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#81 User is offline   Cause 

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Posted 30 September 2006 - 12:40 PM

yeah sorry dont take that as criticism Ill do something similiar not to long from now it just stuck with me as I read through your post.

And dont worry none of us know what were doing as long as evryone has fun its worth it

Also Im a bit upset how many houses are similiar to mine so Im going to rewrite it.

#82 User is offline   Sir Thursday 

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Posted 30 September 2006 - 09:47 PM

It seems like a lot of people wanted to be out on the frontier...

I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this, just a question of finding the time.

Sir Thursday
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#83 User is offline   caladanbrood 

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Posted 30 September 2006 - 11:17 PM

Morgoth;120829 said:

ah come on, brewdy, join us!

No worries, just a little participation helps :p

Would it be possible then to be a more neutral character, because trying to think of a whole house and details thereof is giving me a headache :p
O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti têde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 01:51 AM

My new house

Name: Ryker

Symbol: 3 pairs of stylized eyes in a column on a grey backround. The houses motto in imperial will be written in calligraphy at the bottom on one side and the most common language of the area on the other.

Colours: Grey. Though they are often seen sporting the imperial colours over their own. Also to symbolize that they are no longer mercanry but fully loyal to the empire the house members often choose to wear bright colours. Only the official symbol of the house will still use grey. See history though to understand what colours they might wear.

Motto: Glory is the reward of valour

House: The house began life as a mercenary company. They would wear grey until taken up by contract where they would than dye their uniforms to the colours of their employer. Though charging what might be considered an exorbitant fee for a mercenary rabble as many would call them in the beginning, they swore to hold so long as the army they fought beside and they did. Though in its early years it would be found fighting against as often as for the empire during its numerous wars. Three thousand years ago however once their reputation as a loyal and competent company become cemented through their actions the emperor personally took them under permanent retainer. Though still a mercenary company and by no means a noble house it was this step that brought Omier Ryker and his men into the fold of the empire. And it this date that all members of the house will today proudly claim as the day they joined their fate to that of the empires.

It was not until the siege of Gemmariss that the company would be landed and granted status as true nobility. Though the siege dragged on and looked dire for the empire the mercenary company that would become house Ryker fought on. When food become scarce they fought on, when water supplies become inadequate they fought on. They fought and died beside the empires legions as they had promised to do. When the garrison commander lost hope and planned the surrender Tyriel Ryker performed the action of which the house is now famous. Before what assembled troops of the empire and his own company that could be spared from the walls he dismissed the commander from his post (Despite having no authority to do so) and demanded that the soldiers follow him and their orders from the empire. Most did and when help arrived just a few days later Tyriel Ryker and several of his high officers were granted the status of nobles and a small piece of land each bordering the inner sea by the emperor for their service. Most chose to change their name to Ryker and to as one form noble house greater than they could alone. House ryker is the largest in the empire with cousins from minor branches of the house giving it all the heirs it could need. Today though some still choose to question whether it was true loyalty and courage behind Rykers actions or simply the greed of a mercenary captain who could foresee the great reward for his actions.

House Ryker swore from that day on to loyally serve the empire, which had given it so much. It swore an oath to offer up its children to its armies and founded with what money they had the empires first officer academy. An academy that today grants it even more sway in the armies affairs many of its cadets remembering their roots.

Today house Ryker while far from having the wealth of the other major houses and hardly the wealth of even some of the smaller, its only income being its yearly retainer promised to it in perpetuity and whatever the members of the house may earn as apart of their rank, the house does boast the largest presence of any family in the armies. With the most officers both high and low serving in posts through out the empire. The house is also known to support full-scale war against the north and even wishes for the emperor to declare invasion against the other known continents. An army that has not known the chance for glory in over a thousand years supports such demands more vocally each year.

The house is absolutely loyal to the empire. After all it has no choice. Without the empires taxes paying its way or the empires armies for it to serve in House Ryker would be less than many of the smaller houses. However a recent pattern of thought has developed that the emperors desire for stability is holding the empire back. After all any good Ryker knows glory is the reward of valor and valor takes risks, risks the emperor has refused to take. So while loyal to the country their loyalty to the crown is questionable.

House Ryker members see themselves as servants to the empire and much of the imperial nobility sees them this way too. Though in a far less favrouble light than House Ryker imagines. Often seen even to this day as little more than jumped up peasants good at fighting it would not be uncommon for members of the other great houses to appear openly dismissive of the Rykers or to seem as if they were giving them orders. Orders that as a member of a noble house of equal rank a Ryker need not obey but an order that a ryker as a captain or general might have too.

House Ryker is very popular with the army. It serves with and above it and many a ryker officer holds the loyalty of his men. House Ryker is also very popular with much of the common folk. Though this popularity today is based more on its passed deeds than its current actions and begins to wane. After all the only war still being fought today is a disater from which even House Ryker can earn but little glory.

Janus Legion:
Since according to imperial law the members of house Ryker and the men who serve it are considered apart of the imperial army they are able to bypass several of the restrictions other houses might face regarding their house guards. House Ryker therefore boasts the most well trained equipped (Trained equall to the army) and most well equipped house guards (The empire is actually made to subsidize the cost since they are according to the law furnishing them as they would the army). However to prevent this loop hole in imperial law from granting them too much power a second law was drafted under the behest of council and emperor limiting the size of the house guard or Janus legion as it is named after the legion that first fought under a Ryker at the siege of Gemmariss to Three thousand. A legionnaire will receive and training with shield, spear, long and short sword and a fine suit of armour.

Emir Ryker (yellow)- The Father-The House leader-The administrator- The axe man-Possessing a talent for logistics and given the administration of a province on the west of the inner sea. He commands personally the 12th legion and is responsible for the disposition of several others in the region as well as those close by. He has a third of the Janus legion with him under his command. Stationed in the city of Gemmaris where house Ryker makes its home. He and his army are both popular and well respected by the people. He like all male members of his house was born knowing that he would lead a martial life. Besides his training begun as a boy in weapons, particularly the axe with which he is considered deadly he would train at the famed military academy learning all their was the empire had learnt of war.

Sebastian Ryker (Red)-The eldest-The councilor-The strategist-The swordsman-Sebastian Ryker is famed for his gift regarding war. Whilst by no means in charge of the army having to rely on the emperors support or that of the council to see his will executed his voice carries the most weight in the council on military matters. Some generals bitterly complain amongst each other that if not for the bitter in fighting on the council and if Sebastian were given a free reign he could see the northen wars finally won. He was once the general of the 38th border legion. Very cold Sebastian could earn the respect and loyalty of his men but never their love. He sees soldiers as tools to get the job done not people and while very effective he lacks the charisma of some of his brothers. Fully one third of the Janus legion stays with him in the capital as his bodyguard. Sebastian Ryker is also a swordsman of famed renown.

Mikel Ryker (Green)-The Middle son-The general-The hammer of the north-Mikel Ryker personally commands the 36th Border legion. While unsuccesfull making any major presses into enemy terrority Mikel has proved very effective at curtailing their raids and counter offensives. He was trained in the use of a mace as his weapon and is a bull of a man said to be able to smash shields with one blow. One third of the janus legion bolsters his forces in the north.

Kyle Ryker (Blue)-The youngest son-The soldier-The High Captain-The spearman-Kyle Ryker after graduating from the officer academy was granted his commison in the capitals garrison. As one of five High captains he commands three thousand imperial soldiers. His duties are the defense of the sovereign the council the city and to keep civil order. One of the gretest fighters of House ryker in generations he has a preternatural skill with the spear. It is said that he trains to music and said that he claims to be able to hear the beat of the battle when he fights.

Emily Ryker (black)-The youngest-The daughter-The assassin-While officially the Imperial academy does not train assasins this young heiress of house Ryker tells the lie. Skilled in the martial arts and with her crossbow and in all manner of subterfuge she is a deadly combatant to any who would seek harm to the empire or House Ryker

Barrack Ryker (grey)-The Fighter-The duelist-The Nephew- A son to Emir Rykers brother Barrack is unquestionable the most honed instrument of battle the House has ever crafted. He alone of the House wears grey proclaiming his loyalty first to his house and second to the empire. Barrack Ryker favours a Thin light sword as his weapon but is considered competent in a wide range of weapons. He is the instrument of House Ryker used when the delicacy of assassination is not needed.

#85 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 09:19 AM

ta cause, diversity is our friend :p

Right, for the setting. Apart from the regular intrigue and all that, there's another factor I wish to add.

A fleet of warships have appeared at the entrance of the inland sea. FOr the time being they are content to wait at the entrance which is blocked by the few ships the empire -never the greatest of naval power- could muster from the area. The fortresses build on the entrance were mento to keep rebelling houses from entering the heart of the empire by sea, not block war fleets both bigger and more advanced than those of the imperial navy.

This ofc, puts the capital in an uprorar. What to do? Should the shipyards be ordered to start mass producing? The cost of building a navy to match would be enormous, and thus not a decision to be made lightly. Perhaps they're just passing by, though that hardly sounds likely.

The perhaps most disturbing part is that this fleet is from no land they know. Who are they? Certainly not from the eastern or south south eastern continent, as no nation there could muster the forces necessary..

The question then is, peace, war, trade, and all that :p
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#86 User is offline   councilor 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 11:45 AM

i would like to make and amendment to my house...
if that is possible...
i feel that the current inheritance system (direct decendants) is not very good...

new system:
the house is rules by three rulers, each in charge of a different section of affairs. the first is financial and council member, the second is in charge of the shadier side of business and the third is on research.

in terms of inheritance,upon the ascension of each new generation of rulers into the seat of power, all children between age 5 to 8 are given to the house , where they will be educated for the next 5 years (their parentage will be hidden. also the children of the rulers would be given as well). those that show the most promise and talent will be formally adopted in the family. the rest are returned to their parents.

these most promising ones are further trained in all the necesary skills of ruling are other less pleassant skills, as well as the skills of mechanics etc that the house is famouse for.

after 15 years of this, they are sent into the world and as protoges and operational people. this will allow them to become accostomed to working with each other and develope trusts and friendships.

after a few years, the best are formally adopted into the house and become heirs to each respective positions.

the rest are appointed to positions of powre and influence, such as governance over each individual cities. after the death of each ruler, one is called into service as replacement until the heirs are ready.

currently there are 10 "protoges" travelling the empire.

as to the age of the house...
justmake mine the second...
or third if that is already taken...

also, would like to enquire...
can we make contact with the other chracters and if so...
how far can we manipulate them without the owners consent...
can we make them make decisions on behalf of the house...
also, can we start assaulting the other threads yet....

Does being the only sane person in the world make you insane?

If a tree falls in the woods and a deaf person saw it, does it make a sound?

#87 Guest_Maknavox_*

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 04:12 PM

Lols. morgoth could you add a map on which we can line out where we live?

its quite confusing now. Everybody lives in the north. :p 1 in the west and me and Thursday both claim the most south part of the empire :S
sooo.... :p map please?

#88 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 04:19 PM

hmpf.. I'll see if I can find the time to draw one.. not the most acomplished of artists I am, but I'll be able to make something slightly comprehensible I'm sure.
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#89 User is offline   Illuyankas 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 05:58 PM

Well, so far there's a mountain range by the west coast that leads up into the north, which is where my house is, and there's an area of swampland between that and the central areas which is where Councillor13's house is, but - as that's all I can remember of specifics off the top of my head - an outline of the continent with the areas each of us have marked out would be useful as hell.
Hello, soldiers, look at your mage, now back to me, now back at your mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped being an unascended mortal and switched to Sole Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a warren with the High Mage your cadre mage could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an acorn with two gates to that realm you love. Look again, the acorn is now otataral. Anything is possible when your mage smells like Sole Spice and not a Bole brother. I’m on a quorl.

#90 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 06:04 PM

I'll get access to a scanner sometimes this coming week.. I'll see if I can draw something when tired of reading law :p

Now people, post! :morgoth: ^^
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#91 User is offline   caladanbrood 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 06:18 PM

I can draw pretty decent maps if you tell me what you want on them, but I don't have a scanner at all :p
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#92 User is offline   Cause 

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Posted 01 October 2006 - 09:31 PM

Malkonovax I think that you and your mansion live on the top level of the island a thousand feet or more high on a platue with sheer walls. The entrance to the labyrinth is at the bottom along with a small port and city that recieves the capitals shipments.

#93 Guest_Maknavox_*

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 08:42 AM

Eventhough i loved the way you spelled my name wrong.....

We have land to govern right? Mine is in the south. Only Intas, Zembr and the others live in the capitol, with their guard and servents ofcource. Only Chenagga lives at the Tredenes castle in the south, together with some other high people that actually govern the tredenes province.

So Intas/zembr dos live upstairs... most of the house dosnt.
That was what i was thinking... Its more practical too. Morgoth please correct me if im wrong.

BTW we are at our 3rd post!!! all hail us!!

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 09:44 AM

Yes im refering to the fact that intas was at the bottom for some reason and ran into lorri.

Also while the rest of the house lives outside of the capital I dont think we have enough authority to build a fleet wothout the majority councill support

#95 Guest_Maknavox_*

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:40 AM

I saw it after i posted my post here.. :p my bad. Ive corrected it.

I never said anything about a fleet. :p a coast line is a COAST line. its on/near the beach. not in the water. I said that the empire should build a fleet.
I can build towers in my own land right? :D

PS: Hey morgoth. Your the dungeon master right? You are the Emperorm, the north and the alien armada?

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:11 AM

Not sure on towers let morgoth handle that one.

#97 User is offline   Sir Thursday 

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 02:29 PM

Maknavox;121130 said:

Lols. morgoth could you add a map on which we can line out where we live?

its quite confusing now. Everybody lives in the north. :p 1 in the west and me and Thursday both claim the most south part of the empire :S
sooo.... :p map please?

Sorry about that...I didn't see anything about Tredenes being the most southerly nation, just that it was in the south...

If necessary I can change it.

Sir Thursday

EDIT: Tredenes it is. My apologies.
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#98 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 05:23 PM

well, there are obviously risks a house could take.. Keep it's productions secret and all.. Mak-something-something's house could build a navy but they would be in a lot of trouble if this got known. A few warships wouldn't hurt, and generaly improving costal defence should be perfectly ok.

And yes, i am the..erm.. dungeon master. The emperor and his retinue, the north and the aliens and anything else that i decide to throw in :morgoth:

You aren't limited to just your house either, though you're generaly not ment to use the factions i listed above.
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#99 Guest_Maknavox_*

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:27 PM

Sir Thursday;121376 said:

Sorry about that...I didn't see anything about Tredanes being the most southerly nation, just that it was in the south...

If necessary I can change it.

Sir Thursday

No need to change. Its just that i have no idea where my land is now :p
Anyway its above yours. so thats settled.

PS to all: please stop spelling my name wrong :p Its Tredenes. And my little name is M a k n a v o x
makky would suffice though

PPS: Im starting to like this idea. Most rpgs ive played are about 2 sides warring in the warcraft reality. But this is also cool. I feel some betrayals comming.

#100 User is offline   Sir Thursday 

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 04:30 PM

My next post is set to include some descriptions of the blockade that allowed? Is there anything about them I should know?

Also, in who's land is the entrance to the sea, and in what direction?

Sir Thursday
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