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Help Explain Something to Me About the Hounds

#1 User is offline   Tatterdemalion 

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Posted 24 August 2018 - 03:30 AM

1. How did Kellanved bring the hounds to heel?

I remember reading all the parts but never quite understanding hwo they went from tracking predators to 'his' so to speak. I imagine it has something to do with the Deadhouse, but forget. Please help me be smarterz!
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Posted 24 August 2018 - 12:38 PM

I don't remember exactly what happened but he made some sort of deal with them to help him out I believe. I don't think there was any compelling or forcing them, kind of a mutual agreement.
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#3 User is offline   nacht 

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Posted 24 August 2018 - 04:42 PM

First, he bought the power of three warrens (shadow, imperial and the tanno) on them. This muzzled them but did not exactly make them happy. Then he spoke to Blind in the ear and offered her some kind of deal.

Just wanted to add that it in terms of sheer thrill, this was the greatest ICE moment so far. Kel is just ______ amazing.

This post has been edited by nacht: 24 August 2018 - 04:43 PM


#4 User is offline   Gintokian 

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Posted 24 August 2018 - 06:34 PM

Yes that's what it was, great moment. And yes he is amazing, the way he came up with his name was hilarious too.
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#5 User is offline   nacht 

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Posted 24 August 2018 - 07:10 PM

 nacht, on 24 August 2018 - 04:42 PM, said:

First, he bought the power of three warrens (shadow, imperial and the tanno) on them. This muzzled them but did not exactly make them happy. Then he spoke to Blind in the ear and offered her some kind of deal.

Just wanted to add that it in terms of sheer thrill, this was the greatest ICE moment so far. Kel is just ______ amazing.

Was a bit wrong, so I am giving the actual text below.


It was as if he were playing a child's game of cat's cradle, but with nothing visible between his fingers save shadows. And to her increasing disbelief, ropes and tangled knots of said shadows now came slithering out of the deeper pools of murk about and lashed themselves tight round the legs of the four beasts.

She would have been dismissive of such efforts were they plain Meanas workings alone, but these carried the unmistakable essence of Elder Kurald Emurlahn; some how, this mage has mastered both and now had at his command two sources of power to draw upon.

Yet even such unprecedented might was not enough. The eldritch beasts fought and yanked despite their countless bonds, still drawing ever closer to the two men. ....

Still these ancient monsters could not be brought to the ground. Each struggled onward, wrapped in twisting cords of shadow, snarling, slathering, utterly intent upon tearing these two trespassers to bloody shreds. The little black-skinned mage at the center of the storm now leaned forward, hands lowering, as if he were pushing something down into the ground before him, straining with redoubled effort.

A new, third source of power broke upon everyone like a striking waterfall and Agayla grunted at the shock of it. Sister of Cold Nights, however, recognized the source of this new puissance being drawn by the mage and and was outraged.

She knew its colourings, its flavour -- name it what you will -- and she could not believe it. How can he tough this? She knew very well that the particular Wound had been sealed away. Forbidden. Unbroachable. She knew this because it was she and her brothers Draconus and K'rul who had sealed it away ages ago. All to the heal the ancient crimes of the so-called High King. How could this one have possibly penetrated their wardings?


As for the largest, the one mostly grey, with a white stomach, her eyes seemed to shine like blue stars now, and she stood quivering in a raging fury, upright, refusing to kneel. The mage's partner, the lean one who moved so gracefully, approached, and raised a knife for the kill.

Yet at the last moment the mage stayed his partner's arm. Instead he brought his head hext to the hound's, despite the snarling lips and gnashing fangs, and appeared to whisper something into the matriarch's ear. Those ears fell then, the muscular shoulders hunching. And the mage backed away, gesturing. The countless fetters and chains of twisted shadow fell away like smoke and the hounds rose.


Dancer crossed his arms. 'What did you say to that hound, anyway?'

Kellanved sent him a look, one brow raised. 'What?' Ah! I merely told her that if they cast their lots in with me they would see a great deal of action.' He waved Dancer onward. 'You see, it stuck me that they must be truly bored sniffing among the sands and ruins and ghosts. With me they're sure to get out much more.'


#6 User is offline   Tatterdemalion 

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 02:47 AM

Follow up question then: what does Tanno Spiritwalking have to do with the elder gods 'sealing something away' that was injured by Kallor?

So Kellanved offers them a deal, according to him. He doesn't 'bind' them. In theory they could turn on him whenever, then. Unless the one sentence was so unequivocally critical they always move to its beat.

Nacht, thanks for your work here :p
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Posted 25 August 2018 - 03:05 AM

 Tatterdemalion, on 25 August 2018 - 02:47 AM, said:

Follow up question then: what does Tanno Spiritwalking have to do with the elder gods 'sealing something away' that was injured by Kallor?

So Kellanved offers them a deal, according to him. He doesn't 'bind' them. In theory they could turn on him whenever, then. Unless the one sentence was so unequivocally critical they always move to its beat.

Nacht, thanks for your work here :p

i think it had more to do with the style of magic being similar to Tanno.

As for the Hounds, Kel wasn't Shadowthrone then. I suspect once they ascended it became way less likely, tho as we saw in HoC with Blind and the Edur, nothing is certain.

#8 User is offline   nacht 

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Posted 25 August 2018 - 03:59 AM

 Tatterdemalion, on 25 August 2018 - 02:47 AM, said:

Follow up question then: what does Tanno Spiritwalking have to do with the elder gods 'sealing something away' that was injured by Kallor?

So Kellanved offers them a deal, according to him. He doesn't 'bind' them. In theory they could turn on him whenever, then. Unless the one sentence was so unequivocally critical they always move to its beat.

Nacht, thanks for your work here :p

Sorry, that was a mistake. No tanno spiritwalking was explicitly mentioned by Nightchill. From what i read in deadhouse gates, tanno magic is sung (the conch in deadhouse gates is an example of that), but spiritwalking somehow seems improve how you control the warrens as Eth'en mentions in the quote below


The elder pressed a hand to his forehead. "The Moaning Plains?" he murmured wonderingly. He regarded Kellanved for a time. 'So ... his spirit was stretched out across three Realmks: ours, Shadow, and what some name the Scar. And then the Otataral took him...'

Eth'en sat back, raised his gaze to Dancer. "There is a ritual we have among us Tano - a deadly test. If one is willing to risk one's essence, one's mind, one may walk out into the Otataral Desert and sing -- summoning our version of the Warrens -- and embrace the transformative powers of this ore. It is near suicide. But those few who return ... they return changes. Able to do things none other can...' 'He looked away, his gaze far off. 'It lies at the root of our powers, you know. Our Spiritwalking.'

The Tano's sing while in the otataral desert.
In Kel's case, he was using his warrens while in the otataral desert.

This might have just made Kel a Meanas/Emurlahn/Imperial Spiritwalker

This post has been edited by nacht: 25 August 2018 - 04:08 AM


#9 User is offline   nacht 

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Posted 26 August 2018 - 10:40 PM

One more quote about Kelllanved magery


Tayschrenn rose, stretching He studied the fellow more closely, and the more he examined him, the more confused he became. The skein of his Warren manipulation was different from any he'd encountered before. Somehow ... altered. It was as if the fellow was annealed with a mulitplicity of commingled influences and sources of power. There was even a tinge of the Elder about him. It was clear to Tayschrenn that he had endured some sort of transofrmational experience.

This post has been edited by nacht: 26 August 2018 - 10:40 PM


#10 User is offline   gandrin 

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Posted 28 August 2018 - 07:49 PM

 Tatterdemalion, on 25 August 2018 - 02:47 AM, said:

Follow up question then: what does Tanno Spiritwalking have to do with the elder gods 'sealing something away' that was injured by Kallor?

So Kellanved offers them a deal, according to him. He doesn't 'bind' them. In theory they could turn on him whenever, then. Unless the one sentence was so unequivocally critical they always move to its beat.

Nacht, thanks for your work here ;)

My take was not that it was Tanno, but that he had started using the Imperial Warren. As I remember, this Warren was closed off when Kallor doomed his First Empire to get power (this was at the beginning of Memories of Ice I believe). NightChill was there, and had helped close it and doom Kallor, so was furious that Kell had figured out how to crack it. So that probably explains why Kallor was drawn to Malazan; he sensed this Warren again.

Also, about the Hounds lashing back at him, remember that they are dogs--they kinda want a master.

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