Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:14 AM
just finished The Name of the Wind, will immediately follow up The Wise Man's Fear, idk, its good but it left me wanting more, the end was a little anti-climactic for me, so i would better read on, to sate my appetite for this, and while he may be telling himself like that for his audience, i would still like for Kvothe to atleast have a better if not a very happy ending, 'cause i think he deserves it, even if things seems to be mostly against his desires, hope for him to end up with Fela actually rather that Denna, but that's just me, really don't much like Denna,
It's not who I am underneath.. but what i do that defines me - Batman, Batman Begins; 'Without our deaths, sir, there would be no crime. Thus, no punishment to match,' 'Mortal Sword - '
'We are done, my friend. Now, in this manner, we choose the meaning of our deaths' - Mortal Sword Brukhalian to Veteran Nilbanas, siege of Capustan
'Ippen shinde miru (want to try dying this once) ?' - Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)