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The best of each book

#21 User is offline   Illuyankas 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 12:21 PM

GOTM - Raest going on a little stroll, Pearl's fate, and Pale.
DHG - Pretty much the Chain of Dogs.
MOI - Capustan, and Coral. Itkovian, and the latter half of the book :)
HOC - "You should be."
MT - Tehol and Bugg at the Ratcatcher's Guild, Silchas 'assisting' Iron Bars, Tehol and Bugg sole soup, Mael expressing himself, Tehol and Bugg just generally, Brys versus Rhulad, and Tehol again. Just because.
TBH - Y'Ghatan was gruelling, Karsa sauntering through the Edur, and Paran. (mwahaha)
Hello, soldiers, look at your mage, now back to me, now back at your mage, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped being an unascended mortal and switched to Sole Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a warren with the High Mage your cadre mage could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an acorn with two gates to that realm you love. Look again, the acorn is now otataral. Anything is possible when your mage smells like Sole Spice and not a Bole brother. I’m on a quorl.

#22 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 12:54 PM

As always, this is a tough q to a, buuuuttt....

GotM: Raest v. the dragons.
DG: Virtually every scene w/Coltaine, but the crossing of the river, with Sorno's death and the refugees rushing the archers, was just brilliant.
MoI: The big finale, with Moon's Spawn coming out of the frozen waterfall. Holy *&%$.
HoC: Andarist's last battle.
MT: Tie between Brys v Rhulad and IB v. the Teblor gods.
TB: Difficult to say after only one read, but Trull v. Icarium was amazing.... such a 'You. Shall NOT. Pass.' moment.

- Abyss, fry you fools.... fryyyyy.

#23 User is offline   Urko Crust 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 03:01 PM

GoTM: QB & Kalam rooftop battle with Tiste Andii
DG: Lostara yill killing shaik and trailing Kalam
MoI: The segulah taking down the Kell Hunter followed by Tools attempted challenge
HoC: Karsa journey through teblor lands. Brutal.
MT: Iron Bars
tBH: battle on malaz docks

#24 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 03:14 PM

GOTM- Roof top battle with kalam and QB. and Baruks view of rake that is so different from the perspective we see in MOI
DG-coltaine obviosly and all that. kalams battle at the end.
MOI-all of it but Capustan (edit Capustan being the best btw)
HOC-Teblor lands at the beginning
MT- Bugg and Tehol
BH-End of the book includig the DG expansion ending with kalam and the claw. battle for the docks aswell

#25 User is offline   MottIrregular 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 05:56 PM


GotM - Raest and Kruppe having a conversation, Nom taking out Orr; Rake giving the Lord of the Galayn the pointy end of Dragnipur
DHG - Chain of Dogs, of course; The fall at Aren; The crucifixation of Pormqual's Army & Duiker.
MoI - Fall of WJ. Broke my heart along with Korlat's, Dujek's and those of the surviving Bridgeburners; Itkovian; Gruntle fighting back
HoC - URUGAL! WITNESS!, Karsa taking out the dark doggies, Karsa taming the Jhag Horse, Karsa v/s Iccy, Part One; Tavore skewering Felisin;
MT - Tehol & Bugg; Brys carving up Rhulad; Tehol & Bugg; Iron Bars & Ublala v/s Tertheno Gods; Tehol & Bugg
TBH - Iccy v/s QB & Trull @ First Throne; (QB+Bottle)xEreas'al vs a hundred Edur Warlocks x CG power; "I hope this works";

Characters (new ones only, coz seeing the same character in successive books makes you like him/her more... for instance, I love QB as an all-time fave, but he wasnt the most impressive in GotM to me - apart from the "AWAKE THE SEVEN WITHIN ME! part :D ok, enough digressing...):

GotM - Rake
MT - Coltaine
MoI - Gruntle
HoC - Karsa. Surprised?
MT - Tie between... oh cmon I don't need to tell you!
TBH - Samar Dev. And not because she has an Indian name!

#26 User is offline   Arkmam 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 06:41 PM

GotM - The attack on Moon's Spawn outside Pale.
DHG - Whole chain of dogs, especially the end with the crucifiction.
MoI - Whiskeyjack's death, Itkovian and the T'lan Imass.
HoC - Tavore vs. Felisin
MT - When Rhulad comes back for the first time.
BH - Cotillion at the very end before the epilogue, last sentance. Best ever.

#27 User is offline   Blind 

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 09:03 PM

GotM - all the scenes with Rake
DG - the battles of the Chain of Dogs ; the Khundryl emissary shouting : "The Wickans! The Wickans!"
MoI - the funeral of Itkovian
HoC - the death of Felisin
MT - Brys fighting Rhulad
BH - Y'ghatan

#28 Guest_Mok_*

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 09:28 PM

GotM - the very beginning, paran/whiskeyjack conversation (translates to an awesome first scene in a movie or game)
DG - A decision is made. And the empire always repays its debts. Duiker receives a piece of parchment (and reads it in book 3)
MOI - "Dust could ... (don't remember exact quote), but they have taken aral fayle, whom I called brother.. it is time for the first sword of the talan imass, to announce his presence"
HoC - Fiddler finds out about whiskeyjack, helps temul.. nobody can help fid :D
MT - Mael's rage. Trull is forced to kill the ceda, and shortly after is abandoned by his brother with Ruilad.
TBH - Apsalar is heartbroken. Her entire story is filled with sadness and if there is a happy ending to the series I hope it's hers.
Tons of humorous parts in that book as well, too much to narrow it down to one

#29 Guest_T'rolbarahl_*

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 03:03 AM

GotM: Aftermath of Pale with Tattersail and the Bridgeburners and the rooftop battle.
DG: Where the Chain of Dogs crosses the river where Sormo E'nath dies and Silanda.
MoI: Lady Envy and Toc and the siege of Coral with the Moon’s Spawn rising from the sea.
HoC: The otataral dragon, Trull and Onrack and Urko breaking one of Karsa's ribs.
MT: The climax where the Tiste Edur penetrates the Lether palace and the Crimson Guards.
TBH: Y'Ghatan, Death of Poliel, the Bonehunters catching up with the rest of the 14th, Paran and Apsalar reunion and the falling of the Jade Giants.

#30 User is offline   BridgeBurner 

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Posted 30 April 2006 - 04:29 PM

GotM: Pale;
DG: Squint shooting Coltaine;
MoI: Blend offering her amulet to QB (without realizing it is worthless);
HoC: the scorpion fight;
MT: The moment the Ceda catches that underwater demon;
BH: The moment where the Silanda soldiers form a Shield wall at the docks, and also where Nil and Nether come to witness and bow to them.

#31 Guest_Clawmaster_*

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Posted 04 May 2006 - 12:06 PM

tBH: The character that is Pearl.

#32 Guest_Daemon_*

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Posted 04 May 2006 - 12:12 PM

Karsa is definitely one of my favourites (I found him unlike others not one single bit annoying) especially in tBH when he beats up that K'Chain Na' Ruk (or soemthing like that) thing in Ugarat and is sooooo cool afterwards

#33 User is offline   Dolmen 2.0 

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    Waiting till jean gets here.

Posted 04 May 2006 - 01:16 PM

GotM: Rake talking with baruk; Kalam & QB; RAEST!
DG: Icarium; Demon monkey:D; Coltains crows...PUST!
MOI: Gruntles ascension; Tools group esp: seguleh...ITKOVIAN!
HoC: Felisins death; Kalam; Andarists death...Dancer+Rope=PAIN!
MT: Tehol & bugg; Brys kicking Rhulads a$$; Teblor God "He's smiling.."
“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof Gas-Fireproof.”

#34 User is offline   blewin 

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 01:34 PM

just finished BH, so I'm getting itchy...

GotM - Crokus's adventure. Rake.
DG - Chain of Dogs
MoI - When the army finds out that Whiskeyjack (sp?) is dead. Itkovian's Gift. The hunger of the Tenescowri.
HoC - Andarist's quick appearance and quick death *sniff*
MT - Trull's dilemma, his parting with Seren. Brys's tragic death. Rhulad's resurrection (shiver).
BH - Fiddler and his group's escape from the burning city. Cotillion (now I really like this character). Apsalar/Crokus love. That running battle of Tavore with the Claws and Fiddler's music mourning his dead comrades (all the dead since GotM).

#35 User is offline   PannionDude 

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 02:59 PM

GotM - Rake conversation with Kruppe's boss (the alchemist guy) where they discuss the fate of Pale's wizards
DG - Kalam delivering the Book of Drynjha, meeting Leoman and Karsa
MoI - Siege of Capustan / Parley of Dujek & Brood
MT - Rhulad's coup over Hannad Mosag
BH - Y'Ghatan, also WITNESS!

#36 Guest_Ad Astra_*

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 03:51 PM

GotM: Tie between the Crokus finding Oponn's coin and fleeing the assasins, and the entire FĂȘte.
DG: I really like the scene with Kulp & co. on the Silanda. Such mystery there, and upon first reading you're wondering wtf is going on...
MoI: The defense of Capustan. Very well-written, if morbid.
HoC: Any of the scenes with Fiddler, Cuttle & the 4th squad.
MT: Mael. Definitely Mael.
BH: Chapter 7, Y'Ghatan. One of Erikson's best chapters, easily.

#37 User is offline   Tiger_sword 

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 08:56 PM

GotM: Paran throttling Oppon, QB's comments about Sorry
DG: Obviously the Chain of Dogs, the crusifixtion of the 10,000
MoI: Itkovian's death, Wiskyjacks death, the horror of Capustan
HoC: Trull weeping for Onrack (Brilliant SE), the Tiste Lioson's fear of Karsa
MT: Tehol/Bugg comedy, Brys vs. Rhulad, Trull's realisation about the demons (that they want to be free), Meal kicking some CG a$$
BH: Entire battle with icarium, Mappo's compassion for him, Apsalar/cotillon story, "There were clouds closed fast round the moon. And one by one, gardens died." - possibly the best line from all of the series, i shed a tear on this one

#38 Guest_Maknavox_*

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Posted 19 May 2006 - 11:16 PM

GothM: QB and lock still argumenting while lock was only 1/2lock
DG: Death of coltain. I hate SE for that.
MoI: Easy, the caravan guard, gruntle, that rallies the capustan people to fight back. I loved that!
HoC: Heboric beeing able to fight. I was like "Finaly the bastard hit someone instead of complaining and theorizing about whatever!"
MT: Tehol on his roof and the crap they kept eating.
BH: The scene just before Fiddelers Fiddeling and the fiddeling itself. Talk about those we have lost. It was very touching.

#39 User is offline   MUC1 

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Posted 20 May 2006 - 02:03 AM

GotM--Rake and Baruk
DG--Chain of Dogs
HoC--Raraku (battle at the end)
MT (best book)--Prologue/Battle leading up to death of Brys/Tehol and Bugg

#40 User is offline   bwgan 

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Posted 20 May 2006 - 02:29 PM

GOTM: Anything with Rake, Cowl warning Serrat off the coin bearer in the tower, Kalam and Nom.
DG: Roach(?) and the other dog, the cattle one (?) and the whole of the Chain of Dogs.
MoI: Sooo hard! But probably Hood coming for Bruhalian (spl) and QB dealing with thingy and whatsit - you know the necromancer pair.
HoC: Felisin's death (what a relief - hated her with a vengance) Andarist's scenes.
MT: Anything with Tehol and also Brys doing his stuff and the Crimson Guard - want more of them.
BH: Only read it once, so jury still out, need to read at least 3 times before I can be certan...and even then I am likely to change my mind....but I really like the Apsalar/Cotillion stuff

Oh and everything everyone else has said on this thread as well!

Oh and all the times I suddenly went - ohhh! right I get it now! (Not as often as most people I suppose, but still a triumph when it happens!)
'Tell me, Tool, what dominates your thoughts?'
The Imass shrugged before replying. 'I think of Mafia, Adjunct.'
'Do all Imass think about Mafia?'
'No. Few think at all.'
'Why is that?'
The Imass leaned his head to one side and regarded her. 'Because, Adjunct, they are sheeple.'

Sometimes I wonder, "Why is that frisbee getting bigger?" ... and then it hits me.

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