QuickTidal, on 10 October 2023 - 02:31 PM, said:
Abyss, on 10 October 2023 - 02:07 PM, said:
Go library or 2HB if you want the separation, but don't deny yourself because a bunch of idiots multiple steps removed from the author might make a bad show about it. The author isn't preaching hate, which is my current vague rubicon for dropping the art bcs of the artist.
This is an ideal plan. As said I have book 1 as a $2 used buy, but library would work for the rest if I can't find Used copies of the rest.
Also, I have never heard anyone say anything unkind about Lawhead as a dude and the outpouring of support when he was sick was palpable...so he at least sounds like a good dude and yeah I can't find any preaching of any kind, hate or otherwise, and that's a good Rubicon line to draw.
Thanks Abyss. As usual you're level headed and helpful. I'll continue on with it as I'm enjoying.
Np. You need anything else distasteful and anti-social rationalized, let me know.
Tiste Simeon, on 10 October 2023 - 02:52 PM, said:
I've called Abyss many things throughout the years but I'm not sure "level headed and helpful" was ever on that list...

Au contraire....
Tiste Simeon, on 08 July 2023 - 06:47 PM, said:
I finished now and put some thoughts in my (better) thread but basically I'm in agreement in just about everything Abyss (who as usual is level headed and helpful) and JPK have said. Aside from one scene, this was a compelling and exciting book. Not entirely sure I want to head back to the Dominion now I really like the Empire!
Tiste Simeon, on 22 May 2023 - 06:05 AM, said:
I'm hijacking this thread instead of creating my own. I finished The Broken Crown and what a ride that was. Such a slow burn at first and I have to agree with Abyss' usual level headed and helpful views that there are a few too many infodumps but man this is a well crafted and fascinating world! ...
Tiste Simeon, on 18 December 2022 - 09:38 AM, said:
If it helps your jealousy, JPK, I remember Abyss - not withstanding his usual level-headedness and helpfullness - seething with envy when all us Brits got an SE book before the Canadians...
Tiste Simeon, on 02 December 2022 - 06:28 AM, said:
So so my voicemails declaring my undying love for your level-headed and helpful self were just ignored Abyss?
Tiste Simeon, on 04 June 2022 - 08:44 AM, said:
I'm beginning to think that this book isn't necessarily for you, Abyss, and also have i mentioned laterly how level-headed and helpful you are?...
QuickTidal, on 10 October 2023 - 03:02 PM, said:
Tiste Simeon, on 10 October 2023 - 02:52 PM, said:
I've called Abyss many things throughout the years but I'm not sure "level headed and helpful" was ever on that list...

Depends on your definition. If it includes cat assassins and t-shirt canons and secret societies of peameal sandwich makers...
Hey those sandwiches were entirely assassination-worthy. The t-shirts were just a way to score some extra cash.