21. Assassins' Dawn by Stephen Leigh - Some cool scenes in this one (e.g. the marching dead), but the story ultimately bored me.
22. The Goon In The Deformed of Body and the Devious of Mind graphic novel by Eric Powell - Goon's enemies list: 1) Sparkly vampires, 2) Tween girls, who are to blame for #1, 3) Midgets Of All Nations...Do I even need to go on? If you're not reading these, you're missing out on a lot of laughs.
23. Hell Yeah Vol. 1: Last Day On Earths graphic novel by Joe Keatinge - A superhero's multiverse duplicates are out to kill him. Clever concept, but ultimately more perplexing than entertaining.
24. Little Vampire Women by Louisa May Alcott and Lynn Messina - Finally, a mashup novel that didn't bore me to tears. Makes me curious to read the original.
25. Penny Arcade Vol. 9: Passion's Howl by Jerry Holkins & Mike Krahulik - Still don't have much of a frame of reference for the gaming jokes...still making me laugh anyway...
26. Pocket Guide To The Afterlife by Jason Boyett - Tongue-in-cheek guide to all things heavenly/hellish. I was surprised to learn, in contrast to its fire-and-brimstone reputation, Christianity is among the most optimistic when it comes to the hereafter. In most religions that involve an afterlife, pretty much everyone goes to the same place, and it far more resembles hell than heaven.
27. The Waste Lands by Stephen King - Well, the series is getting marginally better with each book. I still don't know where King is going with this, and I can't tell if he does either. Atmospherically, I liked the book. Plot-wise, it just seemed like King had a bunch of dreams after smoking peyote and decided to mash them all together into a book. I is confused. Is there a Dummies guide to this series?

28. What Makes Flamingos Pink by Bill McLain -