D, on 16 April 2021 - 04:01 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 16 April 2021 - 03:58 PM, said:
Tattersail_, on 16 April 2021 - 03:46 PM, said:
and breath
Why so anxious tatts, the muaat are a race all about friendship and trading, they just happen to also have a big stick if someone crosses them.
I thought our prior game of mutually beneficial alliance was a prime example of what I'd seek this game, and I've had such deals with both you and morgoth in the past so I'd hope that we can come to some fair agreements over potentially contentious planets.
Oh and for the board, my racial is on the table for suitably generous offers.
I have 2 red skips so if I decided to go for war suns I don't think there'd be much point in me trying to haggle for your faction PN. But I am interested in your alliance PN and am sure I can make it worth your while at some point.
Funny, that. I figured I was a yellow tech away from War Suns myself