Dadding, on 11 August 2019 - 01:14 PM, said:
Andorion, on 11 August 2019 - 07:39 AM, said:
The initial trilogy felt like it was trying too hard. Honestly, the only memorable part was Glokta.
Agreed! The first trilogy isn't great. Book 1 feels like half a book. Book 2 could be cut out and change nothing. And Book 3 is all about characters doing a 180 in "character development" that has no subtlety at all. I stopped reading after that.
I feel that a lot of fantasy books stand on three pillars - story/writing/plot decisions, character building/arcs and worldbuilding.
Abercrombie's problem is that his worldbuilding is not the strongest, and his character arcs are subordinated entirely to his "subversive" writing agenda. When you start off with the premise that nothing can ever be good, no lasting change can ever be achieved, then character arcs are going to be a mess.