Tattersail_, on 03 February 2021 - 03:14 PM, said:
IH explain it to me, what's the difference between me paying you 1 TG for a free refresh and swapping commodities with you?
It basically makes it binding.
You give him your Trade Agreement in exchange for a free refresh and the cost of your trade agreement - 1 in TGs (so he'd give you 1TG for your trade agreement). When it's your turn and you do your refresh, he plays the trade agreement and receives 2 TGs, thus recouping the TGs he gave you for your Trade Agreement.
In the end, it costs you the same, it's just a more complicated/convoluted way to do a "Free refresh costs 1 TG" deal.
I'm not doing it specifically because I think with all the other complicated wheeling and dealing we do, adding an extra layer of complexity to a "Pay me 1 TG for a free refresh" deal is just fucking uselessly annoying.