marshall of Quick Ben's Irregulars
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Posted 11 July 2011 - 08:25 PM

Last week I picked up Shrapnel: Hubris (which is the sequel to Shrapnel: Aristeia Rising, a comicbook I highly recommend) and Legends: The Enchanted, which is a book with all the oldies, Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood, Goldielocks and so on. Only they've grown up and are living in a world where the shit has hit the fan, a humongous pile of turd and a big friggin fan!

Good stuff.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!


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