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The Comics Thread! SLAM! WHAM! KA-BOOM! KER-SPLODE!!!

#761 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:30 PM

 Abyss, on 16 November 2012 - 03:31 PM, said:

 QuickTidal, on 16 November 2012 - 02:40 PM, said:

You Marvel people amuse think that's air your breathing? Interesting.

DC front:

...Oh and I think at least ONE Bat Family will die in the next issue...and think it will probably be Red Hood since there are rumours that his title is on the rocks (though I love it) so he'd be an easy choice to kill off. PERSONALLY I'd love to see this arc put Barbara Gordon back in the wheelchair...since it was the Joker who did it originally, it would make sense for him to do it again...and we would get to see Oracle built from the ground up again...and then the fanboy in me would get what he wanrs and maybe I'd get to see Stephanie Brown (my fave Batgirl) back in the cowl....ah pipe dreams.

QT QT QT.... you have sadly drank the Koolaid if you think there's much 'new' in New52. FFS look at your last paragraph .... kill Jason Todd... again... Babs crippled by the Joker.... again.... Babs as Oracle.... wait for it... wait for it.... A.GAIN.

I grant you there's some interesting stuff happening in Swamp Thing, but that's a striking exception that proves the rule.

Oh those things were just guesses by friend who knows more about all this has assured me I'm quite wrong and that Red Hood won't die and that Babs won't go into the wheelchair for the very reasons that they won't do it again.

I'd ACTUALLY like to see another character killed off. Like a bigger character. I'd like to see Damian bite it.

But if you aren't reading Snyder and Capullo's BATMAN title, you are cold and dead inside.
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Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:55 PM

Oh i realize that's all speculation, it's just that at the root of New52 i'm still finding a lack of new.
The Joker is attacking the batfam... well we've never seen that before. Other than the last twelve times he's done it.
And that's fine, because great art and writing will still carry the books for the majority of the audience even if they've seen the story before.
That's just not enough for moi, cold and dead tho' i may be.

#763 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 22 November 2012 - 01:34 PM

CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 and INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #1 dropped yesterday.

Cap - the Dimension Z story is not that interesting, IMO. Cap belongs on Earth, defending Earth.

Hulk - I've never been a huge fan of Hulk, so we'll see. I like the premise of Banner coming in to SHIELD, abandoning his search for the cure to focus on science when he's not Hulking out.

DEADPOOL #2 continues the hilarity of #1. The writer, Posehn, is apparently a stand-up comic, and he's pretty good.

IRON MAN #2 dropped yesterday, but haven't read it.

And weirdly they're advertising UNCANNY AVENGERS #3 but #2 still hasn't come out yet. Jesus told me it was delayed for some reason*.

That's hay-ZOOS, the dude at the comic store. I couldn't resist.
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:02 PM

technically movie news but with a heavy comics angle....


The next X-Men flic is DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.... and Stewart and McKellan are back as Chuck and Mags... AND SO ARE MCAVOY AND FASSBENDER!

I'm almost prepared to be excited over this.

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Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:36 PM

I swear that though she's flying under the radar in the New52 amongst readers, SUPERGIRL as a title is now unlike I think she's ever been before.

They've taken her initial distrust of Superman (her main origin feature in the past versions of her character) and parlayed that into a full on xenophobia of earth and its the point where she rarely speaks anything but Kryptonian...and they've added a HEAVY back story with her parents and people in Argo City, especially her father. Though she's younger than Kal-El now on earth, she still acts as an older, wary family member to him. She's doesn't trust anyone, and though she's friends with Silver Banshee, she's not done anything typical of the teen version of the character form the past. No half tops, or dating, or being a teenager whom Clark has to school...instead she's still VERY alien, and doesn't give a flying shit what Kal-El wants her to do, she does her own thing, and that's mostly SUPERGIRL stuff, not Kara stuff. She's basically one of the first Title-leading DC women who has been treated like a strong female lead should be. I give heavy kudos to Mike Johnson for writing her like that and not falling into any typical "girl in comics" tropes.

Also, TEEN, up til issue 11 was one of the most maligned books in the NEW52, but the last issue and this new one (dropped today), both handling the past and origin of Wonder, consider me REALLY impressed. Wonder Girl has NEVER been this compelling before, not in the old TT, or even when she was in ADVENTURE COMICS. I'm totally enthralled by issue 13 and 14...if the storyline continues like this then they can totally salvage this title. I can't believe that the same dude is writing it as wrote the first 12.
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#766 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 05:11 PM

UNCANNY AVENGERS #2 finally showed up last week. I took a read and so far the series is keeping me interested. We need to do more with Havok's character, though - Cap formed the team, but Havok is supposed to be the leader.

For the hell of it, I picked up X-MEN LEGACY #1 and #2. It's 50-50 for me, I guess I just don't like how Legion's internal struggles are portrayed. Though it is compelling when it spills out into the real world. It's like the Hulk, I don't really see the character going anywhere long-term.

Read FF #1. Art is horrible compared to other titles, but is probably equivalent to 80s-era Marvel. I liked it better than I thought I would though. Not sure how having a bunch of kids and aliens will make this title work, but we'll see. They didn't really bring in Miss Thing yet (at least, not AS Miss Thing), so we'll see how quickly I'm put off once she's really in the mix.

IRON MAN #2 was an improvement over #1.

ALL-NEW X-MEN #2 was good, as everybody starts thinking about the consequences of bringing the Original Five forward in time. How is that all going to be resolved without destroying reality?

Have THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #2 still to read (saving it for last).
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

#767 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 03:24 PM

So i'm all caught up on THE WALKING DEAD comic and

Kirkman is probably one of, if not the BESTEST storytellers in the industry right now.
I have read thousands, many many thousands, of comics in my years in this dimension and fuck me sideways with a zombie pot pie but i have never read anything with this level of shock and impact. Even if you try to predict where he's going to go next, he manages to sideswipe you.

#768 User is offline   Salt-Man Z 

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 05:39 PM

Anyone else reading All-New X-Men? I got into the X-Men back in 1990 and followed them up until 2000, and haven't paid any attention to the comics since. But I just picked up ANXM #2 this week, and loved it. I never read any comics with the original team before, but they're just perfect here.

This post has been edited by Salt-Man Z: 07 December 2012 - 05:39 PM

"Here is light. You will say that it is not a living entity, but you miss the point that it is more, not less. Without occupying space, it fills the universe. It nourishes everything, yet itself feeds upon destruction. We claim to control it, but does it not perhaps cultivate us as a source of food? May it not be that all wood grows so that it can be set ablaze, and that men and women are born to kindle fires?"
―Gene Wolfe, The Citadel of the Autarch

#769 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 06:38 PM

Yeah ALL-NEW X-MEN is pretty good so far, we'll see how it holds up past the initial arc.

Meanwhile, AVENGERS #1 dropped last week. The art is amazing, the set-up was mildly confusing though. The problem with floppies nowadays is that there's not enough room to properly get a story moved along. Very fragmentary.

Right now my faves of the Marvel reboot:


A+X gets honorable mention because of the different format (two teamups per issue). I have a feeling this one's gonna get boring as a result, but we'll see.
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

#770 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 02:11 PM

Okay, after reading trade #2 (issues 7-12), I can honestly say that THE SIXTH GUN by Cullen Bunn & Brian Hurtt (Oni Press) is arguably the best graphic novel series I've read since...well in a really long time.

Synopsis (which doesn't really do the series justice)

During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun, the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished. When the gun surfaces in the hands of an innocent girl, dark forces reawaken. Vile men thought long dead set their sights on retrieving the gun and killing the girl. Only Drake Sinclair, a gunfighter with a shadowy past, stands in their way.

It is batshit insane, weird west, action packed, character-driven, and historical mysteries abound. The art and writing are both top notch and once you crack open a volume you won't put it down.

The quote from Matt Fraction on the cover of the first trade pretty much spells it out "Say hello to your new favourite comic."


Get this fucking book.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 11 December 2012 - 02:12 PM

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#771 User is offline   Alrin 

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 09:11 AM

I generally have little love for Marvel as a whole and zero interest in their new NOW! shenanigans, but I might get around to checking out Uncanny Avengers at some point -- if only because Rick Remender has probably penned the best ongoing capes title of the last 2 years with his run on X-FORCE.

I eventually gave up on most of my DCnU pulls.

Snyder's BATMAN is consistently excellent but the idea of yet another family-wide EVENT on the heels of the Court arc may just burn me out (much like GREEN LANTERN -- of which I only read Johns' work and am probably missing out on a huge chunk of Third Army as a result).

RED HOOD has given me a J-Todd I can maybe someday even like.

TEEN TITANS has all-but killed my love of Tim Drake.

SUPERGIRL is the sleeper standout of the entire line. Really mature writing that managed to pull me back in after a slow start.

JUSTICE LEAGUE has been mostly fun and I'm actually looking forward to TRINITY WAR as a result of the nods found within.

The one book I longed for ever since the DCnU's announcement was the return of Morrison's BATMAN INC. and it hasn't disappointed in the slightest.

Which is all my way of saying that DC is still better than Marvel. Yup.
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#772 User is offline   QuickTidal 

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:55 PM

Yeah, BATMAN "Death of the Family" seemed like a bad idea chasing so closely on "Court Of Owls" seemed like a fail idea...but so far I've been impressed...Snyder proves to me that he does event stories well.

And I'm glad someone else agrees with me about SUPERGIRL being the sleeper hit. I never miss it and find it to be one of the most consistent books of the DC line.

...and yeah Morrison's run on BATMAN INC. has been nothing short of phenomenal.

So that's my current DC pull list right there (since Snyder has had to drop SWAMP THING, and I gave up on TEEN TITANS after the last half of the Wonder Girl origin arc was less than stellar, and Morrison is off ACTION COMICS as of issue #16, and I hear tell a new creative team is coming on board WORLDS FINEST after the current arc ends), those three titles. Which probably says a lot about the DCNu as a whole staying with all books on top...I begin to wonder how long we are from seeing the old DC universe come back...

The stuff I dropped earlier on were FLASH, EARTH 2 and SUPERMAN.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 12 December 2012 - 01:58 PM

"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora

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#773 User is offline   McLovin 

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:42 PM

 QuickTidal, on 12 December 2012 - 01:55 PM, said:

...and yeah Morrison's run on BATMAN INC. has been nothing short of phenomenal.

Yeah, this is the total antidote to Bat-fatigue. I bet there's a whole load of comics writers wondering why they hadn't thought of this first.
OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 07:01 PM

 McLovin, on 12 December 2012 - 06:42 PM, said:

Yeah, this is the total antidote to Bat-fatigue. I bet there's a whole load of comics writers wondering why they hadn't thought of this first.

I haven't yet read Batman Inc. and therefore can't comment on either its quality or if and how Morrison deals with the problems in the concept, but the answer is because it's a stupid fucking idea and only Grant Morrison could possibly get away with floating it and making its absurdity work for it.
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Posted 12 December 2012 - 07:12 PM

Bah, it was a great idea, and Snyder was actually working it into Batman's main titles before the reboot and it worked (GATES OF GOTHAM is mainly Dick Grayson's Batman while Bruce is off doing Inc. stuff), and gave the opportunity to tell stories like the Parisian Bat-hero the Nightrunner who is a Muslim and was raised in the Paris slums.

What problems do you speak of?
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#776 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 08:57 PM

I just have trouble buying the idea that Bruce would (a) even publicly link his name with Batman as I gather he did (although this was my impression from the marketing, if he doesn't then that's a big positive in my book), and (b risk dispersing the aura of mystique that is the core of his whole modus operandi by making it a franchise operation.

I don't think it's a bad idea to have him going around the world recruiting people to the fight- it's a logical extension of the Bat-family idea which despite what Christopher Nolan thinks is a central part of Batman. I just don't click with the idea of making it as corporate as it appears at first glance.

This post has been edited by polishgenius: 12 December 2012 - 08:59 PM

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 10:04 PM

Wait, wait, wait. DC just fired Gail Simone off Batgirl? I've only been able to glance over the comic so far (and despite my misgivings over unparalysed Babs, I liked what I saw), but why oh why would you fire Simone from anything when you have the option of, you know, not doing that? It's not as if the series was struggling for sales or anything afaik.

The only way DC are going to be able to justify this in my eyes is if they're actually putting her in charge of the DC Movie Universe in order to have an even more awesome counter to Joss Whedon doing Marvel. :)
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Posted 16 December 2012 - 05:17 PM

The big new Marvel title this past week (actually, the only new one iirc) was CABLE & X-FORCE. Again, hard to judge off just one issue, I'm not a huge fan of Cable or any of the others (though seeing Forge made me nostalgic for some reason), but I did appreciate the tie-in to UNCANNY AVENGERS (of course, that also just so happens to be a great marketing strategy, but hopefully it serves more than just that purpose).

Meanwhile, FANTASTIC FOUR #2 was OK. IRON MAN #4...meh. Methinks IRON MAN is going to be the first casualty when title-cutting begins. Well actually the second, I've already committed to dropping X-MEN LEGACY.

EDIT - man I am shit at spelling today.

This post has been edited by McLovin: 16 December 2012 - 05:20 PM

OK, I think I got it, but just in case, can you say the whole thing over again? I wasn't really listening.

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 07:35 AM

Rick Remender wrapped up UNCANNY X-FORCE in great style today. The final issue basically served as a coda and hit all the right notes with me. His run is easily the highlight of anything I've read in the medium over the past two years. If you've not read it you're doing yourself a disservice.
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Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:04 AM

I don't think I've ever actually read an entire comic book or graphic novel... other than the Chinese versions of some Doraemon and Ranma 1/2 comics I only read because I was learning Chinese.

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