Gnaw, on 31 March 2019 - 07:15 AM, said:
Tapper, on 31 March 2019 - 06:44 AM, said:
twelve, on 31 March 2019 - 04:45 AM, said:
Perhaps. I am not looking forward to negotiating during a reaction phase that will leave 7 others bored and the game stalled, though.
If it helps, I want Tech or Leadership. Could be talked into Construction.
Yeah, those first two would be my choices for QDN, as well.
I guess Twelve could use my motivations to price his offer:
Leadership would give me 5 CT. Using its secondary would give me (likely) 3. As such, I prize it less for the free CT (using QDN costs me 1 CT, 3 TG and takes the oportunity away to use 1 TG for a 3rd CT through influence), but more for the initiative and to guarantee it is used turn 1 so I can afford more moves/secondaries.
Tech I value because it will allow me to research twice and once again, gives me control over its timing. If Twelve's offer is decent, I will nab Tech.