Andorion, on 06 July 2017 - 06:17 PM, said:
Gabriele, on 06 July 2017 - 05:11 PM, said:
Andorion, on 06 July 2017 - 08:39 AM, said:
worry, on 06 July 2017 - 05:21 AM, said:
These aren't recommendations per se, just major names/series:
Raymond Feist
Kate Elliott
David Eddings
Jaqueline Carey
Gene Wolfe
Raymond Feist - ah yes, the only one who competes with Terry Brooks in terms of volume. Read Magician, loved it, will eventually read the rest, I suppose, though I have heard the series becomes average very fast.
Kate Elliott - read Black Wolves, loved it, will read more.
Eddings - read all of Eddings
Carey - Not at all sure about the Kushiel books, I thought they were fantasy erotica?
Gene Wolfe - read Book of the New Sun, liked it.
Average is an overstatement for the latter Raymond Feist books.
Magician is fun, the two sequels
Silver Thorn and
Darkness at Sethannon are pretty ok, the pirate duology that follows them is readable, but I'd stop after that.
Kushiel books are pretty epic, with lots of political intrigues and even some battles, seen from the POV of a s/m courtesan. So yes, there is a bit more sex than in your average Fantasy book, but it fits in naturally and is often portrayed as positive and fun (though the darker aspects of non consnsual sex are not ignored, either). The
Imriel trilogy which follows it is third person POV and a bit darker. It's still a good read but I missed Phèdre's voice. The Fantasy elements are on the low scale. The world is an alternate version of Renaissance Europe - with a few people like the Skaldi who are more Medieaval - with a religion that has a much healthier attitude to sex than the Christian one, but still all the polical fun.
All of Eddings? You're brave. I gave up at Althalus.
Kate Eliot's
Crown of Stars was interesting, though I could have killed Liath more than once for being so stupid. But she's only one of many characters (and I could have killed Sansa for the same reasom
I actually didn't try Althalus. Stopped at Tamuli.
I was wondering which Kate Elliott Series would be a good idea to tackle first. She has a lot.
Kushiel,,,, a different take on sexuality would be interesting. Maybe something to read when I get bored of the usual stuff.
Eddings wrote another 4 or 5 book series after Althalus, but in sorta went under the radar of most readers. I never went near it.
Kate Elliott'
Crown of Stars is her longest, 7 books and finished. The setting is an alternate early Mediaeval Europe with a sort of Elves (the Eika) with some of the serial numbers filed off, a church with gender equality, a migrating royal court like it was a the time .... I overall liked them though I had some problems with the female MC. Fortunately, there is a rather large set of characters, and there were others I liked to follow around.
Spiritwalker trilogy has an interesting premisse. Elliott called it an "Afro-Celtic post-Roman icepunk fantasy adventure, with Phoenician spies, revolution, and lawyer dinosaurs". I'm torn about tackling it - the idea sounds wonderful, but the books are written from a female first person POV, and after the problems I had with Liath (and some other female characters) in Crown of Stars, I'm not sure I would like the narrator.
Her Jaran books are earlier, and
Court of Fives is YA. Here is her own take on what to read:
Try the
Kushiel books. The first,
Kushiel's Dart, is sorta self contained, so if you don't like it, you'll still get a sort of closure. If you do like it .... well, there is never an end to political machinations for a natural continuation and two more volumes in the first trilogy. Also, someone escaped.