wolf_2099, on Aug 31 2009, 04:39 PM, said:
Punisher used to be a g rated comic (shocking, i know). He had magic guns and foughts devils. It failed. Quickly.
And daffy Duck is a Looney Tunes property. You're thinking of Donald Duck. Who would totally get his downy ass handed to him by Howard the Duck in any event.
This is a weird conversation.
Aptorian, on Aug 31 2009, 04:42 PM, said:
On one hand they're playing the innocent providers of wholesome family entertainment and on the other they're driving a thousand Chinese sweatshops making all the merchandise bought by the western hemisphere out of toxic plastics and the tears of little children.
It's the pain and blood that makes those toys so sweet.
stone monkey, on Sep 1 2009, 06:37 AM, said:
here's the thing - I'm betting Disney bought Marvel for the MOVIES, not the comics. Comics are nice. They generate properties that can eventually be turned into movies that make big evil white globs of sloppy money. But comics as a medium haven't been, generally, profitable since the speculator nonsense in the early 90s. Sure the X-Men can still turn a profit, but the industry generally has been a mess for ages. So its full steam ahead for comics as a movie advertising medium...
Expect, ASAP, Tony Stark to stop being a fugitive and start wearing environmentally friendly Armani suits and using a green laptop to fight evil othercorps. Expect Steve Rogers back and whiter and blonder than ever... and replacing the star on that sheild with Mickey Mouse's silhouette, ears and all. Expect WORLD WAR HULKS to be renamed HULK FAMILY VALUES. Thor will team up with Jesus. The AVENGERS will be renamed the PROTECTORS (subject to copyright, i think Malibu still owns that name). Ms Marvel, She Hulk and Storm will start wearing pants instead of bikini bottoms. Black Panther with become African Panther. Wolverine will apologize to Silver Fox for his ancestors' bumping uglies with Pocahontas, even tho it was entirely consentual and there was a priest in the room at the time. Spidey will not only be married again, but will have his kid back, three of them in fact. AND Aunt May will live again. Again.
But it works both ways. Mickey Mouse will take up poker.
...of course, i could be wrong.
- Abyss, would in fact read Thor vs Jesus... "Behold my hammer!" "Behold i just turned this swimming pool of water into wine!" "Forsooth! You rock. Let us imbibe heavily!!!"...