Posted 11 June 2023 - 02:00 PM
That's tricky. It's nothing like Dresden files, it's not set on earth, it's in a city called Elantra IIRC, ruled by a Dragon Emperor who literally is a Dragon Emperor. Closest comparisons I have would be something like the October Daye or Illona Andrews, but the comparison doesn't really work. I haven't come across anything else quite like it. Enjoyed it though.
The Dragons spendmost of their time in human form like Rake, because otherwise they destroy too much.
The lead relies heavily on being a nice person and having emotional intelligence and empathy, rather than 'aha, I have outsmarted you/been better at magic'. There are also Barrani, who are kind of like Tiste Andii if they were constantly playing politics against each other, Griffin people called Leontines, winged humans called Aerians, and there is a race of telepaths called Tha' Alani who are generally nice but no one likes them because they are telepaths. And humans. Our lead is circa 20, badly educated but has good instincts and because of her tattoos is hard to kill with magic. It's a plot point that she can't go anywhere near the Emperor because she's incapable of being polite enough for his court, so he would be forced to kill her if they ever met face to face.
Barrani and Dragons are immortal and have glowing eyes that shift colour with their mood.
Our lead is a Hawk, which is the branch of the police dedicated to patrolling and investigation, the other two branches are the Swords (crowd control, riot control) and the Wolves (the fugitive mage is too powerful to leave alive, he needs to die now.)
There are a group of small kingdoms called 'the fiefs' across the river from the city, that are independent of the Empire, ruled by local mob bosses that also tend to be powerful mages. The Hawks do not have jurisdiction in the fiefs, and the mob bosses are tolerated despite mostly mistreating their people because they protect the Empire from the magical darkness on the other side which periodically spawns monsters.
Does that help any?