D, on 28 August 2019 - 02:34 PM, said:
Tattersail_, on 28 August 2019 - 01:22 PM, said:
IH the extortionist. just take it and give him fuck all, look at all his area he has, probably the best position on the board at the moment other than D'rek. He's got no fear from his neighbour the other side, Twelve's in bad shape now after losing all those ships. Gnaw needs to build and cannot threaten him in anyway. IH will win this game if you guys keep it up

Did you miss the last 3 games? Morgoth has a puppy dog crush on IH and always gives him whatever he wants.
That's an interesting interpretation of the previous two games. IH and I were neighbours, we worked out a common border, the game ended with me winning and IH coming in second, though he tried to attack me to prevent it. In our last game, IH and I were neighbours and again worked out a common border. I was in the lead for most of the game, overextended and let IH pass me, at which point I attacked him but failed to halt his victory. You guys did your very best to stop me from attacking his homeworld at the end.
Now, here we are. IH and I are neighbours again and worked out a common border. War is costly in both resources and points. Especially when it's close to home and thus hard to control.