half-way down to
The name of the Wind, I don't know if this has been tackled on other forums, but i found it curious that Abenthy's, um, advertisement of specialties are very similar with Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden
and with the almost same 'tone,' idk, with me just recently finished
Storm Front, it's still fresh on my mind, and its there always at the back blurb, do any of you noticed it,
also, it took me a day almost to appreciate this, i found it rather slow and unexciting at first, esp w/ the simple discovery of who Kvothe is,
now its slowly becoming interesting with the University story,
also with the map, it has a picture of i think is the Chronicler, who looks like a fat Ronald McDonald,
It's not who I am underneath.. but what i do that defines me - Batman, Batman Begins; 'Without our deaths, sir, there would be no crime. Thus, no punishment to match,' 'Mortal Sword - '
'We are done, my friend. Now, in this manner, we choose the meaning of our deaths' - Mortal Sword Brukhalian to Veteran Nilbanas, siege of Capustan
'Ippen shinde miru (want to try dying this once) ?' - Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)