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The Comics Thread! SLAM! WHAM! KA-BOOM! KER-SPLODE!!!

#2281 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM

View PostAbyss, on 26 May 2023 - 03:24 PM, said:

I did not realize the last two issues of the massive Avengers Assemble story i've been reading are not yet on the app.
I am literally in the middle of the great big finale fight to save the universe just when everything looks bad for the good guys.


Last two parts are up in the MU app, great conclusion. Genuinely stuck the landing on a massive sweeping multiverse epic. Great fun.

Also caught up on the XBooks post judgement day.
IMMORTAL and RED remain the bestest books by far. MARAUDERS... I kind of hate the art but mostly enjoyed the story, they went high concept sf here around a mutant civilization from the past and it mostly worked. XMen had another go at Children of the Vault, it was fine. NEW MUTANTS has not helped itself by shifting to the youngest and least interesting characters and offs how have they not figured out after 40 years that Rhane Sinclair cannot carry a story?... KNIGHTS is pretty good. WOLVERINE and XFORCE I'm genuinely enjoying the story of Beast going full evil overlord and absolutely abusing the hell out of Logan in the process. SABERTOOTH AND THE EXILES was ok. Fun story, weak ending.

XTERMINATORS... dear gods where has this book been all my life? Boomer, Jubilee, Dazzler and WolverLaura in a grindhouse space vampire adventure. GENIUS.

Then over to DC for JUSTICE LEAGUE VS LEGION OF SUPER HEROES and omg this was awful comics. Genuinely bad bad bad who the fnck thought this was a good idea how the hell did Bendis FUCKING BENDIS? write something this bad? six issue LS, by 3 I was in full hate read and never came back. The art was fine but the story, the writing, the dialogue.... just bad.

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 12:55 PM

View PostTiste Simeon, on 21 July 2023 - 11:26 PM, said:

I don't know if this is the right thread but...

I just finished reading the Joe Nobody vs Elan webcomic, a true story about a guy who was put through a behavioural school in the US. And it is utterly horrifying. The school relied on extreme abuse and punishment for their methods and "Joe" goes into quite some detail about how repulsive it was there.

It is very long (97 chapters) but it is so worth it, no matter how uncomfortable and upsetting it gets. It's all true as well.

Chapter 1:

This is all too common because of decades of underinvestment in community-based supports and treatments for people with mental health and physical disabilities. The more conservative people just try to go the private route and enable awful stories like this to happen.

This is something I'm glad some states are on the path to get them banned. But Maine is close enough that I'm sure kids from my state get sent to that specific place and others like it. Many drug rehabs are somewhat run like this too. They're factories run to get people to stay longer and longer rather than better.

This post has been edited by amphibian: 26 July 2023 - 02:26 PM

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 02:59 PM

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM, said:


Then over to DC for JUSTICE LEAGUE VS LEGION OF SUPER HEROES and omg this was awful comics....

So masochism prompted me to do a wuick google to see what was said about this mess and apparently they were going for a silver age feel, where events would 'just happen' and characters would spend a pile of time talking and little consequence happened and poof off the next issue. It seems Bendis and I have very different recalls of the silver age because all the JLA/JSA/LoSH/TT/Outsiders xovers i ever read were huge frikkin events with massive consequences and the beauty of them was characters fromdifferent floppies interacting in character, but hey, what do i know, it's still bad. Maybe they meant 'golden age', that would seem to fit better, i dunno, i read this on the app and i still feel ripped off and that's becoming a running theme with my DC reading.

Taking suggestions if anyone has a better DC run to reco.

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 03:51 PM

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM, said:

XTERMINATORS... dear gods where has this book been all my life? Boomer, Jubilee, Dazzler and WolverLaura in a grindhouse space vampire adventure. GENIUS.

Dazzler you say?! Bruh, how did I not know this exists? I love me some Dazzler!

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM, said:

So masochism prompted me to do a wuick google to see what was said about this mess and apparently they were going for a silver age feel, where events would 'just happen' and characters would spend a pile of time talking and little consequence happened and poof off the next issue. It seems Bendia and I have very different recalls of the silver age because all the JLA/JSA/LoSH/TT/Outsiders xovers i ever read were huge frikkin events with massive consequences and the beauty of them was characters fromdifferent floppies interacting in character, but hey, what do i know, it's still bad. Maybe they meant 'golden age', that would seem to fit better, i dunno, i read this on the app and i still feel ripped off and that's becoming a running theme with my DC reading.

Taking suggestions if anyone has a better DC run to reco.

To be fair, Bendis has ALWAYS been cringy to me. Every time someone touts him up as this amazing writer I just don't see it.

And as to JUSTICE LEAGUE VS LEGION OF SUPER HEROES...Hickman wrote the LosH's so well that anything anyone else has written (especially Bendis trying to be edgy) just pales in comparison.

as to recco's

You've probably read it, but the old "New Teen Titans / New Titans" (1980-1989) run by Marv Wolfman and George Perez is so fun in an old-school way. Like when I think of comics as they were when I was a kid, this is peak "that time" that isn't Justice League stuff directly for me...and frankly this old stuff doesn't get much better than Wolfman and Perez as a team.

This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 26 July 2023 - 03:58 PM

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 04:30 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 26 July 2023 - 03:51 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM, said:

XTERMINATORS... dear gods where has this book been all my life? Boomer, Jubilee, Dazzler and WolverLaura in a grindhouse space vampire adventure. GENIUS.

Dazzler you say?! Bruh, how did I not know this exists? I love me some Dazzler!

It opens with Daz catching her boyfriend cheating on her, throwing him and his vinyl collection out a window, and calling Jubes and Boomer to take her drinking. It gets progressively more insane from there. I have not laughed that hard reading a comic in a very long time.


View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:14 AM, said:

... Bendis and I have very different recalls of the silver age ...
Taking suggestions if anyone has a better DC run to reco.

To be fair, Bendis has ALWAYS been cringy to me. Every time someone touts him up as this amazing writer I just don't see it.

And as to JUSTICE LEAGUE VS LEGION OF SUPER HEROES...Hickman wrote the LosH's so well that anything anyone else has written (especially Bendis trying to be edgy) just pales in comparison.

as to recco's

You've probably read it, but the old "New Teen Titans / New Titans" (1980-1989) run by Marv Wolfman and George Perez is so fun in an old-school way. Like when I think of comics as they were when I was a kid, this is peak "that time" that isn't Justice League stuff directly for me...and frankly this old stuff doesn't get much better than Wolfman and Perez as a team.

I like Bendis generally, but this was a mess that lived down to everything everyone who dislikes his writing says about him.

When did Hickman write LoSH?

I love the Perez/Wolfman TT run and have many actual dead tree floppies. After my (glorious) LoSH vol 1 (re)read, my JLA vol 1 (re)read stalled, but once i resume TT's on the list for eventual next.

Am in more of a 'shorter more focused runs' space right now. Reddit provided a pile of suggestions so i'm going to see what catches my brains next... there are a couple of ANIMAL MAN runs , Gail Simone's SECRET SIX and BIRD OF PREY, and i'm waaaay overdue to check Grell's GREEN ARROW, all on the radar.

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 04:54 PM

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:30 PM, said:

When did Hickman write LoSH?

Shit, you're right....who am I thinking of then?

*to the google machine!*

Oh Paul Levtiz New52 run is what I'm thinking of. I think Hickman was GOING to write LoSH around the time they gave it eventually to Bendis, and he never did...that's what I'm mixing up.

Levtiz got LosH cause he'd had his hand in it in it's more formative days...Bendis fucked that with "edgy!"....Waid was also good on LoSH prior to the New52.
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Posted 26 July 2023 - 05:17 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 26 July 2023 - 04:54 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 26 July 2023 - 04:30 PM, said:

When did Hickman write LoSH?

Shit, you're right....who am I thinking of then?

*to the google machine!*

Oh Paul Levtiz New52 run is what I'm thinking of. I think Hickman was GOING to write LoSH around the time they gave it eventually to Bendis, and he never did...that's what I'm mixing up.

Levtiz got LosH cause he'd had his hand in it in it's more formative days...Bendis fucked that with "edgy!"....Waid was also good on LoSH prior to the New52.

Interestingly the rumour is that Hickman was offered LoSh but declined in favour of HoX/PoX and that DC would still give him anything if they could grab him.

I have the various post 5yl reboots in mind for a read eventually. Waid and Kitson are a combo i always want to read post-Empire, so they're high on the list, but my brief glances suggest a lot of re-visiting old plotlines which, w comics, is rarely my preference. Lightning Lass replacing Lighting Lad was ony cute the first three times. Snyder and Tynion did a nice job w some old Batman/Det stories during nu52 but that was the exception that proved the rule.

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Posted 31 August 2023 - 04:31 AM

Just Finished my 'classic' LoSH re/read, ending just ahead of the 5YL restart. Yknow.... those were some awesome comics.
Not sure whether i'm feeling the 5YL reread which will become a first time read about two years in. May start and see how it goes.

Did briefly break ahead of my Xbooks reading to read the Hellfire Gala/Mutant Massacre... there were some good bits in there but a lot of it was blunt... and dear god whatever they think they are doing with Ms Marvel it's just bad bad and dumb and bad. Will go back to where i was, just starting Sins of Sinister, but the hype around the event got me.

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Posted 02 September 2023 - 09:26 AM

Picked up a few comics recently while I was in London:

Completed Superman: Son of Kal-El, Tom King's rather excellent run about Jon Kent taking the mantle of Superman. Obviously a lot was made of the publicity around Jon having *gasp* a boyfriend, and that's well-done and welcome to see, but it's also just a top-tier fun superhero comic- nicely written, nicely drawn (by a variety of artists but the tone is consistent, no wild swings in style or quality), and seeing a Superman who wants to be an activist rather than just a saviour and protector is an interesting dynamic. Also the fact that he's as much his mother's son as his father's, with a lot of investigation and journalism going on here.

Also completed We Only Find Them When They're Dead by Al Ewing and Simone Di Meo, a space-opera type thing about a civilisation built on mining the bodies of dead Celestial-style beings and the mystery of where they come from. It's an interesting one in that each arc (collected by volume) jumps a decade or two to see the repercussions of the ending of the previous one. It's all very entertaining, and the art gets better and better as the series goes on, although I do have to say I think the political and personal side of it was better developed than the cosmic mystery, where it feels like they found a great hook but didn't quite find a satisfactory way to resolve it.

And then 20th Century Men, a standalone miniseries by Deniz Camp and Stipan Morian. The basic premise is very familiar- 'what if we had a few superheroes in an otherwise real world', but the approach is pretty new (or at least, at this level it's pretty new). It's set around an alternate version of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and essentially it's a war comic with heroes in.

Comparisons to Watchmen are pretty unavoidable given the timeline and theme, but that's (1) a very American comic, despite being written by a Brit and (2) first and foremost about the superheroes. Which this isn't -they're an illustration of the point, not the point itself. And the theme here is the damage done by modern imperialism.

In any case, it's very dense and ambitious but the writing lives up to it and the art is incredible. I'll have to let it sit for a bit before I really know where and how to place it but it feels like a new classic, if it finds the audience.
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Posted 18 September 2023 - 05:12 PM

View PostAbyss, on 31 August 2023 - 04:31 AM, said:

Just Finished my 'classic' LoSH re/read, ending just ahead of the 5YL restart. Yknow.... those were some awesome comics.
Not sure whether i'm feeling the 5YL reread which will become a first time read about two years in. May start and see how it goes.

Blasted through the first 40 floppies in the 5YL story... this 'reboot', really a continuation w time jump and new number, was just brilliant. Everything about it... the 9 panel format, the text pages, the 'gritty'... just an utterly intelligent, well told story.

The lettercols were especially interesting as the writers and editors actively discussed what they were doing and fielded almost universally negative fanmail that gradually shifts to enthusiasm over 3+ years. I can't imagine a title getting this much time in the face of that much text-form-yelling in the present.

Am just at the point where i stopped reading in real time, as the Earthwar story ends and the book splits into 2 parallel books, LoSH and LEGIONNAIRES. Am very curious to see how this goes. I remember hating the Legionnaires concept. I liked the idea initially during Earthwar but as they became a bigger part of the story and the older originals were sidelined i became annoyed, then disengaged. By the time the title split, more or less to address exactly this problem, i had started reading Marvel and dropped my last DC title.

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Posted 21 September 2023 - 02:07 PM

Finished The Last God by Phillip Kennedy Johnson. This is a great fantasy comic. Enjoyed the story and the art. PKJ said there could be more if DC green lights it and he has the time. Highly recommended.

Also, read BRZRKR by Matt Kindt and Keanu Reeves. I really enjoyed this. It's a quick read, a fun romp and I hope we see more of it. This is the first Kindt I've read, I need to check out more of his stuff.

This post has been edited by T77: 21 September 2023 - 02:08 PM


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Posted 03 October 2023 - 04:50 PM

View PostAbyss, on 18 September 2023 - 05:12 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 31 August 2023 - 04:31 AM, said:

Just Finished my 'classic' LoSH re/read, ending just ahead of the 5YL restart. ...

... just at the point where i stopped reading in real time, as the Earthwar story ends and the book splits into 2 parallel books, LoSH and LEGIONNAIRES. Am very curious to see how this goes. I remember hating the Legionnaires concept. I liked the idea initially during Earthwar but as they became a bigger part of the story and the older originals were sidelined i became annoyed, then disengaged. By the time the title split, more or less to address exactly this problem, i had started reading Marvel and dropped my last DC title.

About ten floppies onwards, on LoSH, we've entered filler territory. Mediocre to bad art, blunt stories, writing out new characters and bringing old ones back to old status quo in blunt ways or just doing it and ignoring the prior couple of years. It's kind of sad but the book runs another three years so either it gets better or i start skimming, i suppose.

On LEGIONNAIRES... there are elements to this i'm enjoying, it does capture the feel of old school LoSH without going over old ground, and the less grimdark tone from then-current LoSH is nice, but there's a feeling of gradually shifting this to a kids' book that i really dislike. Also, some of the personality shifts are weird. I don't need them writing the kids in the 'holy planets a space dragon!' style of the 60s, but Lightning Lad and Sun Boy just spontaneously turning into misogynist asshole fratboys doesn't work. The new members are fun (...if trope heavy... slutty cat girl, Asian 'dragon-mage', nerdy tech savant... sigh) and the effort to give underappreciated members like Ferro who was around for like 20minutes in the early 70s more development doesn't hurt.

On the Marvel front, also midway through the XBooks SINS OF SINISTER xover. I ack the effort Gillen and co went to to craft an alt-future storyline that wasn't just a DoFP or AoA retread. The end result is kind of mid... the story is ok, but pretty much everyone except Sinister and Storm are underdeveloped or just boring. I adore the concept behind NIGHTCRAWLERS (that all of Kurt's descendants are immune to the Sinister genes), but the characters with one exception are so thoroughly irrelevant or interchangeable that the novelty is lost after the first floppy.

I think i may go indy next after these reads, i enjoy Big 2 to an extent but need something higher level. I have some good stuff in the TRP, i think, and some untouched Humble-Bundles.

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Posted 03 October 2023 - 05:02 PM

View PostAbyss, on 03 October 2023 - 04:50 PM, said:

I think i may go indy next after these reads, i enjoy Big 2 to an extent but need something higher level. I have some good stuff in the TRP, i think, and some untouched Humble-Bundles.

Did you ever check out THE MASSIVE?

It's SO worth your time, and it may very well be my fave Brian Wood work of all time. Not exactly "indie" as it's Dark Horse, but indie-r than the Big 2...
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Posted 03 October 2023 - 05:47 PM

View PostQuickTidal, on 03 October 2023 - 05:02 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 03 October 2023 - 04:50 PM, said:

I think i may go indy next after these reads, i enjoy Big 2 to an extent but need something higher level. I have some good stuff in the TRP, i think, and some untouched Humble-Bundles.

Did you ever check out THE MASSIVE?

It's SO worth your time, and it may very well be my fave Brian Wood work of all time. Not exactly "indie" as it's Dark Horse, but indie-r than the Big 2...


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Posted 09 October 2023 - 02:42 AM

View PostAbyss, on 03 October 2023 - 04:50 PM, said:

...On the Marvel front, also midway through the XBooks SINS OF SINISTER xover. I ack the effort Gillen and co went to to craft an alt-future storyline that wasn't just a DoFP or AoA retread. The end result is kind of mid... the story is ok, but pretty much everyone except Sinister and Storm are underdeveloped or just boring. I adore the concept behind NIGHTCRAWLERS (that all of Kurt's descendants are immune to the Sinister genes), but the characters with one exception are so thoroughly irrelevant or interchangeable that the novelty is lost after the first floppy....

On this xover, i will add that IMMORAL XMEN is fun, in a ridiculous alt future kind of way. The idea that core 'good' xpeople were so utterly corrupted by the Sinister virus that they out-evil'd Sinister is absurd yet entertaining. STORM AND THE BROTHERHOOD otoh, hits just the right notes of 'epic' and throws some nice swerves into the story. That's 2/3 hits in a relatively contained alt-reality xover, better than usual.

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Posted 07 November 2023 - 07:16 PM

View PostAbyss, on 03 October 2023 - 04:50 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 18 September 2023 - 05:12 PM, said:

View PostAbyss, on 31 August 2023 - 04:31 AM, said:

Just Finished my 'classic' LoSH re/read, ending just ahead of the 5YL restart. ...

... just at the point where i stopped reading in real time, as the Earthwar story ends and the book splits into 2 parallel books, LoSH and LEGIONNAIRES. Am very curious to see how this goes. I remember hating the Legionnaires concept. I liked the idea initially during Earthwar but as they became a bigger part of the story and the older originals were sidelined i became annoyed, then disengaged. By the time the title split, more or less to address exactly this problem, i had started reading Marvel and dropped my last DC title.

About ten floppies onwards, on LoSH, we've entered filler territory. Mediocre to bad art, blunt stories, writing out new characters and bringing old ones back to old status quo in blunt ways or just doing it and ignoring the prior couple of years. It's kind of sad but the book runs another three years so either it gets better or i start skimming, i suppose.

On LEGIONNAIRES... there are elements to this i'm enjoying, it does capture the feel of old school LoSH without going over old ground, and the less grimdark tone from then-current LoSH is nice, but there's a feeling of gradually shifting this to a kids' book that i really dislike. Also, some of the personality shifts are weird. I don't need them writing the kids in the 'holy planets a space dragon!' style of the 60s, but Lightning Lad and Sun Boy just spontaneously turning into misogynist asshole fratboys doesn't work. The new members are fun (...if trope heavy... slutty cat girl, Asian 'dragon-mage', nerdy tech savant... sigh) and the effort to give underappreciated members like Ferro who was around for like 20minutes in the early 70s more development doesn't hurt....

So LoSH vol 4 / LEGIONNAIRES seriously fell apart towards the end. Inconsistent art, mediocre to poor writing, ham-fisted plots designed to do nothing more than move things along for another three months. Meh all around. There was the faintest glimmer of clever when the LoSh crew go on the run and take up new cover identities as supervillains, but the writing team changed again (again) and blew it. By the time we got to the Zero Hour reboot event these were a mercy kill.

That brought us to the LoSH reboot, one title, all teens, new timeline but picking up mid-story and not, thank god, retelling old crap. This was fun. Not brilliant, but it had the right look and feel for a LoSh title and it moved along well until... wait for it... change of writing team kills it. Just murders the story. Again. See a theme? But at the end it wraps with a decent story that leads directly to Abnett and Lanning's LEGION LOST, which is great. Six issues, small cast w a few new characters, great pace and real challenges, fatalities, great read if unusually dark for a Legion story. The follow up LEGION WORLDS nicely tells the reader what's been happening the rest of the time, which then merges the whole cast into THE LEGION and just goes berserk. I think we get like three alien takeover/invasions in a row and each is wilder than the next. Abnett and Lanning just kill it floppy after floppy. Til they leave and... you guessed it, it all goes to crap for about ten issues before Gale SImone is brought in to end the run with four or so decent floppies.

Next up, Waid and Kitson's angry-Legion-of-Space-Teens reboot.

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Posted 22 November 2023 - 06:08 PM

View PostAbyss, on 07 November 2023 - 07:16 PM, said:


Next up, Waid and Kitson's angry-Legion-of-Space-Teens reboot.

So here's a shocker... Waid and Kitson's Angry Teen 'ThreeBoot' Legion starts out really good. And stays that way for a while. Then Waid and Kitson leave and... wait for it... a new creative team takes over and then the book falls apart and gets cancelled.

Yah, i didn't see that coming either.

The run is fun enough, and does take some very very original turns w the cast, breaking up most of the old expected couples and rolls and moving other characters into them (Dream Girl and Brainiac 5, not a pairing i'd ever expect. Dream Girl dead and resurrected as a digital construct inside Brainiac 5's brain... brilliant. Mostly. Waid made it work, the replacement team not so much).

...and then, the Goff Johns Lightning Saga/Infinite Crisis/'Retro-Boot'. Yeah. So.... DC decided to ignore the three/two post-Crisis teen team iterations and write a team made up of the older Levitz era LoSH, pre-5yl. Essentially the originals as young adults ignoring everything after Crisis on Infinite Earths. They were written into a few Superman and Justice League stories, then had their own run for maybe 25 floppies. It isn't bad. Most of the writers 'get' what works and lean in hard on the 'young heroes inspiring the future' angle without making them teens again or trying too hard to revise them from the classics. The run revolves in part around a new character 'Earth Man', and his slow, near entirely predictable heel-to-face turn. Predictable but written well enough that it works, and the character does bounce off the classic LoSH characters well enough to keep things entertaining.

Then somewhere in there we have the LEGION OF THREE WORLDS stories that takes the DnA Legion Lost team, and Waid Angry Teens team, and Johns RetroBoot Team, and throws them all together w Superman for a fight against Supermanboy-Prime and a bunch of generic villains. It's a great concept dragged down by how weak the plot and writing is, saved by some of the interactions between the teams, notably Ultra Boy's three selves bro'ing out and Brainy's all trying to out brain each other.
Also, George Perez art.
The man.
A comics

That takes us to 2010ish. There's still a 2011 New52 reboot and the 2019 Bendis apparent fail ahead.

Also Just Finished a 2015 William Gibson written LS titled ARCHANGEL w art by Butch Guice. I particularly enjoyed this because i've been off of Gibson for decades now and it was nice to enjoy something of his. It's an alt-history timetravel story involving WW2 and secret agents from the future. The plot is tight but complex, the characters are great, and the dark and kinetic art is perfect for the story. Worth a look.

Next up, Kieran Gillen's ONCE AND FUTURE.

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Posted 04 December 2023 - 06:21 PM

Sidetracked Once and Future because i've been wanting to read the Avengers run where Conan joins the team and my sources tell me that due to trademark nonsense none of it is being collected and most of it is coming off the app.

So warned i went about securing everything still available off the app and then went looking for the rest of it. Which is not collected anywhere digital and the prices for the dead tree versions are predictably insane.

Even so i managed to secure the entire run somehow. I think.

Ready now, first up was AVENGERS: NO SURRENDER. A weekly run that took the various Avengers teams active at the 2018ish time (Avengers, USAvengers, Mighty Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, and Occupy Avengers... aren't you glad you know that now? i certainly am....), , pulled a few members from each, and set them to saving the world. The plot is far from original, dueling Elders of the Universe yank Earth into an alt dimension and set their lackies to fighting on it. Avengers fight lackies, then Elders, save world. The art is excellent and the pace great which really saves the lack or novelty. By the last four issues or so the writing team really digs in on giving each character a moment of awesome and, i have to say, succeeds admirably. It's a fun read, no complaints.

Also, no Conan, but he's supposed to pop up in sequel series AVENGERS: NO ROAD HOME, which is next.

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Posted 11 December 2023 - 08:06 PM

View PostAbyss, on 04 December 2023 - 06:21 PM, said:

... no Conan, but he's supposed to pop up in sequel series AVENGERS: NO ROAD HOME, which is next.

And he did!
I have to admit, that was a fun read. Despite the admitted motive of 'Hey No Surrender was a hit, go do that again' and a fairly by the numbers villain and widget quest, the story moves along, the cast is nicely original, and the Conan appearance is a blast. Some plot points are so blunt as to be painful, but as w most things Marvel it's not worth overthinking, just look at the pretty colours and it works.

But then we have 'SAVAGE AVENGERS' (vol 1), which drops Conan the frikkin Barbarian onto a team w Wolverine Elektra Punisher Blade and Venom (also Doctor Voodoo, but whatever, doc strange was dead that week) fighting monsters and ninja and wizards.

This is pure comics candy.

It is ridiculous and absurd and ott and whatever i loved it and then i read ten pages of Conan and the Punisher marching through the Savage Land fighting dinosaurs while dragging Punny's dead family's coffins. Conan fires a heavy machine gun. Punisher is judged by Crom. It is ludicrous, insane even, and it is GREAT and a crime that this will never be collected and easily available because of licensing around Conan.

Dr Doom just showed up. Conan is going to have dinner with him. I am so here for this.

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Posted 12 December 2023 - 04:43 AM

View PostAbyss, on 11 December 2023 - 08:06 PM, said:

...'SAVAGE AVENGERS' (vol 1), ...
Dr Doom just showed up. Conan is going to have dinner with him. I am so here for this.

Doom and Conan sitting down to dinner... Great.
Doom, Conan, and Dr Strange teaming up to fight Kulan Gath... ALL THE EPIC. ALL OF IT.

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