TOGGS, on Feb 12 2009, 10:36 AM, said:
Trying to rack my bains for a series of novellas I read in the last millenium. Real old stuff truthfully. Its about a human, who ends up on all sorts of adventures, but basically discovers "homo-sapien" type aliens are good, lizards types always bad.
Ends up heading back to earth on some super-powerful spherical spaceship
Thats all I've got
Just guessing but it sounds like The Skylark Series By EE 'Doc' Smith. First book has a small spherical space ship and they do land on a planet of Dinosaurs in the first book. The main bad guys were either the Fenachrone or the some other Chlorine breathing things that look like ameoba. The last couple of books they do build a couple of planet sized spherical spaceships. Was written way back in the 1930's but are still in print I think. It's good old fashioned space opera though by todays standards perhaps a tad sexist, primarily due to the era it was written in. Still good fun though.
This post has been edited by Pallol One Eye: 27 February 2009 - 12:36 PM