Mafia 150.5 M&P
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:25 PM
It is Day 1. 2 hours and 19 minutes remaining
11 Players still alive: Atrahal, Desra, Eldat Pressen, Emurlahnis, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
6 votes to lynch, 6 votes to go to night.
1 vote Karatallid: Eldat Pressen
5 votes Atrahal: Hentos Ilm, Desra, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Karatallid
2 votes Silchas: Trake, Atrahal
1 vote Karosis: Emurlahnis
Players not voted: Nimander Golit, Silchas Ruin
11 Players still alive: Atrahal, Desra, Eldat Pressen, Emurlahnis, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
6 votes to lynch, 6 votes to go to night.
1 vote Karatallid: Eldat Pressen
5 votes Atrahal: Hentos Ilm, Desra, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Karatallid
2 votes Silchas: Trake, Atrahal
1 vote Karosis: Emurlahnis
Players not voted: Nimander Golit, Silchas Ruin
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:25 PM
Funny how Atrahal went from this:
to this:
without almost nothing happening in between.
Atrahal, on 16 June 2020 - 09:27 PM, said:
Ah 4 hours to go. I'll give it an hour and hanner myself. A lynch is best day one.
to this:
Atrahal, on 16 June 2020 - 11:06 PM, said:
In fact
vote Silchas
I'm going to bed. If I wake up dead, I wake up dead.
vote Silchas
I'm going to bed. If I wake up dead, I wake up dead.
without almost nothing happening in between.
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:46 PM
Actually, I'm gonna hammer that.
Normally I hate when players self-vote. 99% of the time that's counter productive. But when you're at L-1 and you say you're gonna hammer yourself, and then at 2 hours to timeout, with only 2 people online, you're like WELL ACTUALLY I'M NOT DROPPING THAT HAMMER... that ain't it chief. It looks like desperately trying to run down the clock and end the day with no lynch.
Remove vote.
Vote Atrahal.
Normally I hate when players self-vote. 99% of the time that's counter productive. But when you're at L-1 and you say you're gonna hammer yourself, and then at 2 hours to timeout, with only 2 people online, you're like WELL ACTUALLY I'M NOT DROPPING THAT HAMMER... that ain't it chief. It looks like desperately trying to run down the clock and end the day with no lynch.
Remove vote.
Vote Atrahal.
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:52 PM
It is Day 1. 1 hour and 52 minutes remaining
11 Players still alive: Atrahal, Desra, Eldat Pressen, Emurlahnis, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
6 votes to lynch, 6 votes to go to night.
1 vote Karatallid: Eldat Pressen
6 votes Atrahal: Hentos Ilm, Desra, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Karatallid, Emrulahnis
2 votes Silchas: Trake, Atrahal
Players not voted: Nimander Golit, Silchas Ruin
Atrahal has been lynched. They were Tattersail and RI.
It is now night
11 Players still alive: Atrahal, Desra, Eldat Pressen, Emurlahnis, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
6 votes to lynch, 6 votes to go to night.
1 vote Karatallid: Eldat Pressen
6 votes Atrahal: Hentos Ilm, Desra, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Karatallid, Emrulahnis
2 votes Silchas: Trake, Atrahal
Players not voted: Nimander Golit, Silchas Ruin
Atrahal has been lynched. They were Tattersail and RI.
It is now night
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:54 PM
Emurlahnis has been killed. They were Siergiej and RI.
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 16 June 2020 - 11:57 PM
It is Day 2. 36 hours and 2 minutes remianing
9 Players still alive: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
5 votes to lynch, 5 votes to go to night.
Players not voted: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
9 Players still alive: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
5 votes to lynch, 5 votes to go to night.
Players not voted: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 01:34 AM
Karosis, on 16 June 2020 - 02:01 PM, said:
Atrahal, on 15 June 2020 - 09:20 PM, said:
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
A signal vote? from a symp? in a 6 votes to lynch situation?
Ionno what you're smoking, but the golden rule is "symps never vote scum"
vote Atrahal
I agree with Karosis here.
Trake, on 16 June 2020 - 02:24 PM, said:
Silchas Ruin, on 15 June 2020 - 04:15 PM, said:
Checking in.
I’m not into the lame cases du jour. After last game I’d like to not let low coasters get by too long. Nimander signed on to say he’s sick, but Silchas hasn’t posted anything more than a check in. I’d like to hear more from him.
vote Silchas
Also agree with Trake. Low-posters cause the game to stall out in the worst way (and I was an offender yesterday but will try to be more available going forward). Nimander is on the verge of a modkill so the next lowest poster other than me is Silchas. For now
Vote Silchas Ruin
Posted 17 June 2020 - 07:43 AM
Just woke up, Will read the thread and see what I can deduce once the coffee does it’s job.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 08:17 AM
Morning, Bout to start a round of golf.
A quick woa! Nelly on Hentos.
I'm all for a low poster hunt when needed but dawn has just broken, it's day 2, cool your jets big guy. Let's do some diagnostics first shall we buddy?
A quick woa! Nelly on Hentos.
I'm all for a low poster hunt when needed but dawn has just broken, it's day 2, cool your jets big guy. Let's do some diagnostics first shall we buddy?
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:17 AM
Ok doing a proper read of the game so far.
Do you really think there are that many amateurs in this game?
Vote Atrahal
Your behavior is, itself, symp-like, but more in the "cause general chaos" sense than sidling up to a master.
Hentos Suddenly jumps in and attacks Atrahal for making (what I consider) standard pokes.
What I didn't like is the fact that Hentos doenst even consider the fact that Atrahal could be correct and blatantly defends Kara and Eldat.
Seems like a forced and out of the blue attack to me.
The hypocrisy of this accusation is rather interesting.
Hentos also seems to then be fixated on symping. The very thing he is accusing Atrahal of being.
Which in of itself is very symp like behaviour because you cause confusion when you use it as an excuse for erratic play and cant "prove" someone is a symp by lynching them.
You need to find their master...SO... who was Atrahal symping here?
No one that I can see, and clearly no one Hentos can see because thats not his argument, he took the easy route by simply shouting "SYMP"
How convenient.
But the most damning thing he apparently thinks Atrahal is a symp...yet proceeds to vote the SYMP. How does that help?
So if Hentos is a symp here (which I think is likely). My bet is he is protecting either Kara or Eldat.
Vote Karatallid
Hentos Ilm, on 16 June 2020 - 04:59 AM, said:
Atrahal, on 15 June 2020 - 09:20 PM, said:
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
Do you really think there are that many amateurs in this game?
Vote Atrahal
Your behavior is, itself, symp-like, but more in the "cause general chaos" sense than sidling up to a master.
Hentos Suddenly jumps in and attacks Atrahal for making (what I consider) standard pokes.
What I didn't like is the fact that Hentos doenst even consider the fact that Atrahal could be correct and blatantly defends Kara and Eldat.
Seems like a forced and out of the blue attack to me.
The hypocrisy of this accusation is rather interesting.
Hentos also seems to then be fixated on symping. The very thing he is accusing Atrahal of being.
Which in of itself is very symp like behaviour because you cause confusion when you use it as an excuse for erratic play and cant "prove" someone is a symp by lynching them.
You need to find their master...SO... who was Atrahal symping here?
No one that I can see, and clearly no one Hentos can see because thats not his argument, he took the easy route by simply shouting "SYMP"
How convenient.
But the most damning thing he apparently thinks Atrahal is a symp...yet proceeds to vote the SYMP. How does that help?
So if Hentos is a symp here (which I think is likely). My bet is he is protecting either Kara or Eldat.
Vote Karatallid
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:18 AM
Karosis, on 16 June 2020 - 02:01 PM, said:
Atrahal, on 15 June 2020 - 09:20 PM, said:
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
Vote Karatallid
For their friendly interaction so far. Lovely quoting of each other and an "I see you" vote from the symp Eldat.
A signal vote? from a symp? in a 6 votes to lynch situation?
Ionno what you're smoking, but the golden rule is "symps never vote scum"
vote Atrahal
Karosis. Another one that writes it off waaaay too easily.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:24 AM
Karatallid, on 16 June 2020 - 03:01 PM, said:
I got the impression that people were just joke voting or prodding in a funny gentle way, but apparently Ryadd is being serious? I'm confused, what kind of signalling is a person laughing at a funny post on day one? I'm curious what kind of thinking this is, because I don't get it?
And I'm still laughing at that post, it really tickled me.

And I'm still laughing at that post, it really tickled me.

Very middle of the road response. Typical from scum when getting looked at. smiley faces and all.
What Im picking up is that some people are saying that Atrahals symp case is silly but they sort of throw it away as a silly case and not looking too much into it (Trake)
Which is what I felt when I first saw it.
But others like karosis and Karratallid are going full attack mode on what I would consider an easy target for scum to push on.
Im happy with my vote so far.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:28 AM
Karatallid, on 16 June 2020 - 06:37 PM, said:
Looks like Atrahal got caught wandering around in silly town, and is now claiming it was an accident he ended up there. Very weird. Very much the equivalent of an audible 'whoops' as in 'I went too far'.
vote Atrahal
vote Atrahal
Smelling blood. Easy target as lots of people are confused over Atrahals poke.
lays down a massive swing vote basically making Atrahal the only option here.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:32 AM
Emurlahnis, on 16 June 2020 - 09:51 PM, said:
Anyone with thoughts on Karosis or Ryadd? They look the worst to me at the moment. Karosis I already explained: padded their count with banter, then dropped an easy vote.
Ryadd I just can't make sense of. Their weird signalling case, their claim there is scum between Eldat and Karatallid, and then despite that claim voting Atrahal... what?
Ryadd I just can't make sense of. Their weird signalling case, their claim there is scum between Eldat and Karatallid, and then despite that claim voting Atrahal... what?
Agreed, this is exactly what ive been thinking.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 09:48 AM
Eldat Pressen, on 16 June 2020 - 07:03 PM, said:
I would hammer Atrahal because even though there is a bit of time left, I agree his posts were trying to push a strange narrative (stranger for me, who actually knows there was no signaling going on)
I'm confused though by PS's clarification. If I do, I hope it wouldn't modkill anyone?
I'm confused though by PS's clarification. If I do, I hope it wouldn't modkill anyone?
scared to hammer but wants people to know it was something they would do.
Useless post, that only ever covers scums ass. "I would have voted, see"
Posted 17 June 2020 - 11:33 AM
Nimander Golit, on 17 June 2020 - 09:24 AM, said:
Karatallid, on 16 June 2020 - 03:01 PM, said:
I got the impression that people were just joke voting or prodding in a funny gentle way, but apparently Ryadd is being serious? I'm confused, what kind of signalling is a person laughing at a funny post on day one? I'm curious what kind of thinking this is, because I don't get it?
And I'm still laughing at that post, it really tickled me.

And I'm still laughing at that post, it really tickled me.

Very middle of the road response. Typical from scum when getting looked at. smiley faces and all.
Nimander Golit, on 17 June 2020 - 09:24 AM, said:
What Im picking up is that some people are saying that Atrahals symp case is silly but they sort of throw it away as a silly case and not looking too much into it (Trake)
Which is what I felt when I first saw it.
Which is what I felt when I first saw it.
Nimander Golit, on 17 June 2020 - 09:24 AM, said:
But others like karosis and Karratallid are going full attack mode on what I would consider an easy target for scum to push on.
Im happy with my vote so far.
Im happy with my vote so far.
How did I go full attack mode? I'm honestly curious how you came to that conclusion. I voted for Atrahal but so did others, and it was a valid lynch IMO considering the weird behavior it was prompted by. You might disagree, but at least explain why you disagree. Don't just make stuff up to sound like you know what you're doing.

Posted 17 June 2020 - 12:07 PM
It is Day 2. 23 hours and 52 minutes remianing
9 Players still alive: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
5 votes to lynch, 5 votes to go to night.
1 vote Silchas Ruin: Hentos Ilm
1 vote Karatallid: Nimander Golit
Players not voted: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Karatallid, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
9 Players still alive: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Hentos Ilm, Karatallid, Karosis, Nimander Golit, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
5 votes to lynch, 5 votes to go to night.
1 vote Silchas Ruin: Hentos Ilm
1 vote Karatallid: Nimander Golit
Players not voted: Desra, Eldat Pressen, Karatallid, Karosis, Ryadd Eleis, Silchas Ruin, Trake
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 12:20 PM
Karatallid, on 17 June 2020 - 11:33 AM, said:
How did I go full attack mode? I'm honestly curious how you came to that conclusion. I voted for Atrahal but so did others, and it was a valid lynch IMO considering the weird behavior it was prompted by. You might disagree, but at least explain why you disagree. Don't just make stuff up to sound like you know what you're doing.
(oh no a smiley face, how dangerous!)

Meant Hentos and Karososis.
my point still stands.
Im on meds and be mixing up my names.
Posted 17 June 2020 - 12:28 PM
Well I’m up and my head hurts. I think the pileup on Atrahal was a bit strange with no one really looking into other lynches.