Abyss, on 16 November 2012 - 03:31 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 16 November 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:
DC front:
...Oh and I think at least ONE Bat Family will die in the next issue...and think it will probably be Red Hood since there are rumours that his title is on the rocks (though I love it) so he'd be an easy choice to kill off. PERSONALLY I'd love to see this arc put Barbara Gordon back in the wheelchair...since it was the Joker who did it originally, it would make sense for him to do it again...and we would get to see Oracle built from the ground up again...and then the fanboy in me would get what he wanrs and maybe I'd get to see Stephanie Brown (my fave Batgirl) back in the cowl....ah pipe dreams.
QT QT QT.... you have sadly drank the Koolaid if you think there's much 'new' in New52. FFS look at your last paragraph .... kill Jason Todd... again... Babs crippled by the Joker.... again.... Babs as Oracle.... wait for it... wait for it.... A.GAIN.
I grant you there's some interesting stuff happening in Swamp Thing, but that's a striking exception that proves the rule.
Oh those things were just guesses by me...my friend who knows more about all this has assured me I'm quite wrong and that Red Hood won't die and that Babs won't go into the wheelchair for the very reasons that they won't do it again.
I'd ACTUALLY like to see another character killed off. Like a bigger character. I'd like to see Damian bite it.
But if you aren't reading Snyder and Capullo's BATMAN title, you are cold and dead inside.