Grimjust Bearegular, on 14 August 2014 - 08:24 AM, said:
Now I'm reading The Thousand Names, the first book in the Shadow Campaign-series by Django Wexler, and so far it looks really promising.
It's a military/history-oriented fantasy, and reminds of MbotF in a lot of ways, especially in the interaction between soldiers, and how the entire army is put together...I'm actually looking forward to reading more, which is rare these days

thought it was okay on first read,
just finished re-read last week and found it a fair bit better than i remembered.
Also, just finished the sequel as it happens. Pretty good, couple of gripes:
Overall though, enjoyed it, and i think its one of the first fantasy books i recall reading where there's a lead character who's a lesbian and her sexuality isn't a plot point.
The relationship between Winter and Jane is portrayed as being entirely normal, which of course it is, as it's written from Winter's pov, and nobody makes a big deal out of it.
It's a nice change to some (aka Ringil in Morgan's stuff)
meh. Link was dead :(