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Mafia 150.5 M&P

#241 User is offline   Trake 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 02:05 PM

I guess this is what happens when mafia players grow up. We are all sleep deprived! I’ve only had a couple hours of sleep the last 2 days from work so my brain is a bit mushy. I’ll get that reread completed in a while.

#242 User is offline   Karatallid 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 02:38 PM

View PostKarosis, on 19 June 2020 - 12:34 PM, said:

View PostEldat Pressen, on 19 June 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:

Yo where y'all at?


The problem I have with the Kara lynch, is that it's based on actions of others, rather than his own.

You are fixated on a general presumption that since people are voting elsewhere, Kara must be scum. Without bothering to even suggest who is steering the lynches away, whether their reasoning is faulty, and does that make them likely to be scum.

Because of that, it makes your "obsession" seem like an easy answer.

Meanwhile, no one (except SR) has commented on my finding that Ryadd was being weird as fuck on Day 1, and then promptly jumped ship to lead the Atrahal lynch, despite spending most of the day championing Atrahal's "signalling" case on Kara and you
It's an interesting observation, but I was distracted by my own notes on Ryadd to comment on yours. I think we pretty much agree on him tbh. I think Weird is a good way to sum it up.

#243 User is offline   Karosis 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 04:01 PM

I am not sure what to make of Desra and Trake. Trake was prodding Ryadd along with Emu, though, so I'm less suspicious of them.

Desra hasn't been around much, and despite their memorable posts being "let's not rush anything", they were a fairly aggressive player when it came to lynches.

I'll need a re-read to figure out what I think of Hentos.

#244 User is offline   Eldat Pressen 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 05:47 PM

View PostKarosis, on 19 June 2020 - 12:34 PM, said:

View PostEldat Pressen, on 19 June 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:

Yo where y'all at?


The problem I have with the Kara lynch, is that it's based on actions of others, rather than his own.

You are fixated on a general presumption that since people are voting elsewhere, Kara must be scum. Without bothering to even suggest who is steering the lynches away, whether their reasoning is faulty, and does that make them likely to be scum.

Because of that, it makes your "obsession" seem like an easy answer.

Meanwhile, no one (except SR) has commented on my finding that Ryadd was being weird as fuck on Day 1, and then promptly jumped ship to lead the Atrahal lynch, despite spending most of the day championing Atrahal's "signalling" case on Kara and you

Since when is the actions of others not valid for a case against someone?

I suggested who is steering the lynches away, twice Desra put the tying vote on the alternate target, and in the case of Silchas, for no reason I can understand.

And for all your (and others) current musings about interesting things and shit worth a re-read, would you mind getting around to it, because there is, what? 5 hours left in day, and I'm the only who bothered to vote.

#245 User is offline   Karosis 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 06:50 PM

Having done a re-read, I see too much conflict between my prime suspect (Ryadd) and Hentos.

I'm currently inclined to believe that Ryadd is scum, with Desra as most likely partner. Both have been rather non committal and voted on the same trains consistently.

EP is too bone-headed in his hard-on for Karatallid to be anything other than inno.

Kara/Hentos is the other likely pairing, but I don't see as much merit in it, since the argument against Kara mostly boils down to "derailment", but it was actually Desra who was doing most of the heavy lifting both times, being the number 2 vote (with Ryadd being Vote 4 both times)

vote Ryadd Eleis

Gonna be dipping out an hour or so before timeout, cause I gotta hit the liquor store and then go get drunk with a few people.

#246 User is offline   Karatallid 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 06:51 PM

It's really just 5 hours? Man the time just flies.

I think you should focus more on the actions of the person you're voting for, with other people's actions as a confirmation of whatever it is you argue. On that note, as I've said earlier, and I agree with what others have said, Ryadd's behavior is weird and oddly aggressive. Makes me think they are overdoing trying to seem like town.
We have to get somewhere guys, and this is my two cents.

Vote Ryadd Eleis

#247 User is offline   Karatallid 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 06:52 PM

Oh, nice cross post with Karosis. Great minds and all that...

#248 User is offline   Karosis 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 06:52 PM

to add to the above: I don't have the best read on Trake, but he did put some decent pressure on Ryadd as well, and was pretty consistent in his dislike of SR for 2 days.

#249 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 07:07 PM

It is Day 3. 5 hours and 7 minutes remaining
7 Players still alive: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Trake

4 votes to lynch, 4 votes to go to night.

1 vote Karatallid: Eldat Pressen
2 votes Ryadd Eleis: Karosis, Karatallid

Players not voted: Desra, Hentos Ilm, Ryadd Eleis, Trake
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#250 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 07:20 PM

sorry, have been busy all day outside.

#251 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 07:32 PM

well, speaking of resistance to a Kara lynch...

#252 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 07:35 PM

View PostKarosis, on 19 June 2020 - 12:34 PM, said:

View PostEldat Pressen, on 19 June 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:

Yo where y'all at?


The problem I have with the Kara lynch, is that it's based on actions of others, rather than his own.

You are fixated on a general presumption that since people are voting elsewhere, Kara must be scum. Without bothering to even suggest who is steering the lynches away, whether their reasoning is faulty, and does that make them likely to be scum.

Because of that, it makes your "obsession" seem like an easy answer.

Meanwhile, no one (except SR) has commented on my finding that Ryadd was being weird as fuck on Day 1, and then promptly jumped ship to lead the Atrahal lynch, despite spending most of the day championing Atrahal's "signalling" case on Kara and you

you say this as you steer the lynch away.

you've been cruising fairly under the radar most of the game from memory, I don't feel like a full reread but I'll skim through to get myself more square with where we are at right now.

#253 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 08:10 PM

so just flicking through the vote counts and vote posts in regard Karat

Day 1 - only eldat and Atra drop a vote on Karat

day 2 - Nim, Sil and Eldat

not really sure what i'm taking from this

it very difficult not to get sucked down a rabbit hole when scanning through looking at one player and reading like far too much into every interaction.

I've now convinced myself its Karat and Karo booming together. Nimander and Emur had both thrown subtle shade at Karosis and ended up deaded. Nim also threw considerable weight at Karat day 2

also Karosis' vote on Atraha

View PostKarosis, on 16 June 2020 - 02:01 PM, said:

View PostAtrahal, on 15 June 2020 - 09:20 PM, said:


Vote Karatallid

For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.

A signal vote? from a symp? in a 6 votes to lynch situation?

Ionno what you're smoking, but the golden rule is "symps never vote scum"

vote Atrahal

when skimming through it looked, at a glance as quite agressive.

coupled with his response to Nimanders vote on Karat:

View PostKarosis, on 17 June 2020 - 03:40 PM, said:

View PostNimander Golit, on 17 June 2020 - 09:17 AM, said:

Ok doing a proper read of the game so far.

View PostHentos Ilm, on 16 June 2020 - 04:59 AM, said:

View PostAtrahal, on 15 June 2020 - 09:20 PM, said:


Vote Karatallid

For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.

Do you really think there are that many amateurs in this game?

Vote Atrahal

Your behavior is, itself, symp-like, but more in the "cause general chaos" sense than sidling up to a master.

Hentos Suddenly jumps in and attacks Atrahal for making (what I consider) standard pokes.
What I didn't like is the fact that Hentos doenst even consider the fact that Atrahal could be correct and blatantly defends Kara and Eldat.
Seems like a forced and out of the blue attack to me.

The hypocrisy of this accusation is rather interesting.
Hentos also seems to then be fixated on symping. The very thing he is accusing Atrahal of being.
Which in of itself is very symp like behaviour because you cause confusion when you use it as an excuse for erratic play and cant "prove" someone is a symp by lynching them.
You need to find their master...SO... who was Atrahal symping here?
No one that I can see, and clearly no one Hentos can see because thats not his argument, he took the easy route by simply shouting "SYMP"
How convenient.

But the most damning thing he apparently thinks Atrahal is a symp...yet proceeds to vote the SYMP. How does that help?

So if Hentos is a symp here (which I think is likely). My bet is he is protecting either Kara or Eldat.

Vote Karatallid

The problem with a "standard poke" is numbers. when it only takes 6 to lynch, making it L-4 is a statement, not just a joke.

Nim laughs this off (rightly) L-4 is like 2 votes. But what caught me here is karosis jumping into the conversation with nim, trying to derail nims line of attack.

like I said, I get tunnel visioned when I go down the rabbit hole very easily, and all I can see when flicking through is more confirmaion of this connection.

going to sit back and finish my poker game and beer and come back with fresh eyes in a bit

#254 User is offline   Karosis 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 08:22 PM

We're gonna do the night kill speculation wifom now? lol.

#255 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:11 PM

well, fuck it


#256 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:12 PM

your cool littole dismaisal of this doesnt deter me

#257 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:13 PM

so hwo else is her?>

#258 User is offline   Karosis 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:14 PM


for another 15 min or so

#259 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:17 PM

well im going to voet you oir karat

#260 User is offline   Desra 

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 09:18 PM

leabving into karat, you protectiong him

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