lastname, on 28 October 2013 - 04:28 AM, said:
- There are five omnibuses (omnibi?) that, between them, cover virtually all the Miles stories - everything except Memory (the one dull book in the series IMHO), Dreamweaver's Dilemna (slightly obscure novella collection) and Cryoburn (recently released novel). There's also an omnibus that covers the prequel books (Cordelia's Honor includes Shards of Honor, Barrayar and a short called Aftermaths). So basically omnibuses are the way to go.
- This is a nitpick but Bujold didn't write Barrayar right after Shards. Barrayar, in fact, was published a couple of years after Brothers in Arms (which is mentioned above). Barrayar still goes after Shards in terms of reading order. Anyway, I personally started with Shards and quite enjoyed having some background information before jumping into the Miles stories. As IH says, that isn't strictly necessary.
- If you just want a taste of Bujold's writing, The Curse of Chalion isn't a bad place to start. Its the first book in a trilogy but stands just fine on its own.
I am shocked, shocked beyond words, that someone could love the Vorkosigan saga and not love _Memory_ with all their being. It is for me the finest of the purely Miles books. While _Mirror Dance_ is probably better technically, there's too much Mark in it for my taste.
I, too, would be happy to recommend starting anywhere, and _Barrayar_ won a Hugo, so it's hardly poor fare! Definitely go with the omnibuses though, agreed. I've not read "Winterfair Gifts" which is in the Miles In Love omnibus, I think. You should certainly read _Shards_ and _Barrayar_ (or the omnibus) before starting the sequence htat begins with _Komarr_.