... it doesn't change that the Swiss aren't a competiotion at the european level.
You've awakened the patriot in me Gothos, whom I long thought lost in the dark corners of my anarchistic being.
But seriously, if they aren't a competition at the european level, how come they qualified for the Euro2004 which reunites the 16 best european teams at the moment? And do you really think that the Britains, reputedly one of the big players in international football, played the better football than the Swiss in any way (okay, they were more effective)? Methinks not, though I'm perhaps a bit biaised.
However, I'm quite happy with how they played up to date (with a few exceptions, damn Haas!). They lack a 'killer' in the offense, sure, but at least they try.
There's a last glimmer of hope for the quarter finals, we've only got to beat the French
But I have to agree with you that the Euro2004 is quite disappointing in terms of quality football up to now.