T77, on 29 July 2020 - 02:11 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 29 July 2020 - 01:54 AM, said:
Finished my HoC reread, still love it,
Rolling right into MT trying to catch up the re-readers.
You're ahead of me. I just started GotM. Like the 3rd or 4th time I've read it. It gets better with each read. And Erikson is so good he ruins all other fantasy for me.
Andorion, on 29 July 2020 - 06:06 PM, said:
I am currently reread TtH
It really does get better every time
Yes, very much agreed on the ones I've re-read before...
And hell, MT is a completely different book when you know WTF is going on and how it connects to everything else. My full Malazan re-reads before this always stalled out around HoC so this is probably my first real time re-reading MT and beyond...so this is a new experience for me...but yeah, just being clued into how everything works and how everyone is in the grand scheme makes this SO rewarding. I recall the first time reading it being like "WTF are all these people, why is everything different?" and for whatever reason not clueing in to Trull basically ending HoC telling this story...
Anyways, yeah, 100pages already and it's solidly great of course.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon